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Lungmatch 4.2 - Part II

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  • #16
    Allow me to take a shot at clarifying things (an example of the blind leading the blind?)

    1) I sent turn 76 to Nukeboy once upon a time.

    2) Time went by, the world turned many times, and I sent it again.

    3) So Nukeboy has Turn 76. he needs to play it, and that will create Turn 77, which he should then send to Maestro. Maestro was first to play in this game, so turns change number for him. He then sends Turn 77 to me. Nukeboy cannot receive Turn 77 until I have received it from Maestro, and send it to him. (Whew! I need a nap after all that)

    May this attempt to put things in order please the Lung-god!


    • #17
      It seems that the intuition of Rick is correct! I thought that Nukie had claimed to play turn 76, but alas, i couldn not find the evidence However, after careful analysis of Nukie's ambiguous messages (or does that simply mean that i'm too dumb to understand? ), it would seem that he only has turn 75.

      Seeing as Rick has diligently deleted turn 76 already ( ), it seems that for this game to proceed, Maestro needs to once again send turn 76 to Rick.

      So, after all that, it seems that we're back where we started from! Despite Maestro sending turn 76 to Rick at least once, and Rick sending turn 76 to Nukie at least twice, it will need to be re-sent to Nuke Boy again

      Look on the bright side you guys, now you get to play the turn all over again!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lung
        However, after careful analysis of Nukie's .... messages (or does that simply mean that i'm too dumb to understand? ), it would seem that he only has turn 75.
        You are correct Sir!

        Originally posted by Lung
        So, after all that, it seems that we're back where we started from! Despite Maestro sending turn 76 to Rick at least once, and Rick sending turn 76 to Nukie at least twice, it will need to be re-sent to Nuke Boy again
        My brain hurts after reading these posts I will send turn 76 sent to Maestro to everyone if you you would like. Rick I have yet to receive the Turn 76 you sent. You can next me if you want to keep play moving along.
        Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


        • #19
          Put your hands down, Nukie. Rick deleted the turn, so is now waiting for Meastro to re-send turn 76 to him, so he can play it and forward turn 76 to you. Then you can play turn 76 and send turn 77 to Maestro.



          • #20
            Turn 76--> NukeBoy

            At last!

            But it's been so long that none of my Egyptian subjects even remembered who I was!


            • #21
              OMG I don't recall barbarians at the gate Hehe let them eat cake! I'm glad we got the turns worked out. Lets keep this one moving.

              Turn 77 to Maestro
              Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


              • #22
                Turn 77 sent to Rick a while ago (during forum upgrade).
                veni vidi PWNED!


                • #23
                  Turn 77--> NukeBoy


                  • #24
                    Where the hell is Nuke Boy?


                    • #25
                      Don't make a fuss, Lung. Rick is on a two week holiday.

                      Maybe you want to sub for him ?
                      veni vidi PWNED!


                      • #26
                        I take it that the turn is with Rick, then? I just expected to see "turn xx sent to Rick" or something Rick said he preferred not to have someone sub for him, so i'm respecting his wishes.

                        Don't worry, it's just Lung getting his knickers in a knot yet again


                        • #27
                          Sorry guys about not posting. I sent turn 80 on September 13, 2001. Here we go again!
                          Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                          • #28
                            Hey! You blokes are moving faster than the eye can see! I guess i was just paranoid after the long turn drought. Anyway, if you're e-mailing each other when you play your turns instead of posting, that's fine

                            Well, Rick will be back in a week or so, so you may as well just sit tight and wait.

                            BTW, can anyone send me an update? I can use it on the website at, which is in desperate need of an update. I need the current rankings and perhaps even largest cities, or any other info you care to impart. Also, any little stories you can think up from the game, anecdotes, or simply the current state of affairs/wars, etc would be greatly appreciated

                            Who knows, i might even ressurrect Lungnews!, the newsletter that started and finished even before groups three and four! (from memory, at least)

