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Some (newbie) question about CTP PBEM

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  • Some (newbie) question about CTP PBEM

    I'm interested by playing by email. Because IA is fun a the begin but quite boring ...

    But I cannot stay on my computer 24h/day, 7 days/week (I'm not so much interested by to be fired from my job or slaughtered by my girlfriend, you know ...).

    I would just ask :
    1) How many turn take an average game (or how many time ?) ?
    2) What's the average frequences of turns ?
    3) Where to find players by email ?

    Thanks ...
    Zobo Ze Warrior
    Your brain is your worst enemy!

  • #2
    1) more than one year
    2) less than 1 turn per day
    3) here
    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


    • #3
      I think Slamp is even to optimistic

      Many players play several games in parallel to be sure to get one turn a day. I play 4 myself and many days go by that I do not receive one turn that day. Nonetheless it is fun.

      The unwritten rule is that you play your turn within 24 hours of its arrival. Many do not make that but if you have a good playowner he will see to it that you do. If you do not the player before you will press "end" for you and forward the turn to the player next to you.

      So, if you are able to generally play a turn within 24 hours, join us. You will have fun. If you often are not, never play a game with me
      Franses (like Ramses).


      • #4
        Don't forget to sign up in the Youngbloods Recruitement Center, and if you are interested in being rated in your games go to the CTP Rating post and post your high AI level beaten.


        • #5

          Originally posted by slamp on 03-12-2001 04:09 PM
          1) more than one year
          2) less than 1 turn per day
          3) here

          Neither 1 or 2 are cast iron. It is possible to play a PBEM from start to finish in 9 months, I've done it, and in a six or less Player Game you should get an average of a Turn every day, OK that might mean 36hrs.

          For getting into new Games contact Keygen.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #6
            For the Youngblood Recruitment Center go here.
            My email for any question at all is:

