1. Introduction
2. Recruitment Center (New Games|Permanent Replacements)
3. Ratings & Rankings (PBEM|Internet)
4. PBEM Rules
5. Catalogue (Players|Games)
6. Cheats
7. Help (PBEM|Internet|Creation|Community|Tips)
I'm not here!
A thread where you can post your absense or your return. Special thanks to TheBirdMan for this topic.
How old are you? Are any females here?
A discussion thread about players' age, gender and personal activities
CtP Multiplaying Cafe
A discussion thread about multiplaying experiences, stories, and off-topic subjects.
Comming soon
Tournament, Hall of Fame, Statistics
Welcome to the CTP Multiplayer Info Center!
What about a topic where you will be able to find anything you would like to know about Multiplaying?
A topic where all new and old CTP players could find information on how they could find new challenges, find out about other players, get rated or compete to "death" other human oponents?
A topic where you could enjoy some time playing or talking with other persons who share the same desire with you, Civilization: Call To Power?
Well, if yes is your answer then you are in the right topic!
A gate to the CTP Multiplayer world. A gate to the best effort of all CTP players. A gate to the most popular topics of CTP Multiplaying. A gate to the most enjoyable experience you could ever have with your precious copy of Call To Power

For discussion regarding CTP-Multiplayer Info Center in general visit the Info Center: Discussions thread.
Here you can find or post challenges for new PBEM games or find or post requests for temporary or permarmanent substitutes.
If you are interested post in the Youngbloods Recruitment Center Book II thread.
Please, make sure that you read and understand the first post of the thread.
New Games
Permanent Replacements
a) Face of Earth currently on turn 60 with 4 players using ZAZ's World Map (8 Civs) on emperor level.
b) Three Guns currently on turn 20 with 6 players divided into 3 teams, huge map, emperor level, Deathmatch. The player must be from Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.).
Kriton (02-11-2001), zZ_Oxide_Zz (13-11-2001), gameobj.cpp (02-11-2001), Seige (22-11-2001), The_Moose (25-10-2001), Siderakis (23-09-2001), Lazutchik (22-10-2001), djazid (01-03-2000), jsirucka (22-10-2001), Joshua (29-03-2000),
Youngbloods are considered those players you have never played PBEM games before, have just begun to play CTP or had played for a while. After some time of continuing playing PBEM a player can't be considered as a youngblood player anymore.
PBEM games started from within Recruitment Center:
Youngblood Gathering, Another World, Strife, High Voltage, T.N.T. , Aint No Fun, Face Of Earth, Three Guns, Chicken Run, Let There Be Rock, Happy Killers 2, Crossfire, World Story, Live Wire
CTP PBEM Ratings
A rating system for PBEM players developed by Solver and Quinns. It uses the power graph as a mesurment every 10 turns and a formula developed by Quinns to calculate the power of each rated player in each rated game.
The higher your power is the higher you jump in the ratings.
The lower your power is the lower you will drop in the ratings.
For more information refer to CTP PBEM Ratings.
Rated players: 47
Rated games: 28
Top 10 rated players
0001 . KLAIR.................. 24.083 0047 0000 FRA...
0002 . SWISSY................. 23.687 0052 0003 USA.IL
0003 . FUZZBALL............... 22.316 0030 0012 AUS...
0004 . RICK_ELKINS............ 21.986 0040 0015 USA.NY
0005 . MOBIUS................. 21.873 0055 0010 GBR.EN
0006 . PN..................... 21.679 0041 0020 GBR.EN
0007 . RUBBDUCK............... 21.585 0032 0002 GER...
0008 . LUNG................... 21.496 0047 0023 AUS.SW
0009 . DEVIL.................. 21.448 0022 0008 LAT...
0010 . QUINNS................. 20.850 0099 0068 USA.CA
Last Updated: 12 September 2001
* The new additions in the ratings (P) are not included in the top 10 list.
