A deatmatch only for the BEST!
Necessary to have won at least on PBEM game or have won on Deity the AI.
Depending on the number of the replies the players will be split into groups (4-3 players each) and the winner or the two top scores (depending on the participations) will compete on a final 3-4 player deathmatch to proclaim the best player among us!
The games will be kept as sort as possible.
Thereby will be an accelerated start, 3-4 players, small custom map, Diety level, no ruins with much gold.
If not interested on a deathmatch but on a standard diplomatic PBEM with the best the go to the "Keygen's Call: There Can Be Only One" topic.
This game will be using the "Keygen's PBEM Series Rules".
If interested or have a recommendation then post
[This message has been edited by Keygen (edited January 16, 2001).]
A deatmatch only for the BEST!
Necessary to have won at least on PBEM game or have won on Deity the AI.
Depending on the number of the replies the players will be split into groups (4-3 players each) and the winner or the two top scores (depending on the participations) will compete on a final 3-4 player deathmatch to proclaim the best player among us!
The games will be kept as sort as possible.
Thereby will be an accelerated start, 3-4 players, small custom map, Diety level, no ruins with much gold.
If not interested on a deathmatch but on a standard diplomatic PBEM with the best the go to the "Keygen's Call: There Can Be Only One" topic.
This game will be using the "Keygen's PBEM Series Rules".
If interested or have a recommendation then post
[This message has been edited by Keygen (edited January 16, 2001).]