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  • #31
    Hmmm, in that case, maybe we should go with a fixed mod (i.e. me) after all, instead of making the President a mod? You never know when my extra powers may come in handy (or always have 2 mods: me plus the President)...
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #32
      Well, considering I have access to all the major functions, and if I wanted to edit a post it could well warrent a warning or a week ban, then I supose the other options, which I can't access, are used in short supply.


      • #33
        Surely if anyone from the govt should be a mod, it should be a judge, not the pres.


        • #34
          12. Sorry, I didn't notice the extera page


          • #35
            since andrew called 8 (im guessing it is actually 12) i guess im 13...unlucky?...maybe

            All rise of the honourable Miggio, for 2 months at least.


            • #36
              That makes me 14 (yes I am a member, I just haven't posted yet).


              • #37

                How long are we going to discuss city names, civ name, and the constitution? How long before this game starts?
                So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                • #38
                  Nimrod, we need a clear constitution, and I'll allow another, say, 2 days for civ name suggestions. City names...

                  I actually have ANOTHER idea...

                  We all suggest city names.

                  We use this poll scheme where you divide 100 points among city names. e.g.

                  City 1
                  City 2
                  City 3
                  City 4

                  I want to give City 2 sixty-four points and City 4 thirty-three points.

                  At the end, the results could be like this:

                  City 2: 483 pts
                  City 1: 391 pts
                  City 4: 210 pts
                  City 3: 1pt

                  Thus, City 2 will be our capital, City 1 will be the name of our second city, City 4 will be the name of our third city, and so on and so forth.

                  A tad fairer, IMO.


                  • #39
                    i like fozzy's idea
                    All rise of the honourable Miggio, for 2 months at least.


                    • #40
                      I don't understand Frozzy's idea

                      If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                      • #41
                        Frozzy's idea sounds good
                        Ash nazg dubratuluk
                        ash nazg gimbatul
                        ash nazg trakutaluk
                        agh burmuz-ishi krimpatul


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by checkMate
                          I don't understand Frozzy's idea

                          He means something like this. Edit: or better yet, like this.
                          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

