It struck me that we can also "sell" Wonders.
*dodges nuclear handgrenade being thrown by UnO who shouts "No builderers!!!*
We don't actually have to build a Wonder to sell it, we just have to let others think we are going to.
Picture the scene: We tell a Fin/Ind/Org civ that we are one turn away from completing Great Lighthouse/Colussus (once we have appropriate tech, inputs and time for building - while we were actually building Axemen/whatever).
Since we move first, they have to believe us. Now we can sell that Wonder to someone. Lets say they buy it for 500 gold, we say we will switch away, and that lets them rush it to completion that turn.
Obviously, we need to find a buyer, because if our bluff is called that could be embarrasing - although we could claim we are holding off to do it again next turn. However, I think that most of the civs that want the bucks will be looking at those two Wonders and will go to any lengths to get them.
Has this been mentioned in the GP auction thread - I haven't looked at the threads yet. Perhaps we can spring it on people as a surprise during the game?
*dodges nuclear handgrenade being thrown by UnO who shouts "No builderers!!!*
We don't actually have to build a Wonder to sell it, we just have to let others think we are going to.
Picture the scene: We tell a Fin/Ind/Org civ that we are one turn away from completing Great Lighthouse/Colussus (once we have appropriate tech, inputs and time for building - while we were actually building Axemen/whatever).
Since we move first, they have to believe us. Now we can sell that Wonder to someone. Lets say they buy it for 500 gold, we say we will switch away, and that lets them rush it to completion that turn.
Obviously, we need to find a buyer, because if our bluff is called that could be embarrasing - although we could claim we are holding off to do it again next turn. However, I think that most of the civs that want the bucks will be looking at those two Wonders and will go to any lengths to get them.
Has this been mentioned in the GP auction thread - I haven't looked at the threads yet. Perhaps we can spring it on people as a surprise during the game?