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Fixed Game Part V

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  • #61
    Originally posted by King Thor
    Turn -> Stavros



    We invite the Japanese to reach out and take our hand so that we may pull you through your times of poverty and show your people the miracles of modern science. Russia does not hoard wealth and knowledge, there is plenty of it to go around and we will grant gifts to all those who ask us for help.
    Turn 109 --> Keygen (additional2)

    Great King Thor, I ask! Help!!!


    • #62
      King Constantine of the Greeks, I missed your earlier post congratulating the Assyrians on Edison's Lab. Thank you! And thank you, King Thor of the Russians, for your kind words about Assyria. Yes, we are a peaceful nation. And the great Japanese nation has been a very good and peaceful neighbor to my south.

      But we grow wary of the Zulu's who have refused to respond to any of Assyria's pleas for peace. We can only guess then that the Zulu's are either indifferent, or have down right hostile intentions, towards Assyria. Therefore they must be watched carefully. For even indifference can lead to future problems between our nations.


      • #63
        "Great Char Thor,

        I had announced earlier our reasons for starting the construction of Emancipation Act. You didn't respond though.

        Do you still consider the Greek nation hostile toward you?

        The Greek do consider Russians a friendly nation."

        King Constantine

        Turn 109 to Quinns.


        • #64


          • #65
            Turn 110 sent to Thor on 6-SEP-2001. Shall I resend Thor?

            PG Turn 109 Fixed
            King Thor


            • #66
              Try resending the turn.... The last turn I have here is 109...


              • #67
                System up and running again

                System up and running again.
                Thanks everybody for their patience.
                Unfortunately I have lost many copies of turns, my attempts to make Keygen's PBEM Mod Lite work with Apolyton and my email
                address books have been wiped out.

                But I still have not received a turn in this game for nearly 2 weeks.


                • #68
                  Turn Sent


                  • #69
                    Turn 110 --> Keygen

                    Welcome King Thor, your diplomat, your maps and your knowledge. My navalforces have now altered their course to take my diplomat to Zululand.

                    Quinns, I am overwhelmed with the showering of gifts of knowledge from Assyria. Accept my returned gift with humble thanks.


                    • #70
                      Our Japanese friends have no need to thank us, human knowledge is not something to be hoarded, it is something to be shared. May these times of learning and co-operation continue forever.

                      We are true to our word, and will continue aiding your nation in the future. Live long and prosper!

                      - Czar Thor, of Russia


                      Our hearts are filled with joy to see our Assyrian brothers reach forward to new, ever greater heights. Indeed Assyria appears to have entered into a new age of prosperity, wealth and success.
                      King Thor


                      • #71
                        " The Assyrian military readiness is at war. Why?

                        And I haven't heared any thanks for the Greek knowledge given to the Japanese in the past quite many times "

                        Turn 110 to Quinns.


                        • #72
                          Turn 111 to King Thor

                          King Constantine, we are at full readiness to counter any agressiveness from the west. Our Zulu neighbors continue to remain silent and ignorant of our requests for peace. (I think Stavros is still angry with me for what I caused to happen to him in "Love Conquers" ) We take this as a warning sign. Do not fear good nations of the world, we have no intention of warring with friendly nations. "But we remain vigilant against betrayal" (how original! )

                          Quinns of the Assyrians


                          • #73

                            Shaka should listen more to Official messengers...
                            Then Shaka would be able to defend himself better within the International comunity.
                            Shaka Live... Shaka Learn...

                            On to the Asyrian Dipliemacy...

                            What peace offer???

                            The only thing I've seen from Asyria are SOTL patrolling my coastline. I know it's a beautiful riviera area, but I don't think they're there for tourism.

                            Shaka hope that Asyrian retohric is not a prelude to some dispicable invasion plans, on a neighbour that has shown no aggression, and never stood in the way of peace.

                            Long Live Shaka


                            • #74
                              One more thing, out of RP... Don't worry Quinns, I consider it a morally weak to take grudges (or favouritism) across games. I can just as easily be at war with someone in one game, and the staunchest allie in another.

                              I play different roles in different games as well (I was a real ***** in LC, and expected to be neutralised)


                              Can anyone guess the word in asterisk's?


                              • #75
                                Turn 111 --> Keygen

