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  • Turnplay

    Originally posted by polarnomad
    Received the save. Was tempted to play the turn and move the scout 8 9 as suggested, but then perhaps it is not my place... Still not sure about our rules concerning who plays the turns, and when. I got the impression it was going to be somewhat anarchic. How do we operate when there's some dispute about what to do next?

    Hmmm... perhaps this should be in its own thread.
    I believe UnO declared a while back that it would be anarchical; anyone who wants to be a turnplayer can be. (Heh, he declared anarchy. That's kinda ironic. ) I think it's a good rule myself.

    Under what circumstances the turn should be held is a good question. If there's a dispute that' s tied and/or without a majority, I'd say it should be held then. But what else?

    Awhile back I asked if people thought I was going too fast; it didn't seem uncommon for me and 1 other person to be the only ones commenting on the scout move before the next turn came. I didn't get any responses I recall though, so it somewhat slipped my mind. Personally, I'm okay with unit moves being decided by a minority of the team, so long as it's not an important one (such as commitment to battle, dealing with possible defensive battle, settler placement, this early on worker moves, etc.)

  • #2
    I think we can trust our own discrestion. Moving a scout 4 or 6 won't amount to a hill of beans in the long run. We should be able to recognize, though, those vitail, divisive decisions when they present themselves, and understand when to hold back.

    Besides, IMO, impleamenting a rule goes against that anarchist idealogy.
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    • #3
      As long as someone plays it ...
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        Ok, so I went ahead and played the turn since there seemed to be some consensus as to the scout's moves. However, the email address for vox seemed a little unclear. I sent the save to:

        millerjonathanandrew gmail


        verweg hotmail

        Is this the correct procedure?


        • #5
          Whoops, I was going to post the two addresses I have and then forgot when I actually made the post. Yep, those are the two addresses (+ those of Snoopy and Aeson) we send to right now; they're the boxes of Jon Miller and McMeadows respectively.


          • #6
            Oh, I didn't send it to Snoopy or Aeson...

            EDIT: Could you please post those? I see snoopy has a yahoo address, but I seem to remember him saying somewhere that he rarely checks it. As for Aeson, I have found nothing.
            Last edited by polarnomad; May 10, 2006, 23:00.


            • #7

              (it's a zero)


              • #8
                Thanks Aeson. I sent the save to both you and snoopy's yahoo.


                • #9
                  Automatic Holds?

                  So perhaps we could make a list of things that automatically require real consensus before the turn is played.

                  Couple things that spring to my mind are:

                  City placement
                  Technology research
                  City build queue creation


                  • #10
                    Re: Automatic Holds?

                    I've been sending to Snoopy's GMail,

                    I can't rememeber where I got that, but for some reason I think that's his prefered address.

                    Originally posted by polarnomad
                    So perhaps we could make a list of things that automatically require real consensus before the turn is played.

                    Couple things that spring to my mind are:

                    City placement
                    Technology research
                    City build queue creation
                    Yeah, I'd say those three things would all call for agreement at the moment I think. (Though as time moves on, city build queues may become less important.)

                    As OctavianX says, we should be able to trust our own discretions. Doesn't hurt to discuss what sorts of situations call for team agreement, though.


                    • #11
                      the snoopy gmail you posted is where he sent the first save to us from.


                      • #12
                        That is indeed my preferred address for these saves
                        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

