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Intersested in PBEM

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  • Intersested in PBEM

    Hi all. I am a youngblood interested in trying out soem PBEMs. I realize that one game can take up to a year or more to finish, but I feel as though I am up to the challenge. I have the patch, after losing it then take a month to finally get it from slackavision. After playing many MP games I am getting tired of nothing but hack'n slash. Correct me if I am wrong, but PBEMs are more diplomatic right? Is anyone starting one soon? Is there anything else or really important that I should be sure to reread in this forum? Any tips anyone can give me? That is all for now, thank you.

  • #2

    Ya look at the youngblood thread for some info. Also post under CTP Ratings, and quinns can get you rated if you want.

    Keygen is starting some games, also I would like to start one but it was held up cuz the people dissappeared. Keep an eye out for new games on this forum.

    I'm in the Monkey and Monkey 2 games, and it's pretty diplomatic, and it makes it fun. There's also alot of emailin' and that's fun too. It's just spread out over a year...

    Sometimes it can be a while b4 a game starts up, patience young jedi. Rading other game post can be entertaining too.



    • #3
      Hi 420,

      The thread "Interested in a new, fast game" may be interesting for you, too. We are looking for four more players.

      Franses (like Ramses).

