...continued from Another World Part II.
The Players
Darth Viper: Ramses the Great of the Egyptians (stephan@bluejarf.nl)
Syoris: Napoleon Bonaparte of the French (darkheart@clara.co.uk)
Rubbduck: Tupac Amaru of the Incans (Karsten.Duerotin@epost.de)
Nuke Boy: George Washington of the Americans (NukeBoy1960@aol.com)
Dugrik: Ghenghis Khan of the Mongols (Dugrik@ev1.net)
Saddam: Saddam Hussein of the Assyrians (masterdebatez@aol.com)
Supervisor: Keygen (costas_ctp@yahoo.com)
Moderator: Keygen (costas_ctp@yahoo.com)
Game Settings
Skill level: Emperor
Barbarian threat: Raging Hordes
Bloodlust: Off
Pollution: On
Map: World Map (8 civs) by ZAZ
Initial Scenario Settings
Gold: 10000 (approximately)
Public Work: 5000
Advances: Agriculture, Toolmaking, Mining, Domestication, Bronze Working, Stone Working, Religion, Ship Building.
Cities: 1 city pop 3, 4 cities pop 2.
Units: 3 Caravans, 5 Phalanx, 4 Warrior, 1 Mounted Archer.
Other Settings
PBEM Rules
24-hour rule
Related Topics
Another World Part II
Another World Part I
Another World (Challenge)
The Players
Darth Viper: Ramses the Great of the Egyptians (stephan@bluejarf.nl)
Syoris: Napoleon Bonaparte of the French (darkheart@clara.co.uk)
Rubbduck: Tupac Amaru of the Incans (Karsten.Duerotin@epost.de)
Nuke Boy: George Washington of the Americans (NukeBoy1960@aol.com)
Dugrik: Ghenghis Khan of the Mongols (Dugrik@ev1.net)
Saddam: Saddam Hussein of the Assyrians (masterdebatez@aol.com)
Supervisor: Keygen (costas_ctp@yahoo.com)
Moderator: Keygen (costas_ctp@yahoo.com)
Game Settings
Skill level: Emperor
Barbarian threat: Raging Hordes
Bloodlust: Off
Pollution: On
Map: World Map (8 civs) by ZAZ
Initial Scenario Settings
Gold: 10000 (approximately)
Public Work: 5000
Advances: Agriculture, Toolmaking, Mining, Domestication, Bronze Working, Stone Working, Religion, Ship Building.
Cities: 1 city pop 3, 4 cities pop 2.
Units: 3 Caravans, 5 Phalanx, 4 Warrior, 1 Mounted Archer.
Other Settings
PBEM Rules
24-hour rule
Related Topics
Another World Part II
Another World Part I
Another World (Challenge)