Internet Ratings & Rankings
A rating system for Internet players developed by Quinns 6 months after the success of PBEM Ratings & Rankings. It uses the same method used in the PBEM Ratings & Rankings with the only difference that it only calculates each players score after the completion of the Internet game they are participating to and not every 9th turn.
For more information refer to CTP Internet Ratings.
Rated players: 14
Rated players
0001 P BERXPERT_I............. 2140 0002 0000 MEX...
0002 P BLACKICE_I............. 2120 0001 0000 CAN.ON
0003 P QUINNS_I............... 2094 0001 0001 USA.CA
0004 . GAVRUSHKA_I............ 2094 0003 0003 GBR...
0005 P JPWW_I................. 2090 0000 0000 USA.GA
0006 P KEYGEN_I............... 2090 0000 0000 GRE...
0007 P SLAMP_I................ 2090 0000 0000 FRA...
0008 P SWISSY_I............... 2090 0000 0000 USA.IL
0009 P ZOBOZEWARRIOR_I........ 2090 0000 0000 FRA...
0010 . DARTH_VIPER_I.......... 2072 0001 0002 NED...
0011 P BONEY_I................ 2066 0000 0001 THA...
0012 P FRANSES_I.............. 2064 0000 0001 NED...
0013 P VANDAL1_I.............. 1900 0000 0000 USA.WY
0014 P HUNTER_I............... 1600 0000 0000 NZL...
Last Updated: 12 September 2001
Below are the general rules for all PBEM games using the PBEM Rules in detail.
Deathmatch: Games in small maps and mostly modified to accelerated start. Its purpose? But of cource to reduce the time a PBEM game lasts. Recommended for warmongers!
Standard: For gamers who like more diplomacy and fun and are willing to spend maybe more than a year for a game to come to an end. Recommended for Micromanagement freaks!
Team: Standard games where players are divided into teams. Wins the team which first will create first the Alien Project or rule the world either by force or power. This kind of games are more possible to end up with the total annihilation of all the teams but one. It's more close to deathmaches.
Moderator: Every game should have a moderator who will not be permited to play on the specific game. His job will be to track the turn speed of the game and when a player haven't played his turn on a specific period which will be determined from the supervisor then he will open his turn and play it.
Supervisor: He will be the one who starts the game. His job will be to supervise the game and notify the appropriate player/s about anything that doesn't work right. Like when moderator "forget" to next turn a player or when a player "resigns" he will be responsible on finding a substitute, etc.
Creator: The scenario or mod maker. An existing scenario or mod can be used (i.e. Dutcheese) or a custom one can be made.
The supervisor will determine the rest of the rules & the settings for the game he starts.
Turn sending emails & posts
Each turn will be sent besides to the next player, to the Moderator also. No additional information will be included whithin the email just the subject and the attached file. This is because the Moderator due to the amount of the emails will be receiving probably won't open it until it is needed to.
Turn subject
The turn sending email in the subject will refer to the title of the game, to the turn and to the player that has been sent to. (e.g. Keygen's PBEM game Turn 1 sent to Keygen). This will do the Moderator's job easier and more reliable.
Next-Turn Rules
Reference (recommended) settings:
Deathmatch: Small map, 4 players, Accelerated Start, 24-hour turn rate.
Standard: Huge map, 6 players, Accelerated Start, 24-hour turn rate
If the mods are custom and not "ready" like Medieval then it is recommented not to modify any of the default game's files but only the files whithin the scenario's folder.
All of the players has to have patch 1.2 in order to play PBEM games. Hack 1.21 is optional.
Localized versions
The English version of the CTP is preferable as the localized versions (German, French, Spanish & Italian) generate localized messages to other players who do not know the specific language and have to guess what the message says (it won't be hard to an experienced player at list most of the time

All games will be rated by the CTP PBEM Ratings & Rankings system.
Note: If you have any objection or any proposal about the rules please refer to the Keygen's PBEM Series: Proposals & Ideas!
