Yes, let us crush our foes
This poll represents the restart of the CtP-Government Game. Should it be accepted, the Frozzy Plan will be accepted, and our enemies shall be quinns & FlameFlash. Our tyrannical master shall be accepted after a) the poll is accepted, and b) quinns and FlameFlash either have no access to this forum OR a private one for the use of the "free" citizens. b) is accepted pending a).
Vote fortyranny a brand new world
This poll represents the restart of the CtP-Government Game. Should it be accepted, the Frozzy Plan will be accepted, and our enemies shall be quinns & FlameFlash. Our tyrannical master shall be accepted after a) the poll is accepted, and b) quinns and FlameFlash either have no access to this forum OR a private one for the use of the "free" citizens. b) is accepted pending a).
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