The East (for some reason I named the screenshot "west" however....must have been playing too late at night... )
Now, this is a poll. A MULTIPLE CHOICE POLL.
Please vote for one option in each header.
At issue to decide:
AB: We can triple pop the forge right now. Advantage to doing so is the happy boost AB would get.
We could triple pop a settler.
We could dual pop a worker.
We could remain building the forge, delay growth by working the cottages, and allow the existing "we can't forget the cruel" expire before popping.
The advantages for each popping are obvious. The disadvantage is less gold, possibly delaying math a bit.
Build the Heroic Epic
Build Units
Build granary
Build Library
Each has merits.
The Eastern front:
Move pieces into place to attack next turn.
Wait 2 turns to see what Sarantium does with that chariot/axe/worker stack and be able to send an extra axe in 2 turns.
Again, each has merits.
Now, this is a poll. A MULTIPLE CHOICE POLL.
Please vote for one option in each header.
At issue to decide:
AB: We can triple pop the forge right now. Advantage to doing so is the happy boost AB would get.
We could triple pop a settler.
We could dual pop a worker.
We could remain building the forge, delay growth by working the cottages, and allow the existing "we can't forget the cruel" expire before popping.
The advantages for each popping are obvious. The disadvantage is less gold, possibly delaying math a bit.
Build the Heroic Epic
Build Units
Build granary
Build Library
Each has merits.
The Eastern front:
Move pieces into place to attack next turn.
Wait 2 turns to see what Sarantium does with that chariot/axe/worker stack and be able to send an extra axe in 2 turns.
Again, each has merits.