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Love Conquers? Part V.

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  • Oh my, the Australians don't seem to be very popular here.
    I have asked for a temporary cease of all hostilities.

    turn 93 -> Xenophon
    veni vidi PWNED!


    • turn 93 --> Quinns

      We send greetings to Good King Maestro. Greece shall honour your request for a cease-fire until Breaker Morant returns. That is, unless his return is delayed. But sadly, we must refrain from signing a peace treaty at this time.

      A huge outbreak of the riot malady finds 16 cities imagining themselves to be afflicted. Hallucinations appear to be a major symptom. But several Coliseums are being built to avoid the real thing, as cities are growing rapidly.

      Thank-you, St Jon for ordering your Diplomat off our elephant! it couldn't have been too comfortable for him, anyway!



      • Turn 94 to St Jon of the French ---


        • Turn to Madrid.

          France remains deeply disquieted by the Inca troop movements. Why are Musket and Cannon joining Cavalry on a hitherto peaceful frontier?

          I send my deepest love to the Regent of Australia and am pleased that Greece has shown mercy in pausing their War during this time.

          I pray that my neighbours will not be alarmed by the exercises that the French Fleet have just undertaken and any inadvertant trespass that they might have caused. I am certain that all concerned will understand the need for my children to be ready to defend their Holy Land.

          Blessings unto All,
          St Jon, Peace in a World at War.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • Dearest St Jon of the Ever Loving French:

            Troop movements within the land of Inca are none of your everloving business! Obviously you have a Spy in Inca, as it is impossible for you to be aware of our troop movements otherwise.

            Know this then, oh St Jon the all fair and everloving one, any French Spy found in the land of Inca will be immediately executed and will be considered an act of war towards the Incan people. I would suggest you send your Spy home immeditately before the "border patrol", that you have so "cleverly" discovered, turns into a real "army"!

            Quinns of the Inca


            • The Grand Inquisitor has been busy lately reviewing the frontline with Australia and making a secret tour to the newly liberated city of Katherine...

              Spain feels it must echo our Brother St Jon's concern of the Incan 'build up' reported on our respective borders - especially considering that this action by Incan forces is tantamount to trespass on Spanish territory agreed with the Incan nation when Quinns came to power!

              Although to our Diplomat this appears to be a minor incursion of a couple of units, this is not acceptable between friendly nations!


              Tomas de Torquemada
              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • And oh yes, Tomas de Torquemada of Spain -- regarding our "border". I never remember having stated anything about conceding the region west of Chimbote to Spain. I have no intention of entering Spanish lands. However, I will not withdraw the forces west of Chimbote located to the French border and due north of you, 3 tiles from your nearest city. This is Incan land.


                • Leaders of the world.

                  As you all know I have accepted to permanently sub Demos.
                  As a logical conclusion I have the right to follow my own strategy therefore any agreements my predecessor might had made with you might not fit my strategy. Technologies given to the Welsh form other nations and haven't get a return will be considered and in time I will grand you with tech gifs or gold. If the Welsh have been aided militarily too, be sure that the Welsh will do the same in time of need but not against friendly nation. Any territory agreement the former leader might have done is suspended and new borders will be proposed. Therefore Mobius demand on respecting previous agreements that were made with Demos, not to accept to discuss new ones and gathering army to attack me in case I won't respect those agreements that were not done by me enforce me to tell you that under these circumstances and the fact I have found my Kingdom in bad situation, and we are facing serious expansion problems I am not willing on continuing further more unless you find my demands fair and Mobius stop this aggressive attitude toward me while having twice the Wales size acts like he owns the whole world!

                  King of Wales Constantine.

                  Turn 94 to Maestro.


                  • You could at list tell the rest that I had offered 500 gold, raised to 1000 gold for a newly founded city of pop 1. You could also say that I have already accepted your denial and recognized that city, as Spanish and Spanish will be. I had never asked for your railroad to be given to me. That was not in my proposal. It would be irrational. My mountained archer went there only to explore the area and stayed for one more turn as your earlier reaction on my proposals and not demands was outrageous and extremely hostile toward me and meant to test your further reaction to confirm your attitude against the Welsh. I had proposed to share the forest as the rest area is entirely covered with plains and desert, nothing else. You could at list accept my fair proposal to build two cities, one tile inside the forest so to gain some production, as it is known that plains and desert do not offer great production. Plus I have not seen any Spanish city in the north side of the forest.
                    And you could also say that I have already moved my mountained archer from the railroad.

                    King of Wales Constantine.


                    • Have you passed the Turn Keygen and, if so, to whom?
                      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                      - Anon


                      • Seeing as this border discussion has been dragged to the international table by our Welsh neighbour…

                        A few points: Keygen is correct that I will not discuss his outrageous 'proposal' that I disband a sovereign Spanish city and abandon a considerable transport infrastructure and occupation 'in situ' just to appease his whim!

                        A viable route of expansion has been pointed out to the King, and at last map exchange there seemed enough good land for the siting of several more cities! There is also a considerable amount of marginal land which if used imaginatively could support many many more Welsh cities - indeed at least a half dozen Spanish cities have already been built in such a way!

                        It would appear that this is a classic case of 'Biting the hand that feeds' and because Wales has become accustomed of late to receiving generous hand outs - she appears to have become ungrateful and greedy in her demands!

                        As for gathering an army to attack - that is an outright lie!

                        Two Welsh units are currently trespassing on Spanish territory - one is blocking the important northern railway which is a central piece of Spanish communications! This has currently stopped the movement of four units, including a settler and is unacceptable! Spain merely advised Wales that their ongoing trespass will not be tolerated and will take appropriate measures to safeguard her national security!

                        Were these forces not from a nation Spain considered 'friendly' they would already have 'outstayed' their welcome!

                        As for an aggressive attitude - it is Spain that is the victim after helping our Welsh brothers these many years. We do not act like we own the whole world - but are certainly prepared to exercise our God given right to authority over our own territory!

                        Spain asks the King of Wales to reconsider the very generous terms of our current agreement, which can be negotiated assuming he tables more reasonable terms…


                        Tomas de Torquemada
                        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                        • See above St Jon.
                          It has been sent to Maestro.
                          I'll resend tonight just in case.


                          • I spotted this in the 'Lung's Fast' thread...


                            turn 94 -> Xenophon

                            Edit: sorry, this should have been posted on the Love Conquers thread.

                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • Thanks Paul! That was very considerate!

                              I'll play it as soon as I get home from work.


                              • quote:

                                Originally posted by MOBIUS on 03-21-2001 10:49 AM
                                I spotted this in the 'Lung's Fast' thread...

                                Yes, the e-mail was just as incorrect as the post.
                                Thanks for the assistence.


                                [This message has been edited by Maestro (edited March 21, 2001).]
                                veni vidi PWNED!

