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Ammendment: Multiple Choice Ammendments

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  • Ammendment: Multiple Choice Ammendments

    IV. Amendments
    (c) They have to be Yes/No polls. [remove]Multiple-choice polls are not allowed as Amendments.[/remove]
    Passing this will clear the way for that large ammendment i have waiting here. if it fails, we'll have to post each change individually.

    Multi-choice ammendments must be allowed so that many small changes such as the one in that large ammendment thread can be posted in one poll. Since yes and no are still the only options permitted, i don't see how this makes that much of a difference. of course, technically one could make a multi-choice ammendment with only yes/no/abstain, but that is just silly and is sure to be closed by the court

    anyways, you have 5 days.

    EDIT: i'm worried about that 1/3rd of the citizens part of the CON. maybe if we don't get that, we could just let it slip this one time?
    Abstain/Banana/Light Fluffy Pancakes/Whathaveyou

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Get your Ja here

    Put your Ja here

    Only click if you vote yes, which is of course what you are going to vote, no?


    • #3
      Do you not want to spam? Oh well, your loss. It gives the poll-proposers more power (for reasons that escape me right now) but it efficiencizes the process. Hrm, decisions, desiciosns....
      meet the new boss, same as the old boss


      • #4
        Originally posted by mrmitchell
        Do you not want to spam? Oh well, your loss.
        fine then. YOU post every single individual change, and then YOU vote in every single thread


        • #5
          You have got a "yes".
          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



          • #6
            If you do remove the second sentence or do not. An AMENDMENT has still to be a Yes/No poll, meaning one question or AMENDMENT suggestion, three options Yes, No and Abstain. So in my opinion even if this Ammendment would get enough votes and the court accepts it. Actual the court does not need to as

            Article IV: Polling Rules: IV. Amendments:
            (b) The subject line must contain the word 'AMENDMENT', written in capital letters.
            But back to the topic, removing the sentence does not change anything. So if we want to allow multiple choice polls then we need an exact definition and how they should be used and what happens if someone votes at one question for Yes and No or neither for Yes nor for No.

            For an AMENDMENT that allows the multiple choice polls, the new section should look like this:

            (c) They have to be Yes/No polls. Multiple-Yes/No polls are allowed as Amendments expressly. As long as they follow the following rhules: Each Amendment presentent in the opening post of the Amendment thread, needs a Yes and a No option, in comparison to a simple Yes/No there is no Abstain option for a suggestion. If a citiziens votes Yes and No concerning one suggestion then this is considered as Abstain, as well if one citiziens votes concerning one suggestion neither Yes nor No.

            Well feel free to short it or to correct my language as long as you don't change the content.

            Unfortunatly I doubt that this Ammendment or any other AMENDMENT we propose would pass. Compare the number of people who voted here and who has to vote. I think we need a quorum of 15 people and we are far away of that. By the way how was the constitution inacted. By a poll or who did it? I can't remember it.

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #7
              martin, it might have been best to have mentioned this BEFORE i polled it


              • #8
                We did get a quorom of fourteen for the previous constitution. At that time there were 39 members.
                If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                • #9
                  I hate this quorum. It is impossible to get, so obviously those saying we should have a quorum don't want any changes to the CON.

                  I say that all polls should have a quora of 6. That's easily enough to get on a normal day.


                  • #10
                    I don't like the quorum. It can be a game killer when enthusiasm wanes. It killed my spelling ammendment too.

                    The main problem here is that we are chained to the rock of Tarturas. We can never change the constitution to abolish the quorum without well..... a quorum.

                    If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TKG
                      martin, it might have been best to have mentioned this BEFORE i polled it
                      I mentioned it, I only did not to the formulation:

                      Originally posted by Martin Gühmann here
                      In the current situation you can do it as an unofficial poll to ask the people what is the best combination for the amendment. We had such a multi-bit chioce poll in the CTP2 DG, our problem was our to deal with "incorrect" votes like voting for ebery option. But after further consideration the problem could be solved if we see giving the vote to No and Yes to proposal no. 5 for instance as abstain concerning proposal 5 also no votes for both options should be considered as abstain. That needs to be written into the constition. So that it is clear how the result should be interpreted, if someone do such a thing on purpose or by accident.
                      Note: I added the bolds.

                      Unfortunatly it fails, because we did not got enough votes. Even if everyone would have voted Yes.

                      Originally posted by checkMate
                      The main problem here is that we are chained to the rock of Tarturas. We can never change the constitution to abolish the quorum without well..... a quorum.
                      So again my question how came into force our constitution. I can't remember a poll about it or a valid amendment. I ask, because if the constitution is not in force then we still have the power to change it. Unfortunatly one possible answer to my question could be that it came into force, because we just used it.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

