Teh Cities:
AB: set to grow and work cottages. Great Scientist when we end turn next turn.
FS: Heroic Epic finished, set to a pony.
Zulu: ETA on Library: 4 turns, will manage it to grow on that turn and have the police in place to keep it happy, start working 2 scientists.
Lima: 5 turns to Settler
Foxtrot: Granary finished next turn, units or forge?

Apparantly Sarantium is obtaining assistance from the Horde to defend Ocala.
Of concern is the 3-4 chariots that are now missing from the area. Highly doubtfull they have the gold to upgrade them, but 4 chariots and 2 spears could prevent our taking Port Tiberium. At least in one turn, anyway.
City raider axes on the way. Will likely fort the stack to finish healing the rest and allow the city raiders to join up.
Also, I may be wrong on the suspected 4th city. The culture I was seeing is potentially possible from their capitol since they built the holy temple doodad.
Ponies at full health in 2. 6 ponies could head out to Port Tiberium in 2, or 7 in 3.

The South.

Perhaps it's time to put together a Horde task force to keep them busy...
We've dropped to #2 demographically at some point recently (I don't actually check the rankings every turn, my bad), with the leader more than doubling our food. That would be AC. IMO they have the game won, unless they royally screw up. Horde is still last.
Again, AC is #1, by a huge margin. GS would be #2, Sarantium 3, us 4.

We are actually #1 in production. But AC (#2 by 1 less hammer) could dust us if they chose to. I'm guessing GS at 3, Sarantium at 4, with the Horde bringing up the rear.

We are actually #2 in power (by only 1000 points). I actually believe this to be a reflection of a tech advantage on the other continent, and firmly believe we have the largest standing army.

Population, we are at #4. This is a concern. With everyone but the Horde ahead of us, mostly thanks to happies. But, we're starting our own growth now.
AB: set to grow and work cottages. Great Scientist when we end turn next turn.

FS: Heroic Epic finished, set to a pony.
Zulu: ETA on Library: 4 turns, will manage it to grow on that turn and have the police in place to keep it happy, start working 2 scientists.
Lima: 5 turns to Settler
Foxtrot: Granary finished next turn, units or forge?
Apparantly Sarantium is obtaining assistance from the Horde to defend Ocala.
Of concern is the 3-4 chariots that are now missing from the area. Highly doubtfull they have the gold to upgrade them, but 4 chariots and 2 spears could prevent our taking Port Tiberium. At least in one turn, anyway.
City raider axes on the way. Will likely fort the stack to finish healing the rest and allow the city raiders to join up.
Also, I may be wrong on the suspected 4th city. The culture I was seeing is potentially possible from their capitol since they built the holy temple doodad.
Ponies at full health in 2. 6 ponies could head out to Port Tiberium in 2, or 7 in 3.
The South.
Perhaps it's time to put together a Horde task force to keep them busy...
We've dropped to #2 demographically at some point recently (I don't actually check the rankings every turn, my bad), with the leader more than doubling our food. That would be AC. IMO they have the game won, unless they royally screw up. Horde is still last.
Again, AC is #1, by a huge margin. GS would be #2, Sarantium 3, us 4.
We are actually #1 in production. But AC (#2 by 1 less hammer) could dust us if they chose to. I'm guessing GS at 3, Sarantium at 4, with the Horde bringing up the rear.
We are actually #2 in power (by only 1000 points). I actually believe this to be a reflection of a tech advantage on the other continent, and firmly believe we have the largest standing army.
Population, we are at #4. This is a concern. With everyone but the Horde ahead of us, mostly thanks to happies. But, we're starting our own growth now.