turn 293 -> Swissy
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US pbem game - part 6
Turn to Don
There has been a report of discontentamong the Phonecians due to the sudden rise in pregnancy among the women of the country. As well among the men are becoming surly
as the women are now witholding their favors due to sudden lack of contraception measures. The civ is said to be ripe for revolution
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo
I'm sad to report to the leaders of the world that a nation has taken the liberty to attempt to corrupt the citizens of one our cities. This act or any other like it will not draw us into war, we will remove the franchise as quickly as its formed. All it will do is lower our respect for the offending nation.
We are not totally sure whats going on in the world. We are trying to get a picture of of whats going on. The reports that we do get are very disturbing, we hope the other leaders in this world show some restraint and not encourage a major war.
Turn to Nukeboy.
Sorry for the delay, my ISP has been acting up lately.
Turn to Maestro.
The lack of contraception do not affect the phoenician women - this kind of pharma is not used by the phoenician women anymore - just take a look at the largest cities in the world.
Now something else has disturbed the people peace. We know, that we are in war with the spanish - but nothing serious actually.
Now, one terrorist obvious has destroyed the city of Jerusalem with all it's citizens including women and children, animals and pets. Everything.
This cries for revenge and revenge we shall have.
Obvious the spanish must have choosen a new leader. Now I think it must be a female, as only a female would fight this way without honor. So be prepared Donna Cita.
Your former leader El Cid would never have done such a disguesting act. He had his own way, but somehow he was noble.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
A woman, wearing a rather large backpack, is walking in the suburbs of Villa Viciosa at night. She tries to behave as inconspicuous as possible, as she does not want to be noticed. Is she Lara Croft? Not really. She notices a man following her, watching her every move. He must not find out what is in her backpack ! She changes plans, heading out of the city ...
Meanwhile at another place in Villa Viciosa, another woman, wearing an identical backpack, has reached the centre of the city unseen. She opens an empty garbage can, and puts her backpack in it. Suddenly, she starts running.
It is no use, the violent explosion that follows kills her. There was no way she could have gotten far enough in so litlle time. Little does she know that her fellow conspirator is killed as well.
Meanwhile in another Spanish city, ...
What has happened ?
A secret organisation, calling themselves 'back to Eden' has managed to conceal a large supply of nuclear weapons from the destruction of the nanite defuser. Next, they managed to infiltrate our space station Mir, using it's facilities to invade Spanish land. The rest you already know.
Why are they doing such atrocities ?
Careful studies reveal that the organisation was run by people who lost most of their family in the Spanish attacks that destroyed the cities of Sinai, Cairo, Memphis and Alexandria.
They destroyed four Spanish cities: Villa Viciosa, Bilbao, San Rogue and Leon.
So now, the score is even.
turn 295 -> Swissy (enjoy it)
veni vidi PWNED!
News had been heard from Spain. Disaster have hit the nation.
As spokesman and president of the phoenician people, I am chocked and also scared when such terrifying weapons are used. I thought this should not be possible anymore.
Now, I also must say, that I do understand, that what I first saw as a new secret terroristorganisation, is more likely to be humans, who had lost believe in their own governments ability to revenge anything.
Considering who the people were and what crimes the spanish terroristregime had done to their families - and due to the fact that these desperate people are all dead now - I will not take any actions against or hold the government of Egypt responsible for what had happened.
The spanish got what they asked for.
Hamilcar, president of Phoenicia.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.