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Team Spirit 2 - Turn List

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  • #61
    Turn -> Aag/max


    • #62
      High Priest Constantine welcomes the Indians!
      This is the most important event ever happened to Greece! Only our contact with oyr lost brothers the Persians will be a greater event than this!
      It is ourfirst contact with another civilization.
      The only contact the great Greeks ever made before was with some local tribes and wondering mercenaries.
      Maps requested! I hope our request be accepted by the great Indian leader.

      Unpleasantly news just arrived from south. Our scout warriors while investigating at some ruins they were beset by barbarians!
      We don't know what happend, if our brave warriors are alive or ...dead.
      We have sent a knight battalion to investigate the incident. We only hope they are still alive.

      Warning to the Indian horse archers! The event happened southeast of their current position. Be careful!

      Turn 21 to King Thor.


      • #63
        Turn -> Maestro/Stavros
        King Thor


        • #64
          turn 21 -> TheBirdMan

          Edit: I got an error from mail server Should I resend the turn ?
          [This message has been edited by Maestro (edited January 10, 2001).]
          veni vidi PWNED!


          • #65
            Hakim went over the stock list again. In all there were 56 barrels of wine in stock. Sales had been a bit slow to say the least. When suddenly a clamor from the square caught his attention. Hakim went to to entrance of his shop and step outside. People were rushing to the square, steadily the noise built to a cresendo.

            Hakim stopped one of the passers-by, " what is all the comotion about?"

            "We have made contact with the Greeks!" as the man tore away and continued to the square.

            And then there were 55 barrels...

            Turn 21 to King Thor/Arthur
            "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


            • #66
              "The news spread fast from city to city.
              The Persians have been found!
              People left their work and home and run out on the streets in the rumor of the Persians arrival.
              They raised big carousals celebrating the event.
              The official state declared this day as national feast.
              They all have turned their look at the Great Temple in Athens where the great priests are praying and thanking the gods.
              They had predicted that if our nation had made contact with the Persians before any other nation had then both Greeks and Persians would rule the world!"

              "Although the great event had marked these days with great pleasantry and optimism another event that had took place made the leadership to think with scepticism the relations with our new neighbors the Indians.
              They have rejected our maps exchange. Why? What they have to hide? What are they up to? Priests where seriously thinking on forbiding their entrance to Greek lands. If they won't give a reasonable explanation then they might be considered unwelcomed"

              Turn 22 to King Thor


              • #67
                (copied from the CTP Ratings thread)

                Rated Team Games ummmm... How about this? ---

                We treat the team as a new individual player, with the beginning of the team name beginning with TEAM_ e.g.
                TEAM_BRITAIN_1 or TEAM_RED_5, (I'm not very creative but anyway, start with TEAM and keep it somewhat
                short and separate it with "_" like in the example).

                I hesitate to mention this because it creates MORE WORK for me, but I don't mind much. I could spell out the
                current team members as a new sub-report. We determine the intitial "team" rating by taking the sum of all the
                team players' ratings and dividing by the number of players on the team.

                I believe it would be much too confusing to fairly apportion part of a rating change to the individual players
                within a team game. Even if the players on the team change, the rating would only change by match play via
                rated team games.

                [This message has been edited by quinns (edited January 11, 2001).]


                • #68
                  (turn to Keygen, Swissy)
                  Visit my Band-Homepage


                  • #69
                    turn 22 -> TheBirdMan

                    Edit: I certainly hope my powergraph will not be counted.
                    [This message has been edited by Maestro (edited January 12, 2001).]
                    veni vidi PWNED!


                    • #70
                      Turn 22 to Swissy/Keygen
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #71
                        So great was the news of the Greco-Persian meeting, many tribes came out from the mountains and jungles outside of Greater Persia and entered into the great empire. Soon three new cities will be home to these people and the borders of our lands will extend even more.

                        Turn 22 to King Thor/Arthur
                        "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                        • #72
                          I was just wondering if I was replaced or have I been AI because I post that I was back after have problems with me service provider during turn 20 and now it is turn 22 and I haven't seen any turns.



                          • #73
                            I read King Thor was having problems so I took his turn for him just in case he still can't so

                            turn 23 ---> Stavros

                            I still don't know if I'm on AI. I couldn't remeber how to do it.
                            [This message has been edited by Arthur (edited January 14, 2001).]
                            [This message has been edited by Arthur (edited January 14, 2001).]


                            • #74
                              Turn -> Aag/max


                              • #75
                                Arthur, I don't think you are turned to an AI. I think you teammate did the same as you just did. Afterall you wrote you would be away to time (about turn 19 I think).

                                And the rules are clear. I a turn is not played within 12 hours, the teammate has the right to play it without further notices/delays (that is as I remembered it - hope it is right?????).

                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


