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Chicken Run

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  • #16
    I will play in this special challenge. and i would have access to such a modificated game. But i´d prefer if anyone else would start. Maybe a gamekeeper?



    • #17
      would be nice to be rated. (don´t really know if i ever play annother one because of my project, but it migt be)



      • #18

        Well, a question. How are we going to make the wonders cost less? To do this we will have to create a mod. And much production and less science? Maybe with a mod too and adjusting the sliders in the game settings. Custom map with mod do not miz BTW.

        First of all, I agree on creating a new mod to address the issues of production and science.

        Lastly, a custom map is not part of the challenge requirements as stated below


        "HI there,
        i am currently playing annother CivCTP PBEM game, so i am not such a newbie. But i´d like to playannother one and i´d like to play an eight player game with 24h rule on a normal map...

        "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


        • #19
          What do you want me to do with this mod that you sent me Chickenbrain? Distribute it to the others? Test it? Use it to set up the game? All three?


          • #20
            Well I know the bit about Double Clicking on the CTP Icon to boot it up... After that a luck of confusion kinda settles on me..... Just tell me what to do, and I will do it as regards Mods, but will it affect any other games I am playing?

            Man you need a Computer Science Degree to play this game.....Oh I have a Computer Science Degree....

            He's back after a fashion...


            • #21
              Keygen, please change my email address to

              My kasparovchess email account is not reliable at this moment

              "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


              • #22
                The file should be unpacked in .../CivCTP/scenarios. But only the starter needs it. All others will have the right map etc. And it won´t affect the others. Only the starter, who is then capable to select a new scenario. Nothing more and nothing less. Thought you would be the starter.


                • #23
                  I'm on someone else's isp right now. My aol unlimited account won't access apolyton anymore, bastards. I won't be able to post threads often , until/if/when the problem is sorted out. Sorry. I can still play turns though. My email is ok. But I am getting returned mail from your mail daemon as well PN. I'll try to post again soon. Thx.
                  Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                  • #24
                    Chickenbrain, I am having some problems with your mod.
                    The first player gets 3 settler and 1 trireme while the rest get 1 settler. Can you handle it or do you need any help.
                    You can also take a look at the CTP PBEM Mod Lite at which is a quite good and working mod for accelerated start.


                    • #25
                      Yepp, i need help. It isn´t my mod, and i am not very familar with setting up mods. If anyone is capable of finding the error i would be very happy. I´ve mailed to the original modifing person with no response yet. Maybe he´ll find the error, maybe you. Hopefully we´ll start soon!


                      • #26
                        OK, I'll take a look.


                        • #27
                          It still has some problems.
                          If your civ is near sea you might get one or two triremes. If you are not near sea you get no trireme. In the test I did I started a PBEM game with three civs. The first got 3 settlers (far away from sea), the second got 3 settlers and 1 trireme (near sea) and the third got 3 settlers and 2 triremes (very closed to sea). At list they all get 3 settlers .
                          If no solution is found I give it a try in the weekend.
                          We should also start thinking of giving some phalanxes as well as there gonna be some barbarians around...

                          [This message has been edited by Keygen (edited May 15, 2001).]


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by Gavrushka on 05-09-2001 05:32 AM
                            Fuzzball, never played with even the sniff of a Barbarian, let alone Raging Hoards... So I will say Raging Hoards for the experience too.. Just someone post what I should expect - Will it be units other than Warriors that come calling? Does it affect how many Barbarians come from Ruins? Do Barbarians appear from the Outset?

                            It's only warriors to start with Gav, and a maximum of 3 from any 1 ruin. Although normally if any appear from ruins it's only 1 anyway. The next barbarian unit to appear is an archer. They normally appear just before renaissance. A bit into renaissance a barbarian musket might appeasr every now and then, but that's about it. The barbarian units grow more advanced with the game. But just like the ai, they're always far behind your tech level at the time. All barbarian units up to mid renaissance can be countered with a phalanx. So it's not really much of a threat anyway.
                            Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                            • #29
                              Yes, and no change in production and knowledge, yet. Hopefully bart will be able to fix it.


                              • #30
                                I'm getting married (again) on 27 May so I'm looking for a new moderator until 13 June when I get back from honeymoon. If you know anybody who might be interested in moderating (this game, not the honeymoon ) get them to email me. Or you can wait for a start until 13 June...

