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Team Sarantium Diplomacy

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  • Did they give a reason for delay?


    • Re: Settler delivered, where's my worker?
      He is coming next turn.

      UnOrthOdOx wrote on 24-06-2007 08:11:

      So much for us getting him early...
      I'm very displeased, frankly. We've given them every fair warning the settler was coming, and at what time. The original deal called for us to get the worker a turn early. I see no excuse for this delay.
      Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; June 27, 2007, 14:20.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • I guess they decided to go ahead and mine their Iron once we gave them IW instead of fulfilling the contract.

        EDIT: From the screenshots I see that they have not completed mining Iron.
        Last edited by polarnomad; June 28, 2007, 02:04.


        • Well, 2 turn rental on a settler is 100/4 = 25/10 = 2.5*2 = 5.

          So, cost to Sarantium on this contract is now 105, assuming we get that worker in 2 turns.

          We received the workboat 4 turns early? So, 30/4 = 7/10 = .7 * 4 = 2.8

          So, Sarantium has given 92.8

          We're owed 12 gold.

          I think. I'll double check the pricing thread, might be more like 20 gold.
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


          • Alright, checked the pricing thread. Purchase of units is 2*H

            So, Units offered by Mercs: 100 hammers

            Units offered by Sarantium: 90 hammers

            10 hammers = 20 gold difference.

            Sarantium rental of work boat to Team Merc: 2.8 gold
            Merc rental of Settler to Sarantium: 5 gold.

            We're owed 22 gold. Unless I'm mistaken in how soon we got that boat.


            Oi, scratch that again, rental is /2 not /4

            So, rental on a workboat is 1.5/turn.

            Rental on a settler is 5/turn.

            We got the use of the workboat 5 turns early (was to be 6, but due to the movement = no gifting thing was 5)


            Units + Sarantium owes us 10 hammers. = 20 gold.

            Rental of workboat = 7.5, round up = 8.

            Rental of Settler = 10 (assuming 2 turns)

            Sarantium owes us 22 gold.
            Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; June 27, 2007, 14:53.
            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
            You're wierd. - Krill

            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


            • Sarantium also owes us 70 gold from the unit rental. That's 92 gold.

              I'm making a complete tally.

              Next tech deal =

              Mercs supply:

              Masonry 114
              Sailing 143
              and previous credit of 69
              TOTAL 326
              Sarantium supplies Mathematics.
              Can someone look up it's cost in game, please?
              (if not I can later tonight)

              The question is, then, do we want to give them masonry now? This would give us even more grounds to declare war on them should they not pay Mathematics after dust settles on the Horde contract. By fulfilling at least part of our side of that contract, it also limits their ability to claim our accepting the Horde contract was breaking any contracts with them. (even though there is no defined date the trade needs to take place, hence their argument would be moot to begin with)

              We're also in a sticky situation with Sailing. We're waiting for the Horde to research it before this deal can be finalized.
              Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; June 27, 2007, 14:54.
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • Alright...

                The settler deal: Are we getting control over the worker this turn, or not till next?

                As I have it figured:

                Breaking down into 2 sections.


                Settler provided by Team Mercenary: 100 hammers

                Worker and workboat provided by Sarantium: 90 hammers

                Difference: 10 hammers.

                Subtotal: Sarantium owes 20 gold (H*2 for purchasing)

                Cost = H/2 for 10 turns

                5 turn rental on workboat (would have been 6, but the whole can't gift with no moves thing) ((30/2)/10)*5 = 7.5, rounded up = 8

                Settler rental due to worker coming late = 5 gold/turn

                Present balance = 17 (20 - 8 + 5)

                Unit rental for Horde task force: 70 gold. 2 spear, 2 axe. (35/2 = 17.5 *4= 70)

                +69 gold credit from original tech agreement (originally factored into tech trade 2, what is the beaker cost of Math, btw?)

                total: 156 gold

                Team Mercenary Representative
                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                You're wierd. - Krill

                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                • Mathematics is 250 beakers (as per in-game civilopedia).

                  I would say hold off from giving them Masonry. I've got a feeling we are going to have reason to declare war on them anyway. Will be interesting to see if Sarantium feel tolerant enough to distinguish between combating Hired Merc units and desecrating the neutrality of the wider Merc empire, once war is declared on behalf of the Horde.


                  • Since Masonry's explicitly part of the "next" tech deal I don't think we're at all obligated to give it to them now. And since they're the ones in debt with us, I don't think we should.

