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CTP - PBEM games

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  • CTP - PBEM games

    I have a feeling - this could be (one of) the game(s) that will live longer than the producers ever had in mind .

    This game could live for years - maybe decades.

    I love it. Playing when I have time, able to comment it when- and whereever I have a internetconnetion/emails..... and likes to do so.

    A ranking system (well, this isn't the reason, just an add-on).

    What more do you want?

    Ehhh: I do want.......

    and ....

    And so do I.

    But nevertheless. I have Keygen mods working - I have my own mods working - MEANS THIS GAME IS BASICLY OK.


    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


  • #2
    Yeah, a game that would last 2 or 3 decades!
    I could let my kid (I don't have yet) subing me!
    Common BirdMan, got bored to play daily?


    • #3
      CtP was probably one of the worst Games ever released as an SP Game but the mechanics make it a superb MP Game. The AI is so feeble that it represents less of a challenge than Civ1 and it is very hard to tell the difference between Settler and Deity Levels.

      It's all so beautifully different against real people!
      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
      - Anon


      • #4
        I do wonder why there are so few PBEM games played with the Celestial Dawn mod.
        veni vidi PWNED!


        • #5
          I think not everyone has CD's mod. Or, they have played it SP and didn't like it because the goods are worth far less. Slamp's APQS game uses it and we are having great trouble with pollution. I would say about half the land we started with is underwater and half the remaining land is black(dead squares).
          "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


          • #6
            Try running under Communism at Deity with CD's Mod and see what fun you have!

            Utter poverty and an environmental disaster area are the two obvious ones but it can get worse.
            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
            - Anon


            • #7

              Not at all

              The reason why I - until Keygen Veteran in Arms - have not played with mods in a PBEM game is, I was unsure how to do so. I feared it would be too much copy/paste before you could take a turn. Now I know, when you have the files in the scenariofolder, just save the incomming turn in the savegame folder and open the turn from there. Easy in teori, now I shall see if it works in "real" life.

              If we are able to get Keygens game going - and I think we are - I would like one on CD's mod. There should be time as I am almost finished in Monkey2 - and probably also in DC (but I'll take that world to hell with me before I leave that).

              [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited February 25, 2001).]
              [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited February 25, 2001).]
              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



              • #8
                It definitely will outlive CtP2 at any rate. Unless someone solves the multiplayer/PBEM problem over there.

                phoenixcager of the Civgaming Network.
                Visit the CGN forums.


                • #9
                  What utter morons. PBEM turned CTP from a dismal bug-ridden approaching-infinity-but-never-seems-to-ever-quite-get-to-the-end game into an epic. It opened up an entire new method of gameplay and introduced role-playing into a game concept which just happened to lack exactly that.

                  It was inspired by numerous attempts by amateur gamers to incorporate into Civ2, and in turn helped to inspire the developers of Civ3 into adding it to the forthcoming game of the 21st century (hopefully ). Assuming Civ3 is relatively bug-free and is as good as it appears to be so far, PBEM will ensure that Civ3 is the dominant TBS game for easily 5 years. Although the pbem community in CTP is quite small, you can bet your arse that PBEM in Civ3 will be huge.

                  Craptivision's decision to not bother about PBEM in CTP2 is sheer lunacy, and such is doomed to the annals of failed games because of that bewildering decision. I for one never considered buying CTP2, but may have reconsidered if they added PBEM. However, with the forthcoming Civ3 in the air, CTP will be soon forgotten, which is sort of sad, because they had some good concepts. A pity it was largely unplayable!


                  • #10
                    The trouble with CtP was not that it was unplayable but that it was all too easily winnable. When you are able to defeat the Game at it's toughest level within a fortnight of purchase there is something very wrong.

                    I still regard a victory at Deity in Civ2 as an achievement but in CtP you are really only fighting the Game mechanics. Activision should be utterlly ashamed of themselves for releasing such dismal and under-developed Game onto the market! It is only PBEM that has made the whole pile of trash worth the ludicrous amount of HDD space that it takes up - it seems their major goal was to rival Microsoft in the production of 'Bloatware'!

                    It is a shame because they had some wonderful ideas, real Armies and Civ rather than City supported Units, but they also replicated some of the mistakes in Civ1. Bombardment is far too strong and it is worthwhile keeping old Units as they still can hurt long past their sell by date. Wonders are either so feeble as to be worthless or distortingly strong, rather like Hanging Gardens and Leonardo's Workshop in Civ2, and if you really want one you can pretty well guarentee getting there ahead of the AI.

                    I just hope that Firaxis learns from the lessons of CtP and incorperates the best of it in Civ3. A fusion of CtP, SMAC and Civ2 would be a wonderful beast indeed.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #11
                      Solving CtP 2 is what for Solver is here!

                      Solver -
                      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                      • #12
                        LOL ... Lung -- Why don't you quit sugar coating it and tell us what you really think!

                        Like the big game developers give a hoot about the really skilled players. I bet you 80% of the active Civ players cannot beat Emperor level. And the majority of Civ customers probably struggled with it Warlord level. Unfortunately, I think the target market for most games is the "quick sell because it's COOL then throw it on the heap with the other BORING games" syndrome. The marketeers LOVE these people. Look at "Battle Chess". It sold way more copies than "Chess Master" did becomes it was "cool man!". The A/I for Battle Chess was an idiot compared to any of the Chess Master games, but "WHO CARES, LOOK AT THOSE COOL GRAPHICS DUDE!"

                        Long live Call to Power and Apolyton!

