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T.N.T. Part I

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  • Better late then never. I had problems with connection to the site. However, now you know turn was sent to DeVil about 9 hours ago.

    Hebrews are very sorry the Romans seem not to take appeals of other nations seriously. Hebrews warn that such carelessness can damage good-neighbor relations and lead to dangerous contradiction which we believe is absolutely undesired option for peacefull and industrious Roman people.

    Hebrews strongly ask Romans to turn their scout backward to confirm good relationships between our people.


    • Turn 24 sent to Fuzzball

      Hey Romans, there is one of your warriors moving in a path to my town Busiris I ask you to stop his movement so we could be better neigbours, a map is sent so you can confirm it.


      • Mayan scribes record a great feast at the invitation of the Americans. Luckily the the guests of Americans did not become so befuddled by the ale and mead that they started a war with their usual drunken boasts Should Hebrew and American people's agree, Maya would gladly introduce them. We look forward very much to a peaceful co-existence with our cultured neighbours.
        Turn 24 to Vitolg and Keygen.
        Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


        • Hebrews deeply regret that irresponsibility of Roman leader has led to loss of a brave Roman mounted archer. Hebrews arranged his burial with military honours to confirm he was a worthy soldier. We sincerely hope that wicked will of any pitiless ruler will never hencefort cause sorrow of disconsolate parents, childrens and widows losing their beloved relatives in the sacred Promised Land of the Hebrews!

          * * *
          Dear Maya,
          We are glad to confirm our best feelings to the great Maya people. Our good relations and co-operation in trade have been bringing mutually advantageous fruits for a long time. We are always open for widening prospects of our collaboration and would like to exchange our maps to corroborate this attitude.

          We also heard about Mayan contacts with their new neighbours and would like to send regards to powerfull President of Americans.

          Oh, almost forgot to report that turn 24 has been sent to DeVil.


          • Turn 24 to Nuke Boy

            The city of Rome was bewildered by such brutal actions towards Roman scout from Hebrew people . Still after a long discussion, senators decided not to resort to violence. Peace treaty was offered .

            The second question on the agenda in the Senate was a request from Egyptian people not to block the path to their holy city of Busiris (a gift from gods). Rome has complied with Egyptians' request, as maps were sent as a gesture of good will .


            • Mayan Leader,

              We would gladly attend a festivity at your capital. We have heard stories of coca leaves in your society. Our religious leaders are concerned about excessive recreational use. Do you have any thougts on the subject?

              George Washington
              President of the Americans

              BTW Turn to Blackice
              Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


              • Thanks Romans

                Turn 25 to Fuzzball


                • A sad year in the Mayan histories. A newly civilised barbarian tribe has rioted on it's first turn of discovery. The riot caused the famine, which made for it's self-destruction.
                  To George Bush, there is very little coca within Maya's ever expanding borders. Although we suspect our people's have a black market trade in poppies and tobacco. We also offer the fruits of our forays into the wilderness, by way of our maps. Should you accept, you can make your way to our capital and join the Hebrews in a feast of feasts. All shall be welcome to partake of the fruits of Mayan properity, with the Lord Fuzzy's own extensive harem in attendance also.
                  Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                  • Hebrews accept Romans' peace treaty hoping this will end regrettable misunderstanding between our nations.

                    Turn 25 to DeVil.


                    • Turn 25 to Nuke Boy


                      • Mayan Leader,

                        We have accepted your proposal to exchange maps.

                        Turn 25 to Blackice
                        Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                        • Turn 26 to Fuzzball

                          Wellcome Roman Diplomats


                          • Turn 26 to Vitolg.
                            Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                            • Turn 26 to DeVil.

                              Hebrews have few trade announcements.

                              1) Beaver is available for buying.
                              2) Maya, we have accidentally canceled our pearls supply. We would be interested in resuming that trade route as we know you have no problem with this while using benefits of Labyrinth. Though you have choise to get pearls from Americans for the same price, we would be glad if you choose OUR pearls, which would be appreciated as confirmation of long-term good relations between our nations. Sorry for iinconvenience.


                              • Turn 26 to Nuke Boy

                                berXpert, I'd appreciate if you could send roman diplomat back home...