                    It's true we would have a higher moral ground vs. Sarantium if they broke the deal, but honestly I'd rather have the chance to sever ties peacefully. If we are forced to seek repayment from Sarantium, we essentially turn this war into a 2 vs. 1 and ensure their being wiped off the continent. I don't think we want to see the Horde successful in eliminating Sarantium, lest we be stuck with them on the continent. Of course, the same applies to keeping Sarantium from eliminating the Horde lest we be stuck with Sarantine across the rest of the continent. It's a tricky balance, and the question is probably WHEN someone on this continent gets eliminated, not whether.


                    • Uno and Team Merc.

                      We have reviewed your figures, and agree for the most part. Here are my comments/additions:

                      Current balance.


                      Settler provided by Team Mercenary: 100 hammers

                      Worker and workboat provided by Sarantium: 90 hammers

                      Difference: 10 hammers.

                      Subtotal: Sarantium owes 20 gold (H*2 for purchasing)



                      Cost = H/2 for 10 turns

                      5 turn rental on workboat (would have been 6, but the whole can't gift with no moves thing) ((30/2)/10)*5 = 7.5, rounded up = 8



                      Settler rental due to worker coming late = 5 gold/turn

                      Not agreed. You cannot have it both ways. We get credit for a workboat when it was early, but dinged for a settler when our worker is late. Either we get credit for a settler for the number of turns our workboat was early, or, charge us at the rate of a worker for the turns he was late. I presume you would want the latter, so ((60/2)/10) = 3.


                      Present balance would be = 15 (20 - 8 + 3)


                      Unit rental for Horde task force: 70 gold. 2 spear, 2 axe. (35/2 = 17.5 *4= 70)



                      +69 gold credit from original tech agreement (originally factored into tech trade



                      total: 156 gold

                      Agreed. But need to factor in the IW credit and the difference for math, as follows:

                      The last deal we struck was:

                      Team Mercenary supplies:
                      Masonry 114
                      Sailing 143
                      and previous credit of 69
                      TOTAL 326

                      Sarantium supplies:
                      Mathematics: 357
                      IW research credit 12 (see below)
                      TOTAL 369

                      Modifying it for the unit rental and the settler/workboat deal:

                      Team Mercenary supplies:
                      Masonry 114
                      Sailing 143
                      workboat/settler credit of 15
                      unit rental of 70
                      and previous credit of 69

                      TOTAL 411

                      Sarantium supplies:
                      Horse Back Riding 357
                      IW research credit 12 (see previous correspondence and agreement)
                      TOTAL 369

                      Sarantium owes Team mercenary 42 gold/research credits

                      We can include this in the tech deal for contsruction, which as we discussed realier, will be Sarantium's next research project.

                      I think we are pretty much on the same page here. Let me know.

                      Regards and cheers from Sarantium ...

                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • Is math also 357, same as HBR? (haven't been able to get into the game yet.)

                        polarnomad reported it "as per the in game civelopedia" as 250 gold. Though it's possible he used a regular game or the civelopedia from the menu, and not THIS game as we have some wierdo costs in this one. 250 sounds about right for the HBR cost, actually...

                        No matter.

                        We're close enough to agreement not to make this a big issue. 2 gold.

                        Onto the rental.

                        Our troops will move onto tile 7 of the copper next turn. They will be renamed to signify your hiring of them. Typically payment would be due at that time, but we have an agreement we trust will be honored, just future FYI.

                        We will ask for orders each turn following that, and provide you with a screenshot and any pertinent combat info each turn.
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • Wait a minute, Sarantium also wants to supply us with HBR?

                          I'm confused.


                          • That was the original deal, HBR, they changed it to Mathematics, which apparantly is the same cost. He was quoting the OLD deal.
                            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                            You're wierd. - Krill

                            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                            • Ah, okay.


                              • Ran into a (claiming to be drunk) Beta in a pitboss game.

                                It would take me a ton of screenshots to capture the conversation, so the highlights being:

                                PLATO sent Sarantium "quite a PM" and the two are discussing peace and how it would be best to work together since the other continent is about to lose 2 civs.

                                Which most likely means they are discussing our removal.

                                Scheduling a chat for tomorrow evening, around 9PM mountain time. Should be fun. Don't miss it.
                                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                                You're wierd. - Krill

                                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

