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Fixed Game Part IV

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  • The words of our friends trouble us. What is this talk of us having an 'advantage'. Pleae my friends, this advantage isn't for the Russian people alone, and the construction of this wonder was a tribute to the Human spirit. Let us ALL benefit from the London Exchange.

    Have you all known us to be hoarders of gold and Knowledge? Ofcourse not! Russia has always been a generous nation and looks at all men as brothers. The war with the Zulus saddened us more than angered us.

    The London Exchange will be used to help all nations not just us. Russia is a prosperous, powerful and proud nation. But it knows love and it knows friendship. We do not believe in hoarding gold while thousands of people starve, no. We will share our wealth with all nations, we will attempt to share our prosperity with those nations that are less fortunate.
    King Thor


    • Turn to dsryalls....


      • Turn 88 --> Keygen

        Of course, the generosity of the Russian people can only be made towards those with whom they have made contact...

        Perhaps a gesture to the whole of the world would be to spend their new found wealth on anti-pollution measures...


        • "Another wonder has been finished. East India Company. It will help our soon to be ready ship of the line head faster to Russia bringing a Greek diplomat to give our greetings and establish an embassy.

          We are hoping to earn some gold also from the foreign trade routes passing through water to aid the poor countries of this world .

          The Greeks are greatly conserned about the war between the Russians and the Zulus. No formal explaination has been given from the Zulus yet and the intentions behind this war are unknown.
          The Greeks respect the great Zulu nation but they wish to know the reason of attacking the Russians.
          More hard-shell circles in Athens are talking for precausions like building a strong army capable of repulsing any future attempt of sneaky foreign invasion or actions like an embargo against the Zulus in all fields if this silence continues further more..."

          King of Greece Constantine

          Turn 88 to Quinns.
          Last edited by Keygen; June 15, 2001, 07:41.


          • Originally posted by PN
            Turn 88 --> Keygen

            Of course, the generosity of the Russian people can only be made towards those with whom they have made contact...

            Perhaps a gesture to the whole of the world would be to spend their new found wealth on anti-pollution measures...
            Our explorers were heading out to meet the Assyrian people, however the border between the Zulus and the Assyrians appeared to be heavily fortified and we were unable to pass. Our dockyards are busy assembling a fleet of mighty ships that will cross the ocean with great speed. We will make it a priority to note every major civilization mentioned by wandering merchants and travellers, and make a determined attempt to establish communication with them.

            As far as reducing pollution.. we know not what you talk about. The air in Moscow is still fresh, the water pure and sweet, the seas are still full of fish. Why must we curb this 'pollution' as you call it? Is it even bad for us?
            Our scientists have noted the ill effects of inhaling the smoke from the smokestacks of our iron smelting plants , however it cannot be helped. The Zulu nation is, and always has been a much stronger civilization. Their warriors are 7 feet tall and fierce like sharks. Even though the Zulus have not mounted an attack in a long while, we must remain vigilant, and ensure the security of Russia.
            King Thor


            • Turn 89 to King Thor --

              Mighty Thor, our diplomat has landed on your shores. With your permission, he will set up an embassy, and then be on his way. He will not loiter in your fine country as to respect the privacy of your nation.

              Quinns of the Assyrians


              • Honorable Quinns of the Assyrians,

                We have recieved reports of a beautiful Assyrian vessel dispatching a landing party of diplomats and liguists near one of our outer villages. They will be welcomed with due honour and respect. We will make certain that the people of that vilalge do all that is within their means to make your emissaries stay comfortable and pleasant.

                He need not loiter around in our land for it still remains dangerous and barbarian tribes do rear their ugly heads every now and then. Besides, all that, I have dispatched able cartographers from Moscow to meet up with your diplomatic envoy. Perhaps an exchange of geographic information would help strengthen our relations?
                King Thor


                • King Thor,

                  We accept your gracious offers to assist our diplomats. We shall offer a geographical exchange in the near future. Our party shall leave your shores this turn, after establishing our embassy, so we will not need your further protection. The diplomatic envoy is making their way to your fine city now. Thank you for your hospitality.

                  Quinns of the Assyrians


                  • Turn 89 --> Keygen


                    • PN, I haven't received turn yet.
                      Please resent!


                      • Originally posted by Keygen
                        PN, I haven't received turn yet.
                        Please resent!
                        But I have received turn 90 now!


                        • Good grief Just realised I didn't take my turn after the last post above. Keygen, you confused me about turn 89. Anyway you now have turn 90 on its way to you

                          Should we be starting a new thread. 161 posts on this one now.


                          • Good point PN .
                            New thread posted .
                            Refer to Fixed Game Part V.

                            Do not post here anymore!

