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  • FireFight..

    Four Warriors, destined to be Leaders of Nations stepped from the mists, well actually four different mists, with one driving ambition, to make this Land their own.......

    ...From one mist emerged Ice, his Battle Scarred face, marking his past victories, he coughed gently, 'Huh, Pollution', he thought, 'I Like it, I shall have more'....

    ...On a River Far from Ice, Stepped Quinns, Veteran, Focused on his task, with but one aim in life....Two Rabbits caught his eye, doing what Rabbits do in the heady days of spring....'Looks like fun',he called to anyone that may be listening, 'I shall spread my seed far and wide and Over-populate this fair land of ours' .

    ....In a quiet corner of the Map, Stepped JPWW, young, but with a Driving Ambition to Succeed, the wind Carried with it News of Ice, and Quinns, and he smiled, ' Let them Pollute, let them breed', he chuckled softly to himself, 'Let them destroy their Nations with Greed or Carnal Lusts, and when they have finished their Depravations, Which I do hope to catch on Video, I shall be their with the Clenched Fist of Friendship to Annex their Failing Nations'.

    ....Gavrushka Stepped from the Mists with an Uneasy feeling...'Erm Guys, this ain't a corner' he cried, 'Erm you said I could have a corner too', He turned round to step back into the Mists, but they had gone.... He heard a noise from the West, the Sound of Armies moving.... Suddenly it all became Clear, 'Run', he cried, 'Leg it East whilst their is still time...'

    CTP INTERNET GAME GL (4 Players)


    The game started Saturday 4th May on the Afternoon GMT, and quickly nervous diplomatic overtures commenced, the Land being reasonable to good for all parties, but Gavrushka got luckier than most... Ice quickly took the lead in the ratings, with Gavrushkas Land easing him into second place, at present a Nervous border dispute exits between Ice, and Gavrushka, with Ice having tremendous Military Muscle, even after 40? or so turns.....

    When is everyone up for the Continuation... Cracking Game, almost all chat is in PM now, with Diplomatic Overtures going all ways!

    Ice you were gotta love this game.....
    He's back after a fashion...

  • #2
    Outstanding post, Gav!!!!

    Why don't we meet next Saturday at the same time?

    By the way, I think you're giving me too much credit; I'm not that clever

    "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


    • #3

      That's funny as H...

      Good one Gav. hehe

      Sounds fine to me, this game is shaping up to be a good one.

      Ya gotta love this game
      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • #4
        Anytime, absolutely anytime... One thing I regret is that Darth is not in on this one.... So Saturday it is..... I will only have about 12 hours though which ain't gonna be enough.... No where near enough..
        He's back after a fashion...


        • #5
          ... and Gavrushka stepped out regally from the Mists of Britain. Three jack-asses were hee-haw'ing in the distance, and his mind was flooded with a thought. I will kill them all with laughter! Yes, yes. They will die from my brilliant wit! So there you have it.

          Next Saturday at 7:00 a.m. Los Angeles time, 10 a.m. New York time, 3:00 p.m. London time. See you there! It was a blast!! (But I'm easily amused )


          • #6
            Quinns, we got two games next Saturday....both at the same time!LOL - I'm ambidextrous how about you?

            I think we start with the five way with Darth as per Saturday Gone, and then after two hours, we take half an hour, and go onto Firefight for another few hours??

            Can everyone confirm?

            Ice, play during the week...... YES YES YES.....
            He's back after a fashion...


            • #7

              Originally posted by jpww on 05-06-2001 09:33 AM
              Outstanding post, Gav!!!!

              By the way, I think you're giving me too much credit; I'm not that clever

              JPWW.... would you Lull us all with your overtures of innocence...Me thinks you protest too much!!!

              Mind you if you like I can change your description....

              ...JPWW Tripped out of the mists, a look of consternation on his otherwise blank face... 'Wot no caves', he cried, 'Where are we gonna live??'

              JPWW, you do play a Canny game, you remain slighly aloof from the main stream, you do not seem to impose a threat which can, of course, be the biggest threat of all... It means you give yourself time to develop without fear of reprisal....Intentionally or not, your approach is a good one!!!

