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Government positions

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  • #31
    That's why I couldn't agree more, the CtP2 system was largely (though not entirely) my idea

    Only 3 days for elections? Too short IMHO. Should be 5. Plus 2-5 for nominations (we could make 2 the minimum in case we need to act fast but allow for more time when it's possible). But we don't have to stop the game for elections, so how long the election process takes doesn't matter too much, as long as they don't take more than 1/2 the term or anything...
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #32
      Aiii... I forgot about about nominations

      Anyway, my idea was basically the term starts on the same day each month...

      However, could early elections be called in? I mean, if you think you would win again, but your unsure if you'll win in 1 weeks time, why not call an early election?


      • #33
        Well, I guess that's hard to prevent. Anyone can resign at any time and noone can prevent anyone from running for a certain office, so you can simply resign and then nominate yourself again for the following election...

        Unless of course we want to explicitly forbid this, but I don't think that's really necessary... (How often would it happen anyway?)
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #34
          lets talk about government positions and what they entail here. i started another thread to deal with elections and term length


          • #35
            I can understand the other positions but can I be ignorent and ask what a juge does. What is all this about cases etc?


            • #36
              I do of course mean judge.
              Illl hove two chek my repliessss mor ofteen


              • #37

                The judges inforce the constitution. The constitution is a set of concise rules and regulations each citizen, minister, judge and the president must follow. Any violations of polling rules, violations of ministerial practise can be complained about by a citizen, and the court will take it and decide what punishment (if any) will be carried out.


                • #38
                  Judges together form the Court:
                  The Court is constituted to rule upon: contested disputes involving legal interpretation, validity of polls and elections, violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute involving the game.
                  In the CtP2DG, the Court has been used for 5 major things already: it organized and oversaw 2 elections, it oversaw the impeachment procedure of a dissappeared official and on 2 occassions it ruled upon the validity of polls. On top of that, it has provided the other players with guidelines on what to do on several occassions. And our game has only been going on for 3 weeks or so...
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #39
                    As a judge in that game citizens will sometimes come to me with potential cases and ask for some guidance. if they had filed a case for all of them we would have had six or seven cases questioning the actions of the government in relationship to the constitution


                    • #40
                      I want the job of Minister of Science, or just a subminister of science working with the minister of domestic affairs.

                      You know me science makes me cracy


                      • #41
                        BerXpert the rabbit scientist

                        I guess that Domestic Affairs is your catagory


                        • #42
                          You mean Infrastructure. I would like to take Domestic Affairs. And I would gladly support berXperts platform if he would do the same for me. Perhaps we could even form the Rabbit Party ber
                          So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                          • #43
                            we need to define the two positions exactly before we can really start nominations, elections, etc, etc. I just rewrote a sizable junk of the CtP2 constitution (hasn't been discussed or anything yet though) I think it would probably fit this game very well.

                            the present CtP2 constitution:
                            my revised version of the CtP2 constitution:


                            • #44
                              I nominate as Imperial city name suggester
                              When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


                              • #45
                                Thanks for answering my question

