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  • #31

    Arthur, your ISP must be a heap of ****! I sent turn 81 to you 36 hours ago!! Or at least i thought i did I shall check it tonight, swine!!!


    • #32
      Yeah, yeah, i know i didn't send it!

      Turn 81 sent to Arfur 12 hours ago


      • #33
        Originally posted by Max Webster
        What does the term " Iron lung" have to do with being an lazy ass at work? You notice that Aussie's are supposed to speak English but what comes out their mouths is goobly gook.
        Actually, i thought it was "gobbledy gook" Anyway, i thought it was a universal joke, but obviously only Aussies are in on it In case you don't know, an iron lung is a machine that virtually breathes for you. The insinuation is that you are lazy to use an iron lung, so if "you wouldn't work in an iron lung", then you are even lazier. It's not exactly a compliment Another term used is "bone lazy", which i guess is not quite as insulting


        • #34
          Originally posted by Max Webster
          actually I was just thinking goobly gook would be a good name for an ctp aussie city. But really lung can you pronounce the names of some of those cities. Sorry but my primitive canuck brain cannot handle those complex words.
          Actually, the pronunciation of aboriginal names is quite logical; so much so that when you get the hang of it, you can accurately pronounce a name without ever hearing it uttered. Well, some of the time, at least

          For example;

          Indooroopilly - pronounced "Indra-pilly". Perfectly logical!
          Woolloomooloo - pronounced "Woolla-mah-loo". See!
          Walloobanbaningai - "Wulla-banba-nin-guy". A piece of piss!
          Ozenkadnook - fvck knows!
          Mugincoble - "Mah-jinka-bull". Eeeezy!
          Goondoowindi - "Gunda-windy". Obvious.
          Collarenebri - "Collar-renna-bry". How else?
          Dumaresq - "Ja-merrick". How hard could that be?
          Wagga Wagga - "Wogga Wogga". Simple.
          Goonoo Goonoo - "Gunnah Gahnoo". Any fool could pick that one!
          Murrurundi - "Murra-run-die". Who the hell was Murra??

          Please note that the hyphens are short! It's just that the hyphens are longer than the rest of the word And one more rule - if you can't say the name within one second (regardless of the length of the name), then you're pronouncing it wrong!

          Geez, i could go on all day! But hey, you think they're bad. You should hear some of New Zealand's place names! For example, any place starting with the letters "Wha" is pronounced "Fa". There is a place called "Whakapapa". You figure it out
          Last edited by Lung; May 31, 2001, 21:27.


          • #35
            Turn 81 ---> Don


            • #36
              mmm.. i'm sure they sound better when your pissed

              Turn 81 to Lung


              • #37
                Originally posted by Max Webster
                mmm.. i'm sure they sound better when your pissed
                I'm sure they would, but you'd need someone sober to pronounce them "Wallaboonboongbonogonog......ah, **** it!!"


                • #38
                  Just so there is no Confusion!

                  I sent Turn 82 ----> Don several hours ago!


                  • #39
                    Pretty creative there Arthur

                    Turn 82 to Lung


                    • #40
                      Sorry I guess I got just a little carried away. Oh and just in case anyone was wondering I don't have the turn. I think are friend Lung still has it.


                      • #41
                        Turn 86 to Arfur


                        • #42
                          Turn 87 ---> Don

                          Sorry I've been absent for so long. I went away for two weeks for the military and when I returned I found out that I was be laid off from my regular job. I've been searching like crazy to find a new job but I'm not having much luck.


                          • #43
                            That sucks!!

                            Someone pleeease give Arfur a job so he can continue to pay his ISP so i can kick his arse in Lungmatch 1.2!


                            • #44
                              Turn 88 ---> Don

                              No luck yet


                              • #45
                                Say, that's a nice city! Gee, this is a nice neck of the woods. And it's lovely to be here, thanks for asking

                                Turn 90, yes, 90!! to Arfur. You know, Paul Hogan once had an alter ego on his comedy show here in Oz, known as "Arfur Dunger", who went everywhere with an esky dressed in shorts and a singlet covering his ample beer gut, with thongs and a terry-towelling hat, with zinc cream on the nose and his lower lip permanently drooped. I wonder if this Arthur is anything like Arfur Dunger?

                                If you do, come to Australia and you'll get a job for sure!!

