Alright Froz. Not much discussion was going on. Do we want AI to fill all the other positions? Biggest size map if so? Any barbarian threat?
No announcement yet.
Settings suggestions
Throw in some wild cards like dry land and/or cold. Maybe its an island instead of continent setting. The land is fairly uniform.
Now what kind of a mess did we make?So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"
Limbo? Do you mean that game where you have to walk under a stick that is quite low?
So what we got here is:
Goods >50% (60-80%)
Water >50%
Cold and dry
Medium, huge or gigantic map
Barbarians are raging hordes
Max number of AI civs
Fairly uniform
Any more suggestions?The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
- Chuck Norris Facts