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Turn 14 - 3480 BC

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  • Turn 14 - 3480 BC

    Map from end of last turn:

    This turn we get to choose our next tech to research. There seems to be some support for Animal Husbandry given that we have a better-than-warrior military unit secured?

    Longer-term, that copper tile will be great once we can get it mined. It's currently at 1 food 2 hammers, the mine will add +3 hammers for a 5 hammer tile!

  • #2
    BTW, one consideration on tech choice...

    I'm not sure that we can get the copper to Berlin without a road. The river does not seem to count as touching the copper tile. And roads require The Wheel.

    Of course, Animal Husbandry already takes 10 turns to research. Spending an initial 7 on The Wheel would put the pig pasture a further ways into the future.


    • #3
      Would be a pity to lose simply because a silly warrior showed up at our undefended borders, but then if roads aren't yet needed Animal Husbandry is more important. I'll set up a similar situation in the World Builder when I get back from work in the morning to see if roads are needed.

      I guess the next city is a toss-up between hoarding all the copper in the region or getting access to stone.


      • #4
        We won't have either copper or another military tech in time for the completion of the worker, so a warrior will be our only option for a military build (and a good one I think, we indeed don't want to lose just because someone takes a chance with a warrior). We can have military, just not a unit better than 2 strength till we either hook up the copper or research Archery.


        • #5
          I advocated Animal Husbandry a few days ago, so I'll play devil's advocate now.

          If we can't be comfortable leaving our empire's defenses to a few warriors for the next 20+ turns (the time to research Animal Husbandry, then research The Wheel, then connect our copper, and then build an axeman or spearman), then we should research The Wheel right now.


          • #6
            Having messed around with the world builder to set up a situation similar to Berlin with a river entering the ocean at the corner of a copper tile, it seems we will definitely need The Wheel. Copper will not get hooked up to Berlin automatically in our case.


            • #7
              I prefer the wheel personally. Sooner we get axes, the better. Forget about archery for now.

              7 turns to wheel?

              Worker in 2 turns
              4 (5?) turns to mine the copper
              Now we have wheel, start AH: 10 turns
              2 turns to road copper, 2 turns to road 6 of the copper to connect copper.
              1 turn move 6-6 to forest, 4 turns chop an axeman. That puts us at 9 turn/10 for AH. Either road that tile or move to the pigs and skip as we would get AH the following turn.
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • #8
                Sounds like a plan.

                So, in the six available turns from when the worker is built to when we can start chopping out the axeman, shall we build a warrior?

                Berlin will grow to size 2 in about 9 or 10 turns.

                We are moving back the possibility of beginning to chop out a settler about 15 turns... The dilemna of security versus expansion is a tough decision, since we are crippled in our ability to expand by the very policies of the mercenary concept.

                EDIT: 500th post BTW. *hugs his internet family*
                Last edited by polarnomad; May 24, 2006, 12:38.


                • #9
                  We need at least 2 military units before we can think of building a settler anyway, we are not pushing that back.

                  I would say: Warrior, switch to axe in time for the chop bonus if warrior not finished. 2nd axe, aka settler escort build while we pasture the pigs, then Settler, MAYBE waiting till size 3 if we're a turn or two away from growth before the settler
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #10
                    Onwards to Turn 15 .

