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State of the Union Address

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  • State of the Union Address

    The ball needs to get rolling on this game, and for that reason I cannot wait another day before the polls are officially over.

    The Greks hate us. Theres no doubt that they are planning a war against us. We must defend ourselves from this aggressive nation. A raiding party of 3 with a legion on top has been spotted 4 tiles to the north of Red City.

    Te Moana will finish biulding a phalanx giving it 2 inside the city limits. Atlantis is undended until it complete a phalanx next turn. Red City will finish its 2nd phalanx in 2 turns.

    Theocracy is being researched and will be completed in 7 turns. Yet wemust contiue our exspanion capaign to ensure a stronger foundation for more research and industry.

    I will be requiring build queues, scout movements, policies, and infrastucture setting from the ministers. The sooner the better guys.
    So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"

  • #2
    The polls are closed. Where are my orders
    So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


    • #3
      Theocracy in 7 !!

      What did you do all this time?

      personal note: I think this will be a hard work to put this guys on school


      • #4
        Well nobody wanted to do a Rabbit strategy. City Two was way over by the coast. Should have been at the end of the river we started on.

        Where was Berx when we needed his wise Judgement?
        If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


        • #5
          Well we have his wisdom now. How shall he advice his comrade? Where is Pave and Frozzy?

          I will be moving the game forward in 24 hours with or without advice from my ministers.
          So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


          • #6
            Simple orders:

            Fortify the cities. Keep a warrior looking out for rogue Geeks but I'm concerned with our cities defence.


            • #7
              Simple order (without seeing a turn):

              Give greeks whatever they want, I don't know how much gold is in my treasure ... I mean OUR treasure but you can gift them with 100 gold and ask them to leave.

              100 gold for 10 turns of peace and happy grow is good, right?

              Nimnrod I have a question... what do you need from me until we reach Theocracy?


              • #8
                Eh, I think we´ll try to get those greek-geeks to peace,if not with regular way, then with "the American way" aka with war
                The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
                - Chuck Norris Facts


                • #9
                  What goes to tile impruments( hope you understand), raise production to max, but not PW rate, for the theocraty and oiling our "war engine", if the war ever comes.

                  PTW Can we have a map?
                  The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
                  - Chuck Norris Facts


                  • #10
                    ber, I need build queues for all three cities. I need to know if you feel works should be placed differently. Any changes that should be made to our workday/wages/food setting. And be thinking about what to research after theo.

                    Gifting the greeks gold is up to the MFAI with my approvel. Which I am not for since they are aggresive and hate us already. What did you mean by happy grow?

                    Frozzy, keep the warrior close to lookout for greeks and fortify with our phalanx? Got it

                    Pave, war will come, lets just hope we are ready for it when it does. As for your map, can some one tell me how to take the picture or what ever it is I need to do to get a view of what is going on?
                    So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by checkMate
                      Well nobody wanted to do a Rabbit strategy.
                      How do you know that... I don't see a POLL saying that.

                      Nimrod I'm planing the queues and all stuff you want... do you think I can have a copy of last turn so I can make my choose.

                      I need info about:

                      a) type of terrain in each city to make specialist distribution and know about their production [or just a picture of the F1 city status screen]

                      c) how money do we have to think about rush buy something

                      d) a map to look for a place to found new cities

                      e) if is not possible the turn, then a picture of the main screen to see how to set sliders

                      If you need to play the turn just change all queues to settlers please

                      Now I know my fuctions and obligations:

                      (a) The Minister of Domestic Affairs is responsible for managing all cities. Including their distribution of specialist citizens and production queues, rushed production requests and disbanding of cities.

                      (b) The Minister of Domestic Affairs can only disband a city after this action be evaluated by the citizens through an Official Poll (article IV, section 3-II).

                      (c) The action of Rush buy build queue items can only be perfomed with the President's approval.

                      (d) The Minister of Domestic Affairs is ultimately responsible for settlers, choosing site for new cities and moving these units to this site.

                      (e) The Minister of Domestic Affairs is in charge of all the Empire settings and sliders, including Rations, Workday, Wages, Public Works rate and Science rate.

                      (f) The Minister of Domestic Affairs controls research.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by checkMate
                        Well nobody wanted to do a Rabbit strategy.
                        I saw Frozzy's POLL about to where to build and noted 20% want it.

                        And acting with my Constitution on my hand and calling to paragraph (d) we are going to build settlers for the next turns without asking for a POLL we are still on tirany rigth ?


                        • #13
                          I dowload quinns' turn and noted Thecracy in 7, so I think it's last turn.

                          I did my job and here's my advice/orders for next 10 turns camrad Nimrod.

                          1. Set wages to 3

                          This way we can reach theocracy in 5 turns, don't worry about happines of 73 people will be more happy when Mesias came.

                          2. Change queue of

                          Red City to: settler - phalanx {turns 9 - 2}
                          Atlantis to: settler - phalanx - slaver {turns 6 - 2 - 4}
                          Te Moana to: settler - phalanx {turns 8 - 2}

                          We need more population if we want to hire more defensive soldiers.

                          I won try rabbit strategy BUT we need to hold all the river on forest at left of Atlantis as we can, this as a key for our survivor.

                          3. In 5 turns change wage to 5

                          But only if and only if you take the decition to change your Tyrannic gov to theocracy.
                          Setting wages to 5 will make all people love you and make a faster transition to new gov.

                          4. In 6-7 turns if you are Theocratic


                          Workday to 12 h
                          wages to 5
                          Rations to 5.0

                          Science rate 60%

                          We need to grow before think on war.

                          5. Next Research will be Domestication

                          We need to build markets to increase our income, and mounted archers for a fast defence/exploration movilization.

                          If Domestication is not available, then go for Astronomy I'm planing to build a Wonder of the World.

                          I know it's not my job but I want to suggest to Frozzy to put his Warrior on front of stack of 3 greeks.

                          a) we could know if they want war if they attack him, and I will change my cities queues to defence

                          b) if they don't attack then they will need 3 extra turns to reach Red City, enough time to me for build 3 new cities and its defences


                          • #14
                            Frozzy where should our warrior go?

                            Did you want those queues changes this turn or next ber? And a poll will be conducted for our next research.

                            I will play as soon as Frozzy and berXpert have responded.
                            So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                            • #15
                              I agree with Berx on settlers first. Seems we already have a fairly good defence in the cities with two phalanx.
                              If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.

