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Paulno1's Internet Game Challenge

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  • #31
    30 seconds per city would make you panic!? How long are your turns anyway?#!!@? And I also say allow tech trade and perhaps a peace tready for so many turns would be fair
    The C:CTP MASTER.....


    • #32
      No Tech trading

      You can do better than that

      Good game people
      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • #33
        Well then so you thought Paul would beat us?? Well you are right... we conceded in 1100BC....... It could have gone on for a lot longer no one had taken a city, but both me and quinns new there could only be one outcome.

        Paul had 28 cities, me and quinns had 27 between us - even with tech trading (started 1800BC) we could only match him - but his prod was way above ours......

        The guy is good, no the guy is the best.... what more can I say....

        Well done Paul , U beat us fair and square on ability.... and thanks for the tips!
        He's back after a fashion...


        • #34
          Well the game took place and sadly over estimated both there abilities. We decided with no trading tech till 2000 bc. i dont think they meet much before that. In the end i had 28 cities them combined 27. My ranking was abit more than both theirs put together. We stopped just before mills were built after that i would have jumped milies ahead. My tec was ahead at the end i think i was about to have 3 mono's up so my tec would have got milies ahead pretty quickly.


          • #35
            Paul the best HA! He is only one of the best!
            The C:CTP MASTER.....


            • #36
              Originally posted by Paulno1
              Well the game took place and sadly over estimated both there abilities. We decided with no trading tech till 2000 bc. i dont think they meet much before that. In the end i had 28 cities them combined 27. My ranking was abit more than both theirs put together. We stopped just before mills were built after that i would have jumped milies ahead. My tec was ahead at the end i think i was about to have 3 mono's up so my tec would have got milies ahead pretty quickly.
              LOL......Paul, that's what I like about you......nothing!!

              Is is good to see that you are as gracious in victory as we were in defeat..

              Seriously we both appreciate you sacrificing a Sunday to show me and Quinns how to play better.. So about that suggestion to play your great grandmother .... do u really think we are up to it yet?
              He's back after a fashion...


              • #37
                Well, I was going to be gracious in defeat.... but....

                Paul is very good (and still as arrogant as they come A LITTLE grace would suit you much better, Paulie Boy!! ) And he might be "one of the best", but I really doubt that he is "THE best". Zeratul and Dragon have defeated him in recent weeks. He is not the GOD he makes himself out to be folks .

                Gavrushka and I are mediocre players, but we stayed with him on the power graph until about 1800 b.c. when he got his many cities rolling. Nothing spectacular, just good efficient building. Paul would probably defeat most of the CTP players out there, hands down. But his arrogant little attitude won't let me rest until I whoop his New Zealand little butt -- one on one ... (I might not rest for a long, long, long time )

                Seriously, I must say, Paul helped Gavrushka and me out a lot at the end of the game, during our analysis. He shared maps and pointed out the weaknesses of our growth patterns. Though he might not be "gracious", he is "helpful". Thanks for the lesson Paul.

                I will be putting together a zip file of all the turns of the game, if any of you are interested in seeing how the number one player in the world operates. Send an email to requesting a copy of the turns, and I will send it to you.


                • #38
                  Wait until he loses again, then the arrogant attitude turns around completely
                  Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                  • #39
                    Thanks for the saves Quinns, I played em, and realised what you realised....... Damn us both for fools eh??LOL

                    I think everyone would be well advised to request copies of the saves....perhaps you will realise what we did......Do NOT worry too much about a Powergraph........Paul played the Australians...
                    He's back after a fashion...


                    • #40
                      HEHE sorry to be so arrogent
                      i just hate modesty, being arrogent is just so much more amusing.
                      I was just pointing out that i would not have even questioned the settings. If id know would have been not very close. i also took 2 restarts too there 0. Hey if you allow them ill take them hehe.


                      • #41
                        Oh buzz off Paul. We gave you a chance to be friendly dozens of times in this game. Gavrushka and I said "good game" to you several times and you NEVER ONCE acknowledged by saying "thanks" or anything.

                        After examining this specific game, you were not even in the lead. Your defenses were paper thin. How can you still be so arrogant when you weren't even really doing that well? I could have taken you out by myself, without Gavrushka's help. Anybody questioning Paul's lead in this game is free to have a copy of all the game turns up to the point where we had to stop (Paul had to finish the game "in one session" another one of his many, many "DEMANDS" during the game. 3 restarts (from him), 5000 gold (we wanted 100), 5 settlers (we wanted 3), No tech trading til 2000b.c. (we wanted tech trading). You got your way with all of this, and STILL you bad mouth us. GET LOST PAUL!

                        Anyone interested please e-mail me at for a copy of the turns taken about every 5 turns. I played the Irish, Gavrushka played the English, and Paul played the Australians. You will see that Paul's endless bragging is groundless.


                        • #42
                          Hmmm, very interesting.

                          I looked over the turns, and although the CTP ranking graph showed Paul way ahead, I think it was deceiving. I don't think he would have stayed that far ahead for long, and the game could have turned out very differently. Unfortunately, I think the game was called prematurely.


                          • #43
                            I played the game out and walked all over Pauls civ starting with the 8 samurai.

                            Hummm his civ revolted in 10 or so turns because there were no defenses, his cities were empty no troops around at all, it was a cake walk through his civ. I have those saved game files if anyone wants them and clearly because of the lack of infrastructure his science and civ fell rapidly after the first city went down. Three turns and I was way ahead in science. The civ became barbarians too and the entire civ revolted. Says something for temples doesn't it. You guys played well a few more turns and it was over you would have beaten him hands down job well done I have played both you guys and believe either one of you could take him in a no bug use game based on this example. Paul no offense you are a good player for sure don't get me wrong but with tricks and bugs. Don't agree sign up for a PBEM game

                            Paul you should play here, PBEM, it may prove to be a challenge something we all look for in gaming.

                            But I think the point has to be made here that this game was to see if a player that is use to playing with bugs and tricks can play the game the same without them. I would say it is clear that in fact they cannot. His science was ahead but not by much and obviously due to lack of troop cost in the field, civs empty of troops, no infastructural integrety. I would have to say had he had the ability to rush buy the things he needed it would have been different. On that note I rest my case using the what Activision calls a "BUG" and not intended to be used and in fact players that use it are not as good as player who do not IMO.

                            As far as game settings we here just get a terrain to work with, which is one of the most imbalanced things about PBEM. In a GL game you agree to restarts for bad terrain as it is a deciding factor. You, I would hope would want and equal starting point to test your skills against an opponent.

                            Good game all I hope it was fun.
                            Last edited by blackice; May 28, 2001, 12:35.
                            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                            Or do we?


                            • #44
                              Thanks for the game analyses, and calm and well reasoned posts Rick and Ice. Sorry for the harsh words above, but I just got sick of repeatedly being called incompetent by Paul, for no good reason.


                              • #45
                                IMHO, Paul beat you guys fair and square. From what I have read so far, I can tell that he is a clever seasoned player who had his way from start to finish.

                                It's not his fault that you guys didn't call his bluff
                                "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice

