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Teamhorses 2

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  • Well this turn has been a close finish for several of us. I even had to enlarge the picture to make sure. So have a good look and react if you do not agree with me. I came to the following ranking on turn 39:

    1. Quinns
    2. Zobozewarrior
    3. Franses
    4. Blackice
    5. Nuke Boy
    6. Darth Viper

    Franses (like Ramses).


    • turn sent
      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • Of course I agree with the pg! (Very close though.)

        Turn 39 to Franses like Ramses.


        • Welsh News

          Alls quiet on the Welsh front. The Welsh peolple were saddened to hear of so many one legged people in distant lands. Nuke Boy ordered his Transportaion Ministry to send lumber to the countries affected, so that peg legs could produced for the injured.

          BTW Turn 40 to Zo

          Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


          • Turn 40 sent to Darth Viper.

            Don't be so sad. In few time, there will be no longer one-legged people in Athens. There will be not body left either.
            [This message has been edited by ZoboZeWarrior (edited April 30, 2001).]
            Zobo Ze Warrior
            Your brain is your worst enemy!


            • Turn 40 to Franses


              • Egyptian newsflash:
                Athens has been attacked again. This time by the Irish. Darth Viper (no longer ill by the way and playing his own turns again) reported no Greek soldiers were killed in defending the city.

                Yet, the people of Athens and Greece morn over the death of many Irish whose bodies were left behind by the retreating Irish army. Even the badly wounded were left to die on the battlefield by the Irish. Unbelievable cruel. Poor Irish soldiers, they were ordered to accomplish an impossible task and did not even get help, let alone, a decent buriel.

                Greek nurses have worked day and night and did what they could to save as many of the wounded Irish soldiers as possible. Only one third of the few that survived the battle could be saved. The others were buried with their comrads. "This is the least we could do for them. They fought as lions. Even though they were aware they received impossible orders" reported Darth Viper. A man full of passion, even for those who attacked him.

                Rumour has it that Franses strongly advised Darth Viper to stop believing in a peacefull solution with the Mongol and Irish leaders. No matter how peacefull you are, you will have to go to war if more than 11 units threaten your cities. Except Athens, also Argos and Philae are threatened by Mongol and Irish armies. Darth Viper finally seems to understand the agressiveness of both leaders (although, referring to the former Mongol hostages who were fighting at the side of the Greek army against the Irish, he refuses to blame the Irish and Mongol population). Darth Viper finally seems to have decided to alter his defensive strategy. And we all know that if Darth Viper decides to attack, he will be succesfull. History speaks for itself. So be aware you Mongol and Irish leaders. An attack is on its way. As you may know by now, this attack will not come were you expect it and will be devoted to capturing YOU and bring you to justice, doing as little harm as possible to the poor people that you force to fight and leave to die if no longer usefull. Teamhorses world will be a better place without you.

                There may be a way out of the disaster awaiting you. Surrender to Darth Viper and you might be saved. If not, those who will witness you to be sentenced, greet you :-)
                Franses (like Ramses).


                • Greek Leader,

                  The time has come upon you to determine your path. Will it be peace or war? If you are interested in a peaceful resolution, I suggest you withdraw your armies or face our wrath You will not receive a second warning.

                  Welsh News

                  With the pending crisis in southern mountain region, Nuke Boy elevated the Welsh Defense Forces to DEFCON2. Nuke Boy in sending off his bravest soldiers stated "Although we are not at war, our army must train as though it were in war. You are the Welsh's best. Make your homeland proud"

                  BTW Turn 41 to ZO
                  Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                  • Franses of the Egyptians,

                    Your ridiculous stories fall on deaf ears. And rightly so. Such a "great victory" for Greece defeating ONE Warrior scout battalion sent into Athens for reconassaince... nonsense. Keep bragging.

                    Wales also now understands the true nature of the insidious Greeks. That makes three nations that have been wronged by one, and all three of us have not had any trouble with ANY other nation, but Greece. Perhaps you should remember who started this terrible war -- GREECE. Stop living in denial of the truth, Franses the Blind. It is obvious that Greece does not want peace, after rejecting an offer of peace by Mongol and Irish, and now threatening Welsh interests. My question is with you Franses of Egypt. Your pitiful threats sound like a declaration of war. Are you declaring war against Mongolia and Ireland?

