A game where I am going to teach Troll every dirty trick I know of.
Who knows, I might learn something too .
The players ARE indeed allowed to open every turn to see and comment any moves made by the other player.
Standard challenge settings except mapsize, difficulty and ruins (Troll better learn this too). We have not yet discussed about wonders.
Map size: Gigantic -- Randomized
Difficulty: Deity
Barbarians: Ruins Only
Ruins: Allowed
Wonders: Wonders Allowed or not?????
Earth World
Bloodlust Off
Pollution On
Number of Civilizations: 4
(2 Human Players, 2 Computer Players)
Wet/Dry 50%
Warm/Cold 50%
Ocean/Land 50%
Island/Continent 50%
Uniform/Diverse 50%
Few/Many Goods 50%
One Settler (default)
100 Gold (default)
Turn 0 to Troll.
Who knows, I might learn something too .
The players ARE indeed allowed to open every turn to see and comment any moves made by the other player.
Standard challenge settings except mapsize, difficulty and ruins (Troll better learn this too). We have not yet discussed about wonders.
Map size: Gigantic -- Randomized
Difficulty: Deity
Barbarians: Ruins Only
Ruins: Allowed
Wonders: Wonders Allowed or not?????
Earth World
Bloodlust Off
Pollution On
Number of Civilizations: 4
(2 Human Players, 2 Computer Players)
Wet/Dry 50%
Warm/Cold 50%
Ocean/Land 50%
Island/Continent 50%
Uniform/Diverse 50%
Few/Many Goods 50%
One Settler (default)
100 Gold (default)
Turn 0 to Troll.