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Should we start PBEM tribes?

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  • Should we start PBEM tribes?

    What do you think? Should we look at it

    What about a PBEM GL tribe(s)

    As posted in GL tribes, we could combine an hour a week or two and play online, just to add flavor and speed to tribe games

    Anyone interested?

    [This message has been edited by blackice (edited May 03, 2001).]
    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
    Or do we?

  • #2
    Blackice, you don't even have to ask.....

    He's back after a fashion...


    • #3
      Well here is team number one, JAFO and Gavrushka, we'll name it later.... Should everyone post teams here Ice??
      He's back after a fashion...


      • #4
        Hey, that's read (sound) cool, I have 2 hours for play on line all fridays night, but tell me more.

        Some day I went to GL and suscribe my self, but I never understand the way they play, so I never got back.


        • #5
          I'd play...but what is GL? Gamer's League or something like that?


          • #6
            You can register for the gameleague at ..go on, do it, do it...
            berXpert your account with Gameleague disappears if you don't log on for 60 days I think - I don't think there is a way to play - you just play games as normal , and whoever wins reports the win, and your league positions alter, simple as that.

            Do Cuaich and berXpert have playing partners to make up their tribes??
            He's back after a fashion...


            • #7
              Our team, jafo & Gavrushka, shall henceforth be known as the RAGING HOARDS, and when we really get motoring we'll be the RAGING FORDS, and in hte genetic age (after a sex change) The Raging Broads, and later still, once you recognise our superiority, the RAGING LORDS, and later still, you may affectionately refer to us as the AGING LORDS....
              He's back after a fashion...


              • #8
                Id be interested in playing to. Maybe me and Blackice could form a team. Would you be interested in that Blackice?
                Ash nazg dubratuluk
                ash nazg gimbatul
                ash nazg trakutaluk
                agh burmuz-ishi krimpatul


                • #9
                  I started a post for ctp tribes in the Hosted Sites: Gameleague forum. Pity I got no anwser at all. Guess I gotta post things in the wrong place to be heard
                  But in regards to your post Blackice, yes and yes and yes and yes.
                  There's not been a single tribe match played out in gameleague yet. A real pity when you think of how many gl players bugged the admins there for tribe play support for ctp...Many even made demands upon the admins for such a service. Then when the opportunity presented itself, they registered their tribes and took it no further.
                  Speaking for the Shining Path tribe, we have set up three tribe games in the past. All three games have fallen through due to the other tribes not being able to set up a convenient playing time......Which is frustrating when you wait in the lobby at the times appointed by them, only to have them provide an excuse to your inbox as to why they couldn't make it...
                  As suggested by Eirikr on the Gameleague site here . Playing by email could be a great way for tribe games to actually get played out. Without the time restrictions. Gameleague players with complaints in regards to how long a pbem game takes should look at how long all the tribes there have been registered, and then how many games have been played out.....zilch.diddly squat.a big fat 0.
                  It appears that if people played tribe games via pbem, then more players may register tribes and participate. Another plus for tribe play via pbem.
                  I have also posted an offer on the gl site to list tribes and their members on my website. As gameleague only lists the main founder of the tribe, not the cofounder or members. This site is going to be worked on alot in the future I hope, and the offer is still there for GL tribes to list their full crew there if they wish. The site can be found here.
                  Anyways, just to sum up my ramblings.....ummm....Yes.
                  [This message has been edited by Fuzzball (edited May 05, 2001).]
                  Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Gavrushka on 05-05-2001 01:20 AM
                    Our team, jafo & Gavrushka, shall henceforth be known as the RAGING HOARDS, and when we really get motoring we'll be the RAGING FORDS, and in hte genetic age (after a sex change) The Raging Broads, and later still, once you recognise our superiority, the RAGING LORDS, and later still, you may affectionately refer to us as the AGING LORDS....

                    They'll have to create an evolutionary ladder for you Gavrushka.
                    Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                    • #11
                      Here's some info on gameleague and tribes too. Gameleague is a free service for CTP, CTP2, and CIVII gamers. Gameleague can track wins and losses in games for you if you want. If the people you're playing are also in gameleague, just decide/declare before the game whether it will be registered with gameleague or not. All games declared at gameleague are reported by the winner, and confirmed or disputed by the people registered as playing in that game. You confirm/dispute games via your gameleague inbox.
                      The information below is from the Gameleague tribes help page. I'm sure they don't mind me sharing it with the people's here.

