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Turn 7 - 3760 BC

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  • Turn 7 - 3760 BC

    We have a lot of new information. It looks like there might be possible chokepoints that would hold off people in the east thanks to mountains to our south. Of course, the south is full of jungle we'd need to clear out, and we have relatively little information about the land to our north.

    So, where does the scout go, both this turn and in the long term?

  • #2
    After getting that map from the hut, I think the scout should probably circle back north around Berlin - 8-9 this next turn, maybe.
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    • #3
      Received the save. Was tempted to play the turn and move the scout 8 9 as suggested, but then perhaps it is not my place... Still not sure about our rules concerning who plays the turns, and when. I got the impression it was going to be somewhat anarchic. How do we operate when there's some dispute about what to do next?

      Hmmm... perhaps this should be in its own thread.


      • #4
        Thoughts on the scout:

        How much do we want to risk missing a goody hut in the undiscovered square to the scout's west? If we don't like that risk, then we might consider moving the scout 7-(goody check)-9.

        How much do we care about quickly proceeding north? 8-(goody check)-9 would be good if that is our primary objective.

        How much do we care about scouting the coast to the east? If we want to assess the choke-ability of this neighborhood or the potential for placing our second city to the scout's northeast, then 8-(goody check)-6 might be good for a line-of-sight advantage.


        • #5
          Scout needs to get north.

          I'ld say 9 next turn for the sheer number of tiles it reveals. After that continue up the area west of the capitol and swing N.
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          • #6
            8-6 sounds good to me. 9 with a little bit more information before the second move, just in case we spot a bear or something.


            • #7
              8-6 looks good.

              map from huts do not reveal everything. There are still darken spots, we may find huts in those darken spots. but I agree we should move N and/or W.
              C3C ISDG Final Round : Actively Lurking


              • #8
                Moved scout 8 6. Screenshots in Turn 8 thread.
                Last edited by polarnomad; May 10, 2006, 01:53.