                    Quinns of the Mongol


                    • Quinns of the Mongol,

                      Why are you always speaking about war? Cann't you think of anything else?

                      I understand that you want to involve the Welsh on your side hoping that they will do your dirty fighting after which you can destroy them whenever you feel like it (which will probably immediately). But the Welsh are people we drink beer with, we do not fight with them. No matter how much you would like to see it differently. I assume Darth Viper will get a report from the Welsh about what is bothering them and act upon it. Probably some scout went into Welsh territory without knowing it. These things are solved peacefully. That is possible you know? :-)
                      Franses (like Ramses).


                      • Greek news

                        Darth Viper returned to his Capitol today and because of that there were festivites troughout whole of Greece. Altough the festivities for the doctors ended quickly because of the attack on Athens, they had to help save the Irish soldiers.

                        Nuke Boy leader of the Welsh

                        Could you please explane why you are angry? Because I am not aware of anything that i have done wrong.

                        Damon Atreides leader of Greece
                        Ash nazg dubratuluk
                        ash nazg gimbatul
                        ash nazg trakutaluk
                        agh burmuz-ishi krimpatul


                        • Irish News :

                          WAR DECLARED TO GREECE :

                          War was declared to Greece on the beginning of spring. Casualty are actually unknowned.

                          Our units were peacefully patroling near Athens the city of the War Criminal Darth Viper. Suddently one of famous and courageous antic warriors
                          unit attacked the city for unknowned reason.

                          Our King officers declined the responsability of the attack. But it seems the infamous greek strateges used psychologic or magic weapon to put the warriors berserk and force us to declare war.


                          --- LAST FLASH NEWS :
                          From an unofficial report it seems the warriors became angry due to the world famous greek warrior taste for young healthy strong men.

                          During a diplomatic meeting between Irish and Greek Army, a greek chief tried to appeal the chief of the warriors unit. This last one didn't appreciated at all.


                          --- NEW GREEK WAR CRIME REPORT :

                          The greek gouvernment commit again a new war crime. Hope we will soon stop it.
                          The so-say greek medical care for our few wounded courageous prisoned warrior are in reality sadicstic human medical experimentation. We have the proof from a trusty source that the infamous doctor Franckensteinopoulos try to demonstrate that the fonctionality of the brain is to cold and filter blood from humors and unpurity. It seems too that the ignominy of this doctor has no limits : He tried irish legs transplantation on the infortunate one-legged greeks. Many have died atrocely during experimentation.

                          We ask other civs to help us to capture the War Criminal Dath Viper and the Doctor Franckensteinopoulos. We beg too the wise Egyptian to cancel their alliance with Greek Gouvernment and force greek Leader toward a peaceful solution of this crisis.


                          PS : I present my apologize to real greek people.
                          When I write : "[...] due to the world famous greek warrior taste for young healthy strong men.", I was speaking about Antic greek warriors of course.

                          [This message has been edited by ZoboZeWarrior (edited May 02, 2001).]
                          Zobo Ze Warrior
                          Your brain is your worst enemy!


                          • Dear NukeBoy,

                            I'm terribly sorry but i didn't received your turn. Could you please resent it me ?

                            Thanks you.

                            PS : Don't believe Greek People : They are the bad guy !

                            Zobo Ze Warrior
                            Your brain is your worst enemy!


                            • Zobozewarrior. You wrote:

                              Begin of qoute:
                              Our units were peacefully patroling near Athens.
                              End of quote

                              It is difficult to believe that you regard 5 stacked units near the capital of another civilization as "Patrolling". Especially if you attack that city and your ally has another stack nearby and writes "we were just attacking for reconnaissance". At least he does not deny the evil you have done and admits that soldiers were sacrificed only to find out how strong the Greek defences are. And as far as the expirements you talk about are concerned. If you ever attack again, you will see your own soldiers and Mongol hostages fight on the side of the Greek. They now know what it means to live in a peacefull environment and they are willing to give their lives for it.

                              So stop insulting other leaders by thinking that you can convince them that you are a peacefull leader with such lies.

                              PS: By the way. They are wise enough not to react to any of our messages, just developing their civilizations without the threat of war. They must be quite happy with current developments .
                              Franses (like Ramses).


                              • Zobo, sent Nuke Boy a mail. That might help.
                                Franses (like Ramses).

