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Teamhorses 2

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  • Turn 37 to Franses.

    All Hail Zobo, Great Priest of the Irish!

    Darth of the Greeks,

    Please respond to the above request for peace. Further ignorance will be seen as a sign of rejection of the proposal. Kindly disband Argos and submit 500 gold to the Mongols, this turn. This is the last offer of peace.

    Quinns of the Mongols

    [This message has been edited by quinns (edited April 24, 2001).]


    • Turn 38 to Zo
      Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


      • Cruel leader of the Mongols,

        Darth Viper is ill at the moment so I respons instead of him.
        Has your sneeky attack on Athens not be revenge enough? Although no lifes were lost on Greek site, quite some soldiers and civilians were badly injured. The city of Athens is now crowded with one legged people. Do not expect that Darth Viper will ask them to pay for losing their legs.

        Franses (like Ramses).


        • I take that as a "NO" then, Franses. However, I will wait to hear from Darth directly, though, when his health returns. As he is the one that has the most to lose from this decision to avoid peace with Mongolia and Ireland.

          Quinns of the Mongols


          • My goodness. Only one turn and a peacefull leader changes to a warminded tyran. (no offence meant Zobo )

            I must admit that I am impressed with the (bad) influence of the Mongol leader. I ordered to unship the sheep eyes and other gifts and to reload the ship with well trained soldiers. This will be the second shipment of soldiers that we have to dispatch to ensure that our Greek friends will stay alive.

            Our first shipment will arrive soon in enemy waters. They have orders not to attack untill the Mongol or Irish leader will again start hostilities against our Greek brothers. We call upon the more civilized nations in this world to not allow the Mongol agressor to attack any more Greek cities. Be sure that he will target you next. Instead assist us in helping the Mongol people to get him replaced before he does anymore harm.

            Franses (like Ramses).


            • Turn 38 to Darth

              Darth :

              I rejected the last demand of no trepassing. but I move my troops some square away of your cities. We are not afraid by Egyptian threat. I they want lost their men in a war without hope, it's their choice.

              Greek have to bargain for peace : They were the first to strike, they have to be the first to make peace. I will not have confidence in a neightbourg city attacking by surprise (that's veeery baaad).
              Zobo Ze Warrior
              Your brain is your worst enemy!


              • I second the sentiments of my good colleague, friend, and ally ZoboZeWarrior -- Great High Priest of Ireland. It is really a very reasonable offer, considering such a heinous act that you ordered against the "then" peaceful Mongolians. 500 gold, plus the disbanding of one city (Argos), in payment for your destruction of a city and its people, with whom you had signed a peace treaty.

                Darth??? Are you there Darth? Let us at least know if you wish to let Franses represent you in this matter. Time draws nearer to the point of no return.

                Quinns of the Mongol


                • Irish diplomatic report :


                  I'm saddened by the reponse of Greek. We have one-legged people too. Moreover we have people with one eye or with one arms and uncommonly with one head. And we don't cry for that !

                  So in response of this bad will, I command my armies to walk near greek cities in order prevent counter-strikes.

                  I will take no measure until the decision of true ruler of Greek People, Darth Viper.

                  I hope the illness of greek dirigeant will end and so his mind come back to reason. And I hope he will accept to repair the unfair and highly crual casualties he done to Mongol people.

                  Otherwise we, Irish men, are totally determined to declare war to Greek people and are not afraid by its Egyptian Ally.

                  Zobo Ze Warrior
                  Your brain is your worst enemy!


                  • Turn sent 38
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?


                    • Turn 39 sent to Franses like Ramses!


                      • Quinns, I suppose you meant turn 38?? At least that is what I sent to Nuke Boy a couple of hours ago .

                        I mean you may be high on the ranking but I do not believe that you are one turn ahead of us all
                        Franses (like Ramses).


                        • Maybe quinns is faster then us.
                          Or maybe to help us he play a turn for each of us.
                          Zobo Ze Warrior
                          Your brain is your worst enemy!


                          • LOL, that might be it!
                            Franses (like Ramses).


                            • OOPS! Yes, turn 38 to Franses NOT TURN 39!


                              • Turn 39 to Darth Viper ...
                                Zobo Ze Warrior
                                Your brain is your worst enemy!

