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Love Conquers? Part VIII.

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  • #31
    It was with regret that Spanish naval units were forced to act against the trespassing Greek submarine...

    Despite the words of the Greeks, their deeds betrayed the fact that their submarine was still well within Spanish territorial waters! An example had to be made - Spain will not be trifled with!

    Spain expects that this incident will not result in general war between our two nations - as that would do neither nation any good! Spain is prepared to let this little matter rest now that it has been 'resolved'...

    As the the incident of Le Palais, Spain assumes that this must be an ancient holy site of the French recently discovered because any other motive for landing on a remote island many years travel from the French mainland and indeed so close to the Welsh coastline as to be under the direct jurisdiction of a Welsh city would seem tantamount to invasion!

    Be that as it may, Spain will not interfere in any way but hopes that this dispute can be resolved peacefully...

    Tomas de Torquemada
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #32
      Haven't see any turn hanging around yet .
      Resend when possible...


      • #33
        Originally posted by Keygen
        Haven't see any turn hanging around yet .
        Resend when possible...
        Turn posted 3.5hrs ago...

        Is it possible for you to give us a more reliable address to post to?

        Also please email me direct if you don't get the turn - as I tend to 'fire and forget' and don't usually check back into the LC thread for about 24hrs...
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • #34

          Please either find a reliable ISP, Rick receives cc's from Mobius without problems, or nominate a Sub in case of hold-up's.

          I realise that your Mailbox filling up rapidly is not any act of deliberate slow play upon your part but the result is the same. This cannot continue on a regular basis as persistant 'Nexting' will destroy any chance that Wales stands but these hold-up's destroy the Game flow and disrupt everyone else's fun.

          Everyone - Please send a cc to the following Player and, if no correct Turn is received within 24hrs, let it be used regardless of either the Player concerned or the Game situation pertaining.

          This may seem ruthless but please do note that I do NOT exclude myself from the same rules!

          There are but five of us in 'LC?' now and if we cannot average five Turns a week then we should be, collectively, ashamed of ourselves.

          Rick, please Play whatsoever Turn you have as the 24hr limit has easily now been exceeded.

          Regards All,
          Jon the Secular.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #35
            Turn 149 --> Comrade Thor

            You are lucky Senor Torquemada. Lucky that Greek submarines possess thick hulls, and lucky that Spanish gunners possess poor aim. For the shots taken at our submarine struck only a glancing blow, and did not pierce her armour. No casualties or even injuries were sustained by crew members, and the sub has now returned to Greek waters under her own power.

            But such an attack is inexcusable. The sub had already traveled as far toward the agreed upon border as was possible, as you surely know. And yet you ordered her attacked anyway...?

            Calls for a counter-attack against Spain have been urged by the more hawkish members of my cabinet, but cooler heads will prevail this time. It is clear that any military response would end with up escalating to a full-blown war between us...a situation that neither of us wants.

            But this hostile act will not go without consequences to Spain.

            Already, action as been taken that will soon be known to Spanish intelligence. Such action would not have been taken had Spain not acted in such a rash and warlike fashion. Greece feels that this will even the score, and it is to be hoped that this will be the end of the matter...

            And so many more...!
            Why have you hidden these jewels from the world, St Jon?

            Recent technological advances have only now allowed us to view these delightful cities for the first time, although the "blue lines" of trade routes had long made us suspect their existence. Still, we were unprepared for their splendours! Will you not open them up for scholars and pilgrims of the world, St Jon? Such treasures should not be confined to the enjoyment of only one nation!

            It is hoped that ongoing problems between Wales and France can be resolved in a peaceful manner.

            In spite of enormous an effort by Greece, the world seems headed to ecological disaster. recent estimates at the Metaxa Meteorological Monitoring Station places the time before impact at 13! Other nations must redouble their eforts, as we have done, or all will be lost!



            • #36
              I am sorry but I can't find more reliable email server than Yahoo.
              Besides I have posted in the past that I have an alternative email address, when my primary email address gets full.

              The ISP has nothing to do with Yahoo mail server Jon
              Never had problems with this ISP. Only with some free ISP I had tried in the past. This one is reliable .

              Turn 149 to Rick.


              • #37
                Time has advanced too far, Keygen.