              He's back after a fashion...


              • #8
                I confirm that, Gavrushka.


                • #9
                  Sounds good to me.

                  “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                  Or do we?


                  • #10

                    Sounds good to me too.


                    JPWW, you do play a Canny game, you remain slightly aloof from the main stream, you do not seem to impose a threat which can, of course, be the biggest threat of all... It means you give yourself time to develop without fear of reprisal....Intentionally or not, your approach is a good one!!!

                    Gav, as usual, making use of his fine diplomatic skills and a little propaganda in the process

                    "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


                    • #11
                      Everyone please remember to load the 1.21 fix ok?
                      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                      Or do we?


                      • #12
                        JPWW, I am destroyed, I offer my appreciation to a worthy player, and I receive Paranoid Cynicism (how do you spell that word...) in response... So did it work? Do I get yer advances or not?

                        Seriously, we have four strategies at play in this game, and all four have their merits....The next session I am sure is gonna be very eventful.....
                        He's back after a fashion...


                        • #13
                          Heh who say's you can't have fun and diplomacy online lol, thats all this game is so far... As usual it was a blast, Quinns over populating the planet, hehe too many nature flicks as a child . Jpww playing silent but deadly, watching waiting. Gav with his great starting position leaping science with enormous cities being beaten on at home lol. And me watching my back, my sides, my front lol. 8o)

                          Good game peeps!

                          Quinns can not make next weekend any chance of midweek?

                          You have to love this game
                          “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                          Or do we?


                          • #14
                            Four Established Nations, four Philosophies, Four Leaders pacing restlessly the Ramparts of their Capital cities, raised in edificial glory to their Magnificient Leaders..

                            Ice, who would encroach on his neighbours territory, slowly chewing away at the edges, with his Visionary approach he sees a future that none of his Competitors would wish so....Anything superfluos falling my the Wayside in pursuit of some Holy Grail his Fellow Leaders can only Scratch their heads and perceive but dimly.... Frequent Border Patrols Trickle back information to be digested, but the single minded Goal remains.....

                            Quinns, now spread with vast tracts of land under his dominion, all peoples paying their tithe to their worthy and Munificent Leader...With Vast Wealth and Resources the People Thrive, Ready to follow their leaders instructions and react to anything the other smaller, less worthy nations may throw in his way... Quinns shouts out an order, the day has arrived... we have expanded enough, all our magnificient Cities will now grow to the Sprawling Metrolpolis's I have seen in a Vision of the Future....

                            JPWW, with his Philosophy that has carried from the laying of the first brick in the first building of the first city Carries forward.... Immense investment in Infrastructure, education of its people, swelling of the city coffers, the day will come when the other more war like nations will clash metal against metal, and they will weaken themselves.. Then upon the Glorious paved Roads of the American Empire, the Hoards of this great Nation Shall ride, to find the War weary other Nations, with no stomach for further conflict and they shall all quickly Capitualte under the American Flag...

                            Gavrushka, filled with anger looks as even more of the land surrounding his cities is engulfed by his neighbour....On a clear day he can see his competitors city a scant eight miles away a top a Hill, military activity is more frequently reported, with Tresspassing becoming more frequent... I shall no longer tolerate this he cries..... 'Blackice, you damned marauding pirate be gone from my lands.....' a gentle breeze, he fancies carries back with it the sounds of laughter, his advisers pleed patience, and once again Gavrushka regains his composure, once again Gavrushka refocuses to the task at hand.

                            The game is a Corker of that I think we are all in agreement... It is great to see such clearly defined Strategies taking Shape... I think even the Great ICe, who is so far ahead in the rankings will agree we are all in a race to realise our Strategies, and that all four Strategies are fairly close to Fruition.... The next two sessions are going to see who is going to dominate, and who is going to be consigned to the Annals of History....

                            I am up for a midweek match..... You call it guys!
                            [This message has been edited by Gavrushka (edited May 13, 2001).]
                            He's back after a fashion...


                            • #15
                              Good for me :0)

                              2 is good :0)
                              [This message has been edited by blackice (edited May 13, 2001).]
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?

