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Builds, Turn 27-43

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  • Builds, Turn 27-43

    I've plotted out two build schemes for this turn period. The results are summarized below; skip my calculations unless you wish to check or experiment with them. (You may wish to check out the bolded dates to see the differences in milestones, however.)

    (2960 BC) Turn 27: Food @ 6/24; Spearman @ 31/35. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 28: Spearman built. Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 2/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 29: Forest chopped. Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 30/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 30: Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 38/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 31: Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 46/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 32: AH discovered. Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 54/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 33: Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 62/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 34: Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 70/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 35: Pasture built on pigs. Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 78/100. Work Copper+Pigs=EOT +5 food, +6 hammers, +9 commerce
    Turn 36: Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 89/100. Work Copper+Pigs=EOT +5 food, +6 hammers, +9 commerce
    Turn 37: Settler built. Food @ 8/24; Axeman @ 0/35. Work Copper+Pigs=EOT +5 food, +6 hammers, +9 commerce
    Turn 38: Food @ 13/24; Axeman @ 6/35. Work Copper+Pigs=EOT +5 food, +6 hammers, +9 commerce
    Turn 39: Food @ 18/24; Axeman @ 12/35. Work Copper+Pigs=EOT +5 food, +6 hammers, +9 commerce
    Turn 40: Food @ 23/24; Axeman @ 18/35. Work Copper+Pigs=EOT +5 food, +6 hammers, +9 commerce
    Turn 41: Growth to size 3. Food @ 4/26; Axeman @ 24/35. Work Copper+Pigs+Oasis=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 42: Food @ 10/26; Axeman @ 30/35. Work Copper+Pigs+Oasis=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 43: Axeman built. Food @ 16/26; Build @ 1/?.
    Total commerce: 164
    Note: A second forest chop right after pasturing & roading the pigs can bring the Axeman completion up by two turns to Turn 41.

    (2960 BC) Turn 27: Food @ 6/24; Spearman @ 31/35. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 28: Spearman built. Food @ 8/24; Settler @ 2/100. Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 29: Forest chopped. Food @ 8/24; Axeman 0/35 (Settler 30/100). Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 30: Food @ 10/24; Axeman 6/35 (Settler 30/100). Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 31: Food @ 12/24; Axeman 12/35 (Settler 30/100). Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 32: AH discovered. Food @ 14/24; Axeman 18/35 (Settler 30/100). Work Oasis+Copper=EOT +2 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 33: Food @ 16/24; Axeman 24/35 (Settler 30/100). Work Oasis+Pigs=EOT +4 food, +1 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 34: Food @ 20/24; Axeman 25/35 (Settler 30/100). Work Oasis+Pigs=EOT +4 food, +1 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 35: Growth to size 3. Pasture built on pigs. Food @ 0/26; Settler 30/100 (Axeman 26/35). Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 36: Food @ 0/26; Settler 42/100 (Axeman 26/35). Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 37: Food @ 0/26; Settler 54/100 (Axeman 26/35). Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 38: Food @ 0/26; Settler 66/100 (Axeman 26/35). Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 39: Food @ 0/26; Settler 78/100 (Axeman 26/35). Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 40: Food @ 0/26; Settler 90/100 (Axeman 26/35). Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 41: Settler complete. Food @ 0/26; Axeman 28/35. Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 42: Food @ 6/26; Axeman 34/35. Work Oasis+Pigs+Copper=EOT +6 food, +6 hammers, +11 commerce
    Turn 43: Axeman built. Food @ 12/26; Build 5/?.
    Total Commerce: 176
    Note: The second forest chop can be done here too of course, generating the same +20 shields; however, it would come too late to speed up either axeman or settler build.

    So, to sum up. (Turns w/out mil units is a consideration IMO, as if the settler is produced when we don't yet have 2 mil units available, we will be forced to leave AB undefended while we send the garrison out with the settler. And if we're smart, we'll send out the garrison a little bit ahead of the settlers actual production to take advantage of our settler's 2 moves for a little while, which means the turns w/out a garrison for AB are if anything underestimated by the numbers I present here.)

    Diff: Settler+4-4-12-4+3/+5
    Diff: Growth-4+4+12+4-3/-5

    As you can probably see, the main difference is in the time of settler production, and the turns spent without military units for AB, namely the axeman (Each turn of reduction of this below 3 turns for the settler-priority scenario would mean 1 more turn before the settler). Commerce is also a minor factor.

    Hammers and food are traded straight for each other, so while I think hammers are a bit more valuable than food in AB, I don't think either is a consideration.

  • #2
    The big question to my mind is how much to value each extra turn of settler. The standard city tile will likely produce 2/1/1 food/hammers/commerce, but a city on a plains hill, such as Captain's/my pigs/fish city or polarnomad's/OzzyKP's 2nd city site, will produce 2/2/1.

    Going for a settler full blast gets the settler out 4 turns early, which, so long as we are willing to make the spear garrison leave the city as early as we would in the case of not-full-blast, gets the city up and running 4 turns early as well. So I'd estimate an extra 2/2/1 or 1/3/1 per each of those 4 turns in the new city. That's 8/8/4 or 4/12/4 on a raw basis. Even planning for a -1 maintenance cost that cancels out the commerce, the new city still gains us 16 food/hammers, and that's not counting the cascade effect of being able to get food in earlier, and thus the first growth in earlier, which will in turn give us a few turns of "bonus" production from the 2nd citizen as compared to the growth-oriented approach to these builds.

    So, much as the lag time in getting AB new defenses bothers me, I'm willing to go with a settler rush, especially if we commit to moving the spearman out of AB early and taking a risk on defenselessness for 5 turns while chopping a forest after the pigs to speed the axeman build after the settler.


    • #3
      Thought we were going to chop an axe before the settler.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        That was the original plan, but making the chop go to the settler build intsead will speed it up.

        From my POV the second axe does not become necessary until we have the settler to defend; until then all we really have is AB (+ the worker but especially with borders & sight extended thanks to creative, the spear shouldn't have too hard a time pulling double duty).


        • #5
          But we can't defend the settler with nothing. The axe needs to get on his way before the settler comes out. Fog removal is the best defense we have at this point.
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


          • #6
            I'm suggesting we send the settler out with the spear and leave AB undefended till the axe is produced to do so.

