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Youngblood Recruitment Center Book II

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  • Youngblood Recruitment Center Book II

    Youngblood Recruitment Center

    ...continued from Youngblood Recruitment Center Book I.

    Well... a topic about all those CTP players who have got bored playing against the AI and looking for a human opponent and... don't know how to start or join a PBEM game . We all were in that position in the one or the other way once .
    So here you will be able to find or ask for valuable information about this seductive way to play against humans called PBEM or indicate your desire to play PBEM!

    Here are some basic things you should know about PBEM:

    1. PBEM is the way to start a game with human opponents without having to worry about the time pressure:
    "Damn I have to leave. I have an urgent job to do"
    "Common harry up dude! I don't want to wait a whole life to play the next turn!"
    "I am an American. I can play from 1:00AM-5:00AM (GMT). Man, I am Europian and I can only play from 6:00PM-10:00PM (GMT)."
    "Is it day or night?"
    You can play via email at any time you like and yes you can go to the rest room without having to worry about what excuse to find .

    2. Have a question?
    a) Do you want to join a PBEM? Post here or post your own topic asking to join a game.
    b. Do you want to start your own game but don't know how? Post here or post your own topic asking for people to join in and how you start it.
    c. Do you want info about everything except Multiplayer? Post your question to "CtP-General/Help/Strategy" forum.

    3. To play PBEM you must have 1.2 patch. If you don't have it you can find it here on Apolyton or on Activision.

    4. The Hack patch 1.21 is not required but you can have it installed if you like.

    5. If you are thinking of getting engaged to PBEM games then you should know that we PBEM players do not like players who disappear without giving a reason why they did.

    6. New PBEM gamers are consider people who have a little PBEM experience like just having started playing PBEM game a couple of months the most or had played one on the past but had dopped it or never played PBEM before.

    7. Well, I can't think anything else ...for now

    I would greatly appreciate any assistance from any PBEM player who is interested on helping this topic work fine! A couple of players who visit this forum often enough to be considered CTP maniacs and do read the posts on a regular basis. Who are experienced PBEM player and can answer any (almost) question about PBEM.

    Any youngblood looking for his first PBEM game experience?

    Previous topics

    Youngblood Recruitment Center Book I

  • #2
    OK, here's the new topic! Small, fresh and fast .

    Game on the run:

    C) Apolyton Pack

    1. Nuke Boy
    2. PN
    3. Kralj Matjaz
    4. Dugrik

    D) Chickenbrain's Game

    1. Chickenbrain
    2. TheBirdMan
    3. Blackice
    4. jpww

    The challenges are open until Saturday so if anyone interested post here.


    • #3
      Keygen, I would be delighted to offer up my fresh blood for spillage.

      Email is

      He's back after a fashion...


      • #4
        Count me in Keygen in one form or another.

        And Fuzzball good post in HL, tribes.

        Need a hand there too?

        You really have to love this game heh
        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
        Or do we?


        • #5
          Cheers Blackice. Ya, this game gets better when you learn a few things about how to change some stuff I think. Apart from that, ummmm the sky is still blue ya? Haven't seen it in a while, hehe.
          I'd love to jump in to D):Chickenbrains game Keygen. If there's still room for another that is
          I listed you on my site too Keygen...hope you don't mind. Still got lots of work to do on that site though. I have an animation of a dancing stripper I was going to put next to your name there too, so your web traffic increases. (joke)
          Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


          • #6
            sorry, did not want this thread to fade away .Too valuable for people who want in PBEM. I think because of Keygen, PBEM interest has definately peaked. Let us all thank him!

            I will be starting my own PBEM shorty.Having trouble recruiting people for my pbem. All who are interested see the "Starting new Dutcheese". You know we dont have to use dutcheese mod


            • #7
              Thanks Steve .

              I went to your website Fuzzball. Thanks for posting the mod there and thanks for your goods words .

              Still looking for 2 more players and a moderator for Chickenbrain's game.

              Blackice, would you like to moderate "Apolyton Pack" instead of playing it?

              For the Apolyton Pack game click here
              For the Chickenbrain's game click here

              BTW, welcome to PBEM gaming Gavrushka. I put you in the two games .


              • #8
                ....Gavrushka is unpacked from his case and dusted off, with a deft movement, born of reflex, he reaches for his sword..... a Practice Parry, a Lunge....A grimace of pain spreads across his face....

                'Aw hell', he cries,' Grabbed it by the pointy end again, Godammit, I always do that... You call this Progress, these things are dangerous.....where's me Wooden Club.'

                Thanks Keygen, looking forward to it....

                I think Blackice is Moderating a series of team games, and may be a little caught up to help on this just at the moment
                He's back after a fashion...


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Gavrushka on 05-08-2001 09:00 PM
                  'Aw hell', he cries,' Grabbed it by the pointy end again, Godammit, I always do that... You call this Progress, these things are dangerous.....where's me Wooden Club.' ...

                  Gav's wit is mightier than his wooden club!
                  "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Gavrushka on 05-08-2001 09:00 PM
                    I think Blackice is Moderating a series of team games, and may be a little caught up to help on this just at the moment

                    I hope he will .

                    Temporary sub is needed for Yeti in World Scenario and Monkey2.


                    • #11
                      Hi Keygen

                      As always good job!

                      I can if I don't have to load the pack?

                      I am testing some things with the CTP game and I would like to keep it clean.

                      If I do have to load the pack I could moderate Chicken Run instead?

                      [This message has been edited by blackice (edited May 09, 2001).]
                      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                      Or do we?


                      • #12
                        Blackice, as always thanks .

                        I am not sure if you will need to install the pack. You might have to play someone's turn so I don't know if you will be able to do so without it. We will check it and I'll let you know.

                        So if you will not moderate it you won't play it too, right?
                        A question just because I got confused with a previous post of yours .


                        • #13
                          Yes Keygen if you would like I could moderate Chicken run instead of the other. Then I would guess I can not play Chicken run, but hey many more games to play in my lifetime heh

                          Yes always a thank you you do a bang up job here

                          So it is up to you.
                          “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                          Or do we?


                          • #14
                            Well the problem is firstly you will play in "Chicken Run" which means you can't moderate it and secondly PN has already offered to moderated it. Thanks anyway. You will moderate the next game to start if you'd like. Maybe the "There Can Be Only One" if ever starts.


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by jpww on 05-08-2001 11:41 PM
                              Gav's wit is mightier than his wooden club!

                              I told you about having a peak at my wooden club....It's state of the art I'll let you know, and I'd even demonstrate it on your unruly Bonce, if I could only find the damned instructions on how to use it.....
                              He's back after a fashion...