                It is pointless having a 24hr Rule unless it is enforced!

                No notification was posted that Turns should be sent to any alternative address. I trust this will be done in the future now that one has been advised.

                Rick has posted on and I have received a cc, which I will play if KT is tardy, so this one must be marked down to experience.

                Please all, nominate a Sub to whome cc's can be sent and such troubles be avoided in the future.

                I have Birdman and Mobius has Lung, poor bugger, but nobody else has nominated a Sub.

                Please do note that with, or without, a Sub the 24hr Rule still applies, the Sub does not get an additional time period, so it is a case of use it or lose it!

                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                - Anon


                • #38
                  me?? Tardy?!?!

                  How could you be so mean Jon? So cruel? Especialyl when you post this message AFTER I've sent you your turn?

                  I'm stunned, shocked, hurt, flabbergasted, but most of all, I am on time.
                  King Thor


                  • #39
                    Turn to Madrid.

                    Beloved Children, I am heartbroken to see the signs of War once again. Surely two such mighty nations as Greece and Spain can live side by side in Love and Harmony?

                    My Dearest Tomas, you are indeed correct that Le Palais is an ancient French place of pilgramage. Belle Isle is sacred to my Holy Name and must therefore be protected by the virtuous.

                    The sad and misguided Welsh would do well to note that not only has France not increased her Military Readiness but that neither has she despatched any form of invasion force! When added to the fact that a Trade Route has been established running through Welsh settlements I think that it can be taken as proof positive of no ill intent upon the part of my disciples.

                    Love unto you all,
                    St Jon, Tranquility in a World of Discord.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #40
                      Turn to Keygen a few hours ago - Keygen I just received a 'fatal errors' message from your email address so I've sent it to your other address. I will be sending your turns to BOTH of your addresses from now on...


                      Spain is glad that Greece sees the reason in not escalating this incident any further than it has already - Spain has offered a peace treaty and hopes that Greece will accept it...

                      Our Globesat has noted yet further fouling of the land by the increasingly environmentally irresponsible Inca - we do however realise that they are the ones that have to live with their own mess...
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by St Jon
                        No notification was posted that Turns should be sent to any alternative address. I trust this will be done in the future now that one has been advised.
                        Mobius did knew about it so it doesn't matter if you didn't...

                        As I emailed before, I was within 24-hours rule and even with some delays it is a very fast game with a turn every 1 or 2 days.

                        I am not sure why you make it so big deal...

                        Maybe you get turned on by nexting people...

                        BTW, in turn 149 I did attacked Le Palais as I warned you so don't be so delighted...


                        • #42
                          Turn 150 to Rick.


                          • #43
                            Turn 150 --> Comrade Thor

                            Greece is pleased to announce that they are at peace with Spain once again.

                            Arrangements are being made in the State Department to send a Diplomat to Madrid as soon as possible.

                            Strange, spite of all the marvels that modern technology have brought us, it will take him as long to make that journey as it did for his predecessor so many hundreds of years ago!

                            The removal of he wayward sonar buoy has made life much simpler for the Greek fisherman of Ouzo, who have made a standing offer of a glass of their namesake spirit to any Spaniard who might be passing their way. Of course, they are a gregarious people who will surely extend a similar hospitality to any others who might be passing through the neighbourhood.



                            • #44
                              turn to Jon


                              The Incan republic is pleased to see that the short exchange of hostilities between the Greeks and the Spaniards has ended swiftly.

                              It is important to maintain peace, and we would like to urge our neighbors to reduce their arms. The sheer size of the Welsh standing army concerns us. What is the need of such a massive force when all countries are at peace? We request you to start disbanding excess units as we have been doing for some time now. We intend to gradually bring down our standing army to about half its current size.

                              It should be sufficient to provide defense against any aggressor.
                              King Thor


                              • #45
                                Turn to Madrid.

                                Oh joyful day! Peace reigns and the countdown to doomsday has been eased slightly.

                                I pray that Chairman Thor will heed the words of wisdom from Beloved Tomas and cut his toxic emissions. Why do you feel the need to abandon Horse and Plough for Factory and Oil Refinery?

                                Love unto All,
                                St Jon, Humanity and Humility.
                                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                                - Anon