Player | Email addresses | Sub(s) | AI level | Total games | In progress | Wins | Losts | Rated | Withdrawals | Availability | Active | |
Primary | Secondary | |||||||||||
costas_pbem@yahoo.com | costas_ctp@yahoo.com | Swissy | Deity | 10 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 0 | Low | Yes | |
Game | Players | Start Date | End Date | Rated | Turn Rate | Brief History | |||
# | Current | Older | |||||||
World Scenario | 6 | Stavros, Nuke Boy, Keygen, Swissy, TheBirdMan, Faded Glory | Shavlor, Arthur, Krzysztof, Mobius, St Jon, Maestro, Aaginor, King Thor, Yeti | 12/04/2000 | - | In Progress | No | - | - |
A sort note on cheating:
Cheating is the most brutal action taken against fellow players!
It is severely codamned by all members of this community.
What is cheat
1. Any illegal attempt to aquire knowledge of the other player(s) by opening another's turn through a saved file, by using the chat window or by receiving information from a third party who doesn't participate in the game (e.g. a moderator).
2. Intentionaly repeating a move by reloading a turn, to try different results and/or aquire knowledge of another(s) player's sensitive data.
3. Utilization of a bug without the knowledge and acceptance of all the participants in a game.
4. Any modification that may give benefits to a player(s) by revealing sensitive information of another player(s) without the knowledge and acceptance of all participants in a game.
5. The use of the Editor/cheat mode to reveal other player(s) position, aquiring additional units, cities, advances, gold and public work, taking better starting location than the other(s)
6. Illegal use of the chat window's commands.
Most common questions asked in areas such as PBEM Multiplaying, Online Multiplaying, Scenario Creation for Multiplaying and about the Multiplaying Community itself from newer player mostly when they join CTP Multiplaying Community.
If none of the following FAQs answer your question(s) then you could post in the HelpDesk where you will be probably able to find an answer to your question(s) from older and more experienced players.
Frequently Asked Questions
PBEM Multiplaying FAQ
What is PBEM?
PBEM is the way to play Call To Power with other human oponents via email.
What does PBEM mean?
Play By EMail.
What do I need to play PBEM?
A copy of Civilization:Call To Power and the patch 1.2.
Where can I find patch 1.2?
Here in Apolyton CS in the Downloads section of Call To Power or in the official site of Activision (http://www.activision.com)
Where can I found other human oponents to play PBEM?
Here in CTP Multiplayer forum in Apolyton CS or in the Civilizasion Gaming Network.
How much does a PBEM game lasts?
From a couple of months (deathmatches) to a couple of years (standard).
How offen do I get a turn?
That depends on the amount of players participating in a game. The less the fastest, but this is not always true. It depends mostly of the free time the player have and the interest they show for a particular game. So in some games the turn rate is high, one turn per day and in some others it is low, one turn every 2-3 days.
Is Hack 1.21 requiered to play PBEM games?
No. It is optional, even if the other players have it installed.
Will mods interfer with PBEM games?
If the mod modifies game files yes, you will have problems playing PBEM games unless the other players have the same mod installed. If the mod does not modify any game file then no problem will occur with PBEM games. Mods that don't modify original game files are always located exclusively in the scenario folder.
Why am I receiving messages in different language?
If you play in a game where another player owns a localized version of C:CTP (e.g. German) it is more likely that you will be receiving messages comming from him in the language he owns. This is probably another bug...
How do I attach a human player to AI?
Open the chat window by hiting the quote (') and type /attach # where # is the number of the play order of the player you wish to attach to AI. To dettach a player from AI to human player type /dettach #.
How do I open a PBEM turn?
By double clicking it. If you have just (re)installed C:CTP then you will have to save a single-player game first or open your Windows "File Types" dialog box (through the "Folder Options" on windows explorer) and manually create a new file extension by adding the ".csg" file extention, creating the action "open" and using the "CivCTP.exe" executable with the "-l"%1" " parameter as the default application. "CivCTP.exe" can be found in the "ctp_program\CTP" folder.
Internet Multiplaying FAQ
Comming soon...
Scenario Creation FAQ
Comming soon...
CtP-Multiplaying Community FAQ
Comming soon...
Comming soon...