                      Tribes are groups of people who come together for the purpose of playing team games. Instead of personal victories like the ladder and tournaments, tribes play for team victories on a challenge system.

                      Tribes are headed by a chief who decides the actions of the clan. Below him are a series of elders ranked by seniority. If a chief is unavailable, the most senior elder is in charge. If that elder should also be out of action then the next most senior elder after him, etc.

                      If you want to create a new tribe please take note of the following:

                      a tribe must have two members before it can be created
                      tribes can have no more than 10 members
                      all tribe members must be GameLeague members
                      once you're ready to create a tribe, please fill out this form

                      If you want to join a current tribe, click on the tribe's link. Read over the tribe's website if they have one and then send a note to the tribe chief (or elder, if chief is unreachable). The tribe will then decide whether to admit you. Some tribes will require you to play a few games to prove your skill.

                      The Pyramid

                      Tribes are ranked on a pyramid system. When a new tribe is created, they begin at the bottom of the pyramid called the "Nomad" level. This is the lowest level and contains infinite number of positions for tribes. The other ranks are as follows.

                      World Order 1 Position
                      Hegemon 2 Positions
                      Nation 3 Positions
                      City-State 4 Positions
                      Nomad Infinite Positions

                      Moving On Up

                      There are two ways to move up on the pyramid. The first way is if there is an empty position on the level above you, you may challenge someone on your own level and if you win you will take the position on the next level. However if you lose your opponent will move up. You cannot lose your position when challenging on your own level.

                      The other way to move up is when all the positions are taken on the next level. When this happens you must challenge someone on the level above you. If successful you will take their position and they will take yours. Note that you can only challenge a tribe one level above you and only when all positions on the level above you are taken.

                      After a victory you are given a one week period during which your tribe cannot be challenged. This allows your tribe to set up it's own challenges rather than always having to fight someone below you.

                      Accepting or Declining Challenges

                      You always have the right to decline a challenge from another tribe with one expection. If your level is locked (filled completely with tribes) and you are challenged by someone one level below you, you MUST defend your position or lose it by default.

                      Tribe Games

                      All tribe games must be either 2v2 or 3v3 games. The winner is declared when one tribe builds a spacecraft that reaches Alpha Centuari or when the other tribe is completely destroyed, or surrenders. All other game settings must be agreed upon before the start of the match. Outragous settings can be basis for a decline even when challenging tribes above you.


                      Much like the real world of international politics and military conflict, there is never a permanent winner. The most powerful will always be challenged by lesser ones seeking that position.

                      Please read the Player's Guide to Tribes for additional information on tribal play.

                      Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Gavrushka on 05-05-2001 12:18 AM

                        Do Cuaich and berXpert have playing partners to make up their tribes??

                        mmmhh! no I don't have any, my brother maybe but need to ask him. Why? we could join to your tribe?


                        • #13
                          So we have a few players now..... Fuzzball, if you have time Administrative help would be good.. Teams ar a minimum of size two - I think it should stick at size 2 - That way Internet Games will be easier - Can you have two teams of three in an Internet Game.... We struggled at five last week - But if you can, then this should be the limiting Factor.

                          Players so Far are:

                          Team: Raging Hoards : JAFO & Gavrushka

                          Other Players:

                          2 arth Viper
                          5:Fuzzball (are you available to play?? Can you bring in teams?)
                          I think JPWW and Quinns would play too, which is a good start.

                          Fuzzball I appreciate that you have put much effort into starting this idea in the Game League, and I think it would be helpful to cooperate in this.
                          He's back after a fashion...


                          • #14
                            Good response peeps

                            Working out some logistics, keep posting if you are still interested of course. IMO it's a go.
                            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                            Or do we?


                            • #15
                              Ok here is the scoup

                              We are working on a concept of combining PBEM and online gamming for this tribe play.

                              We could use and ideas or experiences in this regard.

                              What we would like to do here is marry PBEM and multiplayer (Online) gamming into one.

                              It would be great to set up time to play online then in the event a player or players can not make a game time, switch to PBEM to keep the game going.
                              Then back to online mode when a suitable time can be reached for all players again.

                              Any input on this would be great.

                              Fuzzball has posted on this topic here:

                              Feel free to contribute
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?

