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Turn 63 - 1520 BC

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  • Turn 63 - 1520 BC

    Next turn, we'll have a few military units to move.

    Also, FS has grown, and should have its grass-forest citizen switched to a plains forest, trading a food for an extra hammer.

    And last but not least, IW next turn! We'll get to see the positioning of iron on a great portion of the continent. Hopefully we'll have some near our cities that we can exploit for more production.

    I believe that's about it. The major decisions are military moves, that depend upon what we see when opening the save...
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Bad news. Sarantium Archer (damaged - must be barbs, they're at peace w/ Horde) has arrive along with a settler of theirs.


    • #3
      The situation.

      Horde Archer is out of sight.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I would suggest staying put with the spear/axe. Heal the wounded axe one turn. Move FS axe 2. Send out an ultimatum.

        Losing gold for one turn isn't a big problem.


        • #5
          Losing the gold as a workable tile costs us some commerce, possibly a hammer or two as well depending on where the AI governor moves that citizen. As such, I think we should defend against losing it. If they move their warrior into the jungle, our axe would still have good odds - 7.5 modified strength vs. their 3 modified strength. However, just to be sure, moving our other axe in, somewhat damaged as it may be, should ensure the safety of FS, Rush, and all the improved tiles there.

          What happens if war is declared while our units are on the same tile? Hmm...


          • #6
            Not sure what will happen to units on the same tile. They obviously cannot stay on the same tile. How they will be moved will be up to the game.

            Actually, moving the wounded axe 8 might be a better idea, that way at least we don't have to put our defenses in the hands of a rather random decision on behalf of the game.


            • #7
              Just tested the western situation. Axe vs. warrior in jungle has 99.9% odds, so the southern axe should be okay to heal a turn rather than reinforcing in case of Sarantium warrior incursion. Also, I ran a test scenario about the unit bouncing, with an axe and a warrior of different civs on the same tile. The axe was always bounced to the tile 1 of the formerly shared tile (all adjacent 8 tiles were passable land and unoccupied). Strangely, the axe was always the one bounced, whether the warrior's civ declared war or the axe's civ. Not sure what quirks of gameplay are producing that result. Anyhow, this means the southwestern axe couldn't reliable reinforce in any case, so it probably might as well heal even if we do go with the ultimatum.

              Not sure what you mean about 8, it shouldn't be on the same tile as the Sarantium warrior if we keep it where it is.


              • #8
                There is also the case for getting the experience to promote the wounded axe.


                • #9
                  I would say:

                  Axe in the N should move 6, in search of that Sarantium warrior in the hills.
                  The Axe in Forst Sierra should move 2 to best respond to that Sarantium warrior there.
                  The axe/spear I would move 2 ON their warrior, and thus able to attack it wherever if needed.
                  The wounded axe, I would advocate moving 3 but could live with healing too. Moving 3 gets us further south and east, and we need to be moving one of those directions depending on what Sarantium does. Healing at the moment doesn't gain us much.

                  Slavery would be nice soonish....

                  I also reccomend the southern worker chop 2 forrests for axes. Specifically, the two plains ones directly W of FS.
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #10
                    I just realized the axe in FS can't even reach the gold. In that case moving 2 with it is probably best.

                    Re: moving axe/spear onto their warrior, I'm not sure that's a good idea. If they declare war, our units could get bumped - quite possibly to 1 of the tile according to the test I ran.

                    Chopping with Rush sounds like a good idea, at least for one chop. Might not want to do two if it looks like Foxtrot might finally be established...


                    • #11
                      All moves seem clear except for the axe/spear. I tend to agree with Kloreep about staying put. I don't like the idea of getting bumped by the game in some random direction when war is declared.

                      UnO, when you say we should move to slavery soonish, how soonish?

                      As for chopping with Rush, move 4?


                      • #12
                        I'm all antsy that we're not in slavery now. I always switch on that one asap. But I am a poprush fan. We're at war with 2 nations, and are about to lose our production advantage to Sarantium once they build that 3rd city. ASAP in my personal opinion. I still don't really know why we delayed it. Slavery costs no maintanence and while we didn't need it, now we're faced waiting a turn to use it if we do need it.

                        Take that axe in FS off Goto. (don't know 100% if that's something I somehow accidentally initiated) Just make absolutely sure he's not on goto.

                        Chop at 4 or 7. We should get a second spear built as well.
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          Re: Rush, I'm still thinking he should road that one tile. As it is, our gold is practically up for the taking if the Horde wants to wander by again.


                          • #14
                            Ok, so switch to slavery now I gather. For me it's a toss up between road or chop. In one hour we will be over the 48 hour mark. If there is no more input by then, I'll flip for it...

                            EDIT: Road is nice, but we need more military units asap. All this treachery in the air is enough. We must show force. I would go with chop.


                            • #15
                              All right, chop it is.

                              Switching to slavery now is okay by me; unless we want to wait 6 turns for the settler I don't think there'll be a better time.

