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Team Spirit 4 - Turn List

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  • Then how do you explain a warrior next to a city of my brother and how do you explain all these Greek armies in Inder territority?

    Besides I have not seen any Greek cities near the armies of my brother the Mayans.

    It is clear for me now that you are telling lies to hide your agression from the other nations but........ you failed.

    PS: Turn sent about an hour ago to Keygen/Swissy.
    Franses (like Ramses).


    • Out of turn.

      Brothers and foes.

      Do not make noise just because of me. I know very well, that my southern army is close to a greek city.

      The actual disputed hot area is north of some greek mountains, an area rather close to one of my cities.

      I have to use just the same time to place reinforcements in that city as the joined greek and persian armies would have used to reach the city - the very same city, where an greek warrior suddently died not long ago.

      Therefore I had to act - and I do not regret that.
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • " Was Keleborn talking about my warrior?

        What armies in Indian lands are you talking about?

        I see a couple of units trying to prevent you from moving further north. Behind them there are no Indian cities so these are not Indian lands at all but neutral.

        Maybe your warrior is in Indian territory violating it.

        I am not sure of the deliberateness of your comment regarding the closeness of Mayan armies to Greek cities but let me remind you that you are aware of the Greek city of Megara in the southeast, near your lands and that you do not know the location of any Greek city in the northeast so you can't be sure whether a Mayan army is closed to one of them or not.

        Once again you are trying to cover your brother's madness but you failed pitiful for one more time..."

        King of Greece Constantine

        Turn 53 to Arthur/King Thor & Krash.


        • Was that greek comment meant for you my dear brother As I can't follow him if it was reply to my comment
          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • Originally posted by TheBirdMan
            Out of turn.

            Brothers and foes.

            Do not make noise just because of me. I know very well, that my southern army is close to a greek city.

            The actual disputed hot area is north of some greek mountains, an area rather close to one of my cities.

            I have to use just the same time to place reinforcements in that city as the joined greek and persian armies would have used to reach the city - the very same city, where an greek warrior suddently died not long ago.

            Therefore I had to act - and I do not regret that.
            Your brother just made a confession. At list for the southeast area...

            Regarding northeast know that two tiles behind the three Greek untis you are refering to resides a Greek city.

            So let these troops be our borders. Neither I or the Persians shall send untis east of that point nor you shall send units west of that point. However what each will do behind his borders is his problem.


            • Originally posted by TheBirdMan
              Was that greek comment meant for you my dear brother As I can't follow him if it was reply to my comment
              We are posting in parallel so I do not see your comments in time and you do not see mine

              BTW, the game started moving again. Thanks to the moderator .


              • You do not know of any Greek city in the northeast
                How the heck do you know that????

                Another nice one: you blame my brother to be to close to your cities (so he should know where they are) while you state that I do not know of any cities. Ever heard about "changing maps"?

                If the information was true I would expect that there is a traitor in my kingdom. For now I let you babbling.
                Franses (like Ramses).


                • Originally posted by Franses
                  How the heck do you know that????
                  I presume you haven't as I haven't exchange maps with anyone but the Persians and I haven't spoted a unit within a city radius, on the north always.

                  Unless there are some stealth units around which means that you or/and your brother is violating my territory which makes you an hypocrite.

                  Originally posted by Franses
                  Another nice one: you blame my brother to be to close to your cities (so he should know where they are) while you state that I do not know of any cities. Ever heard about "changing maps"?????
                  His army was three tiles away diagonally which means not in a visible contact with that city even with a spy in that stack, but close enough. Just remember our "incident". It seems to forget easily...

                  And no, I do not know about the "changing maps" but I do know about the "exchanging maps" ."

                  Originally posted by Franses
                  If the information was true I would expect that there is a traitor in my kingdom.
                  I am not sure what you mean by that.


                  • Maybe I should visit that area again

                    Afterall, I do remember from my first visit, that there are rubies in two places, mountains and water. All together a place, that invites to be settled. Or maybe conquered !
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • Still no reaction from Germany.

                      turn 53 -> BirdMan
                      veni vidi PWNED!


                      • Turn to Swissy.

                        Unfortunately - and unexpected - a persian mounted archer showed up at one of my EASTERN(!) cities.

                        He has now gone to his gods.

                        If - and only if - the persians and the greeks promise, to keep a decent distance of mayan and incan cities, I will propose a peacetreaty.

                        You both now knows, how close you can come before my p.. will be boiling over (isn''t that good for my feets, they hurts and gets wet ).
                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • AGAIN an attack on your cities?? Well it is clear for all of us now that the Persians and Greek want war and war only.

                          Idea: Perhaps the civilizations of this world should erect an organization called "the United Civilizations". This organization would then be responsible for peace keeping actions. In this case for example the organization could declare a boycot of Persian and Greek commerce and arrange for a peace force to make sure that every violation of foreign territory by them is retaliated.
                          Franses (like Ramses).


                          • "I have agreed already not to tresspass Incan lands long ago and I shall not tresspass your lands as long as you do the same and offer a peace treaty. However at list 500 gold must be paid for the death of the two Greek warriors within neutral land!

                            King Franses, we find your proposal the most wise! We do need a "United Civilizations" organization to put your mad brother in a cage!"

                            King of Greece Constantine

                            Turn 54 to Arthur/King Thor & Krash.


                            • LOL

                              I forgot to mention that I sent the turn to Keygen/Swissy just after my last post.
                              Franses (like Ramses).


                              • Out of turn.

                                Greece and their King Constantine will not recieve one single gold or talent from the Mayans.

                                Not even if I could pay, I would. The mood among my people is, that they now are more hostile against the greek/persian alliance, than we were at an earlier stage. Some might say, that our people grows jealoux due to the success they have - and maybe there is a little truth in that.

                                The mayan people are hardworking and rather poor - we respect other hardworking people and we have an excellent agreement with our northeastern neighbors, the cubans.

                                Had the greek king shown the same attitude long time ago while we still was searching for our brothers instaed of harrasing our scouts - continuesly moving same way as my men, blocking their way - then I think much blood would have been spared.

                                As for the persian mounted archer, I had the feeling, that I would see him sooner or later. He was spottet by our scoutwarriors several times during the past.

                                If I hadn't gone to war with the persians earlier, I would have let him go, just asking to keep clear of my cities. I wasn't really afraid of him.

                                HighPriest Keleborn of the Mayan Nation.
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


