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Dutcheese thread continue here

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  • #31
    What's with the guy remark? What the hell is wrong with being a guy.


    • #32
      Damn we are on a new page, I will have to repost this probably or he will never read it.

      See below:


      If you have or know of an avatar of Pinky, can I have it. You gotta tell me how to insert it or whatever the hell you do with it.


      • #33
        BM.. after my idiotic remark you said that nuthin gets to you in these games or this forum. But somehow I don't believe you, you really seem to have have a bug up your butt about this game and some of its players. I wonder if that's what influenced your lowly tactics in some other world.
        That's never-the-less the truth. I never "go" for one player in all the games we both are in. I'm only making a war if I think I can win something like knowledge, land, goods, favours from other by doing so - or to try stop someone from climbing to far away from me. Sometimes I have succes - sometimes I fail. That's life.

        I would like to have a game with Klair involved - a game I have been in from the start. But I do not think I'm the only one wishing this. I like to play both WITH and AGAINST the best .

        your lowly tactics
        ---- Ohh, just a misspelling. I sure you are meaning lovely tactics
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #34
          If I get you right you want to finish the game at peace? Then why
          did YOU break the alliance?
          Because, I think other civilization (like you for example) could use free movement to attack SFU easily.

          You jest right? My little civ attack you hahahaha, honestly you are not serious are you?We were allies did you never even concider expanding the SFU?

          If I want to attack Mayans and Canadians, I will not break the alliance before, I will use free movements to take a lot of cities in
          the hearth of both civilizations. Surprise is the best tactic in CTP
          games. Diplomacy is the best things in PBEM ;-)
          Breaking an alliance with a fellow SFU is diplomacy?I think you want war.

          You think I want war? Why I was busy trying to put this civ back together It's still a mess. I was hoping for more support from my fellow SFU but decided it would take time for you to trust me.

          May be we could organize a dual between you
          and Russians. You've about the same power. It will be very funny for me to see my ally destroy you.

          Lol ya it would I am sure he with your support could definately wipe me off the face of the planet. That would be real hard to do. But if I were him I would be concerned. Let's see I come into the game as an ally I am just behind the Russians in power hummm. I have lived in peace given you maps as per your instructions hummm. Now you threaten to wipe out my civ using his already behind civ lol. Be concerned Russians or is your roll now that of a janitor? So again Klair as I said in the original email I thought you had attacked me and I retaliated I felt backstabbed. I understand now that was not your intention as I read the emails in Yahoo, no problem back to channel 17 news lol. Incident is over then np biggy. Again I appologize for my obvious response to being attacked. Now I will get back to building and peace and hopefully show you my trustworthiness as a now former SFU member? Also after this it may take me some time to trust you again too.


          “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
          Or do we?


          • #35
            Yes they were lovely and I learned something. I told you before these games teach me nothing other than micromanaging ( I like it but it can boring at times) until I have some kind of interaction with another civ. Positive or Negative.

            I guess everybody approaches the game a bit differently. Some are war mongers and just want to destroy, some are builders ( sim city etc) and want to create. Some want the diplomacy, you know geo- politcs rhetoric, using words as weapons. Some want to tell stories, weaving tales of heros and villians.

            In one way things do get to me on these games, you make a friend through email etc etc and he turns around and stabs you in the back. In a way that's wrong but in a way its just the way the game is, you should realize no ones your friend and that anybody could be your enemy.

            As you say it's only a game and one should realize that. Sometimes its hard to come to terms with, especially since PBEM is such a long term thing and one can spend an incredible amount of time on a game. Depending on one's nature I suppose some could take things a little too seriously.


            • #36
              In one way things do get to me on these games, you make a friend through email etc etc and he turns around and stabs you in the back. In a way that's wrong but in a way its just the way the game is, you should realize no ones your friend and that anybody could be your enemy.
              I believe that was a direct refrence to my sneak attack in Monkey and the friendly chat before hand

              Hey its ok Max, its just a game. I had to do it...I was in such a lowly position. Somthing had to give, you were there. So I took a shot. No grievences from Monkey2. Just a different set of circumstances...I wont attack you every game, but I will when it serves my interests.




              • #37
                So Blackice, are you a
                - war monger ?
                - builder ?
                - diplomat ? I guess no

                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                • #38
                  In a way that's wrong but in a way its just the way the game is, you should realize no ones your friend and that anybody could be your enemy
                  That's just the point - don't trust anybody unless the game is set up as a team-game (teamspirit, teamhorses or the comming alliance game(s)).

                  I had an agreement with Lung in Lung fast - emailed, confirmed and all that fine words - that no of us started a nuclear war without a warning.

