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Another World Part III

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  • #16
    to Tupac Amaru

    We apologize for the inconvenience the warrior may have caused but as u know he came with a boat unknowing whom had settled the territory he landed on. Because he couldnt move back to the boat that turn he waited a turn and then went back into the boat so i dont see the trouble. As for your messages they are all in German which i cant read so i cant give u the good response. Maybe you should tell me what kind of messages you send me. In the mean while a proposal has been sent for a non tresspasing agreement. We of the Egyptians only wish you the best of luck.

    Damon Atreides speaker of the Arab league

    to George Washington

    We of the Egyptians are not awhere of landing a legion on anyones terrirory much less yours! I think you should kick your central inteligence agency for giving you the wrong information...or was it maybe one of your allies who did this...?

    Damon Atreides speaker of the Arab league

    PS: Im sorry it took so long for me to reply but i have been rather busy lately

    turn sent
    Ash nazg dubratuluk
    ash nazg gimbatul
    ash nazg trakutaluk
    agh burmuz-ishi krimpatul


    • #17

      your words are almost convincing, if not for the fact that your warrior landed on territory which so obviously had been improved by our people; in fact, you HAD to know that someone had already settled the terrain he moved on. If you remember the day when our own longship approached your people, we didn't land any troops on your continent and were really careful not to disrupt your work while we were scouting. We would have thought it a matter of courtesy of you to do the same...

      Also, does your country not know the secrets of Bureaucracy yet? Don't you have access to diplomats? Contacting other people with the help of military units does look like an aggressive way to go for us, but then again, we are ruled by the very wish for peace that's obviously not as important to you.

      Btw, you DID land troops on someone's territory (mine), even if not a legion, and with the Americans being our staunch ally, they feel as attacked by that as we do. Remember that the next time you scout with armies!


      Sorry... can't change that, because I can't find the English CTP version in stores around here. I will accompany further diplomatic proposals with an email telling you what it is, okay? I had the - maybe arrogant - hope that you could be able to read german, judging from your .nl email address...


      • #18
        My Warrior was not only searching for other countrys but also for new lands to settle. As u can see we will leave u alone in your pittyfull country. We do have access to diplomats but because they were searching for new lands to settle i thought it better to use an warrior. I did not mean to "invade" your country with a single warrior i have other means to do so IF i would want to but for now i dont want to. If u think a small warrior treathening to u and your cities i suggest u better built some defensive units.

        Damon Atreides speaker of the Arab league
        Ash nazg dubratuluk
        ash nazg gimbatul
        ash nazg trakutaluk
        agh burmuz-ishi krimpatul


        • #19
          Turn 59 sent to Rubbduck
          "Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." - George Orwell


          • #20
            Turn 59 -----> Nuke Boy

            With amusement, President-elect Tupac Amaru notes that the Egyptians are obviously pretty confused - building wonders everywhere, and changing between them a lot, sending scouts to search for unsettled lands on territory with improvements built (I never saw mines appearing out of nowhere), calling the strongest nation in the world pitiful and talking as if we could be overrun in a matter of days if they "decided to"...

            Our young democracy is delighted at watching that confusion unfold, while news of our Settlers reaching the Australian continent reach our capital of Cuzco.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Darth Viper
              to Tupac Amaru

              We apologize for the inconvenience the warrior may have caused ....

              to George Washington

              We of the Egyptians are not awhere of landing a legion on anyones terrirory much less yours! I think you should kick your central inteligence agency for giving you the wrong information...or was it maybe one of your allies who did this...?

              Damon Atreides speaker of the Arab league

              turn sent
              Young Atreides,

              The Incans are our allies. An act of war agaisnt them is one against the Americans. If the Incans request our assistance, we would defend their coast line as our own. We are glad you informed us of the composition of your crew. Now we need only send a Pikeman to greet you.

              We expect you to request permission, prior to scouting our territory.

              George Washington

              BTW Turn 59 to Genghis Khan
              Last edited by Av8tor; August 30, 2001, 22:03.
              Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


              • #22
                Turn 59 to Saddam


                • #23
                  Turn to Damon (as soon as I get home from work- 3 hours)

                  So Dugrik? What does Cankerkous mean. Is it some sort of derogatory remark


                  • #24
                    Turn 60 sent to Rubbduck
                    "Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." - George Orwell


                    • #25
                      Turn 60 ----> Nuke Boy


                      you either need to play less PBEM games or get more email accounts.

                      The turn bounced from your account again.


                      • #26
                        Turn --------> Genghis Khan
                        Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                        • #27
                          turn 60 to Saddam


                          • #28
                            Turn to Darth

                            Genghis please accept our no tresspassing offer. It would be wise if you also withdrew that m.archer.

                            Thanks dug

                            Also, I have recieved a communique from our Eygptian brethren. They too have begun work on the London Exchange. This caused massive celebrations in the Assyrian capital. Our noble allies are now in pursuit of one of the greatest projects ever known to man. Larger than the mighty pyramids and pale in comparison to our telescope just completed. Saddam has announce full financial and verbal support for this project.

                            Good luck Damon


                            • #29
                              Who has the turn these days?
                              Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                              • #30
                                I will resend asap. Keygen, PLEASE DO NOT NEXT DARTH.

                                He is in the midst of Rush buying london exchange. If his absense persists, I will play his turn

