Turn did not appear in my mailbox. Did you get the mail adress right? it's .se domain not .com
I am able to recive the gamefiles on this mail, dimytes@yahoo.se and use it to play with David also since his mails gets deleted too for some reason. Mails from Mathemagician seems to get through all ISP filters for some reason. *boggle*
It also just came to my knowledge that my ISP are deleting mails that COULD be a virus which results in normal mails also gets deleted.
Going to have a "chat" with my ISP now....
So for now, my offical gaming adress is dimytes@yahoo.se
I am able to recive the gamefiles on this mail, dimytes@yahoo.se and use it to play with David also since his mails gets deleted too for some reason. Mails from Mathemagician seems to get through all ISP filters for some reason. *boggle*
It also just came to my knowledge that my ISP are deleting mails that COULD be a virus which results in normal mails also gets deleted.
Going to have a "chat" with my ISP now....
So for now, my offical gaming adress is dimytes@yahoo.se