                  But did I trust him No, of course I didn't. Thats why I did everything I could to get robotics - building WarWalkers. Strong units with active air-defense. He have just nuked me halfway to hel. But I'm sure (at least I hope) he have lost some during his attack - no complaints.

                  A trick of using nukes BTW: Don't nuke an ememys cities in modern age if you expect an invasion from sea. They are probably defended either by SDI or units with active airdefense.

                  Wait until your enemy lands his troops. Then use the nukes against his ships - the explosion also gets most of your enemy's troops on land (remember to evaquate your own troops first). This little dirty trick can be used until the plasma-destroyers shows up on the screen.

                  I'm not sure what happens if he also has an aircraftcarrier with interceptors in his fleet - but I do not think many uses the aircraft carrier, so it dosn't count.
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #39
                    I agree max, but Lung has the right idea, if your gonna nuke better to have alot .

                    If I was going to Nuke Fraze in Monkey... I would not lob a single nuke over to his capital. That is a good way to get destroyed!! The best way is simple, build 9 nukes, and nuke every one of his large cities.

                    anyway, funy to see you and the lungster at each others throats again

                    As for backstabbing, thats part of the game. If you let your gaurd down that your own fault. You shouldnt trust anybody unless you have been allies for 100+ turns and have lots of trade.

                    anyway, I wont rant on this thread any further


                    • #40
                      turn 202 to Klair
                      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by blackice
                        You think I want war? Why I was busy trying to put this civ back together It's still a mess. I was hoping for more support from my fellow SFU but decided it would take time for you to trust me.
                        Just some general advice, killing the military personnel, and destroying the property of anther nation does not lend itself very well to trust and friendship.

                        Lol ya it would I am sure he with your support could definately wipe me off the face of the planet. That would be real hard to do. But if I were him I would be concerned. Let's see I come into the game as an ally I am just behind the Russians in power hummm.
                        Actually I would have been a lot LOT stronger if I had staked my rightful claim to a share of the cities that were captured. I played a pivotal role in the attack, and kept both the Vikings and the English busy so that other nations could finish off Ireland. The reason I haven't been pushing it is because I have simply been too busy at work.

                        Be concerned Russians or is your roll now that of a janitor? So
                        Hehe.. the SFU = Slav French Union. I maybe the smaller member, but, that was because it already WAS the smaller member when I took over Luk's civ. Besides that Klair is a very good player. Either way, Russia is WAAAY to intertwined with France, and vice versa, for it to break its alliance. She puts it right, we are for all intents and purposes one civ.

                        Incident is over then np biggy. Again I appologize for my obvious response to being attacked. Now I will get back to building and peace and hopefully show you my trustworthiness as a now former SFU member? Also after this it may take me some time to trust you again too.
                        Unfortunately its not so simple.
                        King Thor


                        • #42
                          I'm just pouting because I was attacked, I need to be attacked more often than I wont get miffed and I will learn alot more about tactics.

                          I knew something was up, I knew I was going to be attacked by somebody. Even though Saddam you tried to divert my attention elsewhere. I still maintained the strongest military presence I could on our front.

                          Obviously it wasn't enough and i think I could have beefed up more by concentrating less on expansion and more on infrastructure and military. Part of it too was that I knew the player Monkey wasn't going attack. So i didn't worry about military and I was just trying to expand.

                          So it wasn't like I trusted you guys and you stabbed me in the back as you think I'm implying . If I trusted you why you would be *****ing about all the military movement going on behind my lines. I was moving troops into position of defence. That isn't a sign that I was trusting you.

                          I was a fool to think that if I would let BM occupy the same Island he would appreciate the gesture and leave me alone. He took advantage ( his right) and attacked those Island cities. That is a tricky thing in this game to expand yet maintain some kind of defence for those new colonies. I find unless you have alot production in a city its pretty much defenseless unless connected to road or railroad.

                          Interesting comments on Nuclear war, thanks for the info.

                          What do you guys think is harder defense or offense?


                          • #43
                            I promised not to rant on this thread. but I had to reply

                            Glad there are no hard feelings max!

                            Defense is more difficult. Its difficult to set up defensive lines to stop nme troops. but if there are forts set up...with say 4 artilerry peieces and 5 Marines or MGers in each one. Its hard to crack that defense, if not impossible. Because fort regenerates all troops that turn.

                            Ya Nukes agreed...Too be a clean nuclear victory- you must nuke all enemy large cities at once. Not launch 1 and then launch another 3 turns later. You will likely get nuked back.


                            • #44
                              Turn 202 to Don
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?


                              • #45
                                turn 203 to Klair
                                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM

