It looks like anybody can pick up the turn anytime they want, play a few turns, and then put it back. Of course it looks customary to tell a history of your rule.
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Game on!!
Around 200 B.C. a new emperor, Gameis Cubium had become high priest of Rome. Under his rule the people discovered a volatile black powder that could be used for advanced projectile weapons. He established new citys in the south and north. He also built temples in many old cities to offset the unhappiness and occasional riots from the long work day and small rations. He began to build caravans to begin trade. He sent clerics to foreign cities to convert them. His most notable action was signing a peace treaty with the Incans, ending the long war. With the world much more peaceful than before, Gameis Cubium I passed away in his sleep.
Rome or BUST!I changed my signature
It was the year of god of 300AC when the scientist and economist berXpert start his rule on Rome.
Built a big economic base of 18 trade rutes, including banks and marketplaces to get more gold.
Temples being build by Gameis Cubium were stoped and changed for acueducts to offset unhappiness giving people fresh water to grow.
Notable actions from berXpert:
* Changed farm based economy for industrialization minimum 8 cities have factories now
* London Exchange Wonder built to increase gold
* Start an army to protect from evil countries of north and south
After 775 years of prosperity berXpert passed away only at 75 years of his last project: discover a new type of government: Communism
Build a communist Rome!Last edited by berXpert; April 12, 2004, 01:01.
After the new rulers came a son of a old dynasty, called Paveius III. When he looked the Roman map, he saw, that some parts, like Florentia, were still apart from the main country. In very early time the Irish offered us to sell Jade to Ireland, and Paveius said yes. After that Royal Scientists gave a theory of a new kind of goverment, that will please the working class, and they called it communism. Without waiting Paveius ordered officers to make a bloodless revolution and started to become accustomed to the title of General Secretery (GS) of Rome.
Paveius III had some problems with nasty Incas and Cubans. First, Incas managed the coming GS to sign a contract of moving "tresspassing" troops, while they are almost tresspassing us. Then came the "iron border" in south with Cubans. One day nightmares came true and there was a conflict on the oils in south. The weak Cubans managed to barely win our 2 soldiers with only 4 warriors, but there came more brave fighters to the borders (thanks to BerXperts production lines) to destroy the last warriors and take over the oil. There is a peace agreement now, but the fear is still there...
Before his end of very long career, he researched the secrets of Medicines and Physics, and he put a start for a new transporting way, railways.Last edited by Pave; April 21, 2004, 11:41.The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
- Chuck Norris Facts
The file itself:Attached FilesThe Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
- Chuck Norris Facts
Well nothing eventful enough happen during General Secretary Nimrodicus V's regime. Units were produced to strenthen our military. 3 separate armies are marching toward the cuban border to settle our dominance over them once an for all. Railroads were discovered and new lines are on the drawing boards.
Within an acient tribe, the poeple had such dedication to their leaders. They called their impressive government Fasism. With the knowledge of this in the hands of the poeple, GS Nimrodicus V decided it was time to step down.
Will the next emporer lead our porplr into a Fasist state or will he continue Communism?
Find out here.So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"
I can't seem to find a recipt that works to open the turns here. My computer opens a bogus page somewhere on apolyton, but never gives me a plane old file when I try to run this .php stuff. What's the deal?If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.
Strange, for me I just wait or press the "skip" link at the upper-right corner and I get the fileLast edited by Pave; May 24, 2004, 08:47.The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
- Chuck Norris Facts
Well, it seems like no-one wants to make a desicion between fasism and communismThe Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
- Chuck Norris Facts
After the retirement of GS Nimrodicus V. the communist council elected Matteus Magicus with a 100% majority as their new spokesman and thus first comrade of the nation. Magicus has been a loyal member of the nation's only party since his birth.
His appointment was made possible when descendants of the traditional bloodlines of Nimrodicus, checkMatis, Paveius and berXpert-ius stated they had no personal ambitions for the honor of first comrade and held speeches in the house of comrades in support of Matteus Magicus. As his first official action the graduated mathematician Magicus, who had spent his last 3 years in service of the state in the diplomatic corps, negotiated an agreement with the Incan leader to withdraw their troops from Roman soil.
The nation eagerly expects what the new souvereign will bring for the country of Rome !Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."
Latest news:
The governmental free newspaper "The Patriot" has been temporarily closed. The paper had announced yesterday that Matteus Magicus had been elected new first comrade by the communist general assembly.
This was a hoax ! The general assembly is still determining Nimrodicus V.'s successor.
The issue will be examined and the responsible persons found.
unfortunately the game crashed when i tried to end the turn.were you using any mods ?
Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."
not really. i got frustrated since i spent much time on the first turn, and that time was lost. but i had a smaller crash error before, during that first turn, so i assumed it was a systematic problem.
maybe i will try later on again.Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."
Review the mighty rule of Schachgehilfe.
Finding a fine strong nation left by Nimrodicus Schachgehilfe edicted a new regimen. All military barracks were opened and filled with strong warriors. With new weapons and superior training, as well as a strong feeling of Nationalism, the new Facist troops were produced in mass. Continuing a death march started by Nimrodicus, and fortified with the new high stepping troops, the inferior cubans to the south have been all but destroyed. In the hieght of the conflict the Incans declared war and attacked from the North. Many more Schachgehilfe youth were recruited for war in the northern front and difficult battles have been fought.
Unexpectedly the great Schachgehilfe was assasinated in the prime of his blood thirsty rule. Probably an Incan infiltrator. The generals look for a new leader to prop up before the people of Rome.
A history of Schachgehilfes authored by the Furors own propoganda minister follows.
1195 Schachgenhilfe deposes Nimrodicus, Fascism enacted. Death march south engaged.
1210 Cuban city of Cabanas, and Havana fall. The bearded ruler Castro runs to the east and sets the new capitol in Guantanamo.
1240 Electrification discovered.
1245 Incans declare war.
1255 Cuban cities Lambaleque, Matazas, Pina Del Rio, and cienfuego fall to Schachgenhilfe
1255 Chemistry discovered.
1260 Irish civilization attacks but soon ask for peace which was magnaimously granted by the wize Schachgehilfe.
1260 Incan cite of Ocucnie Taken, Cuban city of Guantanamo taken.
1260 Corporations begin to be founded.
1265 A new nation is discovered, the Chinese make their first greeting.
1265 Artemisa of the Cubans falls.
1270 Explosives discovered, Cuban cities of Moa, San Cristobel, Gibara taken.
1275 Cuban cities of Holguin destroyed, Neapolis1 taken back from the Incans. A new race met, the Egyptians send greetings.
1280 Pharmaceuticals discovered, Cuban cities of LaIsabela, Madera, and Niquera taken.
1280 Contraception experiments started in Rome.
1290 Incan city of Tihuaqco destroyed.
1295 Los Arroyos of the cubans taken. Chinese declare war on Schachgehilfe.
1300 Steel Discovered, Tunas de Zaza of the cubans taken. Machu Picchu of the Incans Falls
1300 Schachgehilfe assasinated.
The Game FileIf it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.