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Fast Fliers: Thread II

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  • #91
    turn 106 to RC and Stojan
    I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
    Revelation 6:8


    • #92
      107 to FlameFlash


      • #93
        That's odd. Mine does show up in the city's build queue. Maybe that's one of the differences between the 1 and 1.2 versions. Rickety - I was seem to always find bizarre socks in my drawer that I know I didn't buy - for a while I started to get suspicious Now all the pieces are coming together!
        "that's right, a SLAVER!!!"


        • #94
          I will be out of town for the next 2 weeks, but I can be reached via my alternate e-mail:

          Flame Flash, please also send turns to the above address.
          "that's right, a SLAVER!!!"


          • #95
            Before you go Andy, would you please email me with my socks attached?

            Thanks and have a good trip.


            • #96
              haha, cheers. Even though I'm headed for sun and sand, something tells me there will no doubt be a computer distracting me from the good things in life. The wife says I'm turning into a nerd ever since I discovered ctp. Hmmm, and that's when those socks starting showing up too...
              "that's right, a SLAVER!!!"


              • #97
                Tell your wife nerds are cool. If she disagrees, refer her to "It's Hip to be Square"


                • #98
                  T107 to David and Stojan

                  Hip to be square is a winner rickety - she's dancing round the living room right now.

                  FlameFlash, is sure to work so keep sending there please until I get back.

                  David, how's the prep coming for you and I squalching Milamber? tee hee
                  "that's right, a SLAVER!!!"


                  • #99
                    All right, just yell at me when you want me to stop e-mailing certain addresses and restart others, Andy.
                    I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                    Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                    • turn 107 to RC and stojan
                      I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                      Revelation 6:8


                      • 108 to FlameFlash


                        • will play shortly...
                          I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                          Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                          • turn 108 to RC and Stojan
                            I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
                            Revelation 6:8


                            • FlameFlash,

                              I figured out the problem with downloading the turn from my yahoo account (for some reason it will only download with Netscape and not IE). So you can send only to if you like until I get home. Cheers.

                              Everyone else If interested - I almost creamed a black bear in my car several days ago (I'm visiting my parents and they live in the woods). It wasn't as big as I thought they would be (I guess it was only 1-2 years old) as it only stood 2-3 feet from ground to shoulders while on all fours. It gave me the idea that if anyone is doing scenario design then somehow replacing barbarians with bears, yetis (abominable snow-men), big bad wolves, lock-ness monsters, and other like creatures might be an interesting angle. If not I'll guess I'll just have to go and fight the real fu*ker - ya... right...

                              Y'all have a good one.
                              "that's right, a SLAVER!!!"


                              • 109 to FlameFlash

