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325 Bc

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  • #76
    Oh - and Will.............


    I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


    • #77
      As an exercise would it benefit anyone to start a thread to get opinions on what went wrong. Not to point fingers but to learn from?
      Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


      • #78
        From what I understand (as I was not here for the entire game) - Splits was founded before Mash?

        Too much distance hurts in maint costs.

        Not hooking up the copper immediatley and get axes......

        Trusting AC.

        Anything I missed?

        I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Nugog
          Oh - and Will.............


          Just so it doesn't seem like I'm not doing anything, here is what I have so far:

          It is bad time for the Banana. Years earlier a settling expedition was vicious attacked by a group of people known as the Alpha Centuarians. We had thought that they were our friends. We called for aid from the rest of the continent. Our calls were left unanswered due to another war. We tried to train a new army as quickly as possible. It helped that we had recently built a copper mine near The Mash. It didn't help to much since the enemy was made up mostly of Axe killing Cho-Ko-Nus and The Mash fell very soon. We switched our training to chariots. We gathered in our great capital, Bananapolis to decide on our next decision. As the enemy army approached us so we made the decision to take what could to our only other city, Splitsville. Our great leader, Addled Platypus, volunteered to stay and defend Bananapolis to give us as much time as possible.

          The year is 325 BC (Banana Count/Calendar). Addled Platypus committed suicide in Bananapolis years earlier to avoid being captured. An army of three Cho-Ko-Nu units was outside city. They had attacked us recently and we had lost our last remaining Axes. Even worse news was that two more units of Cho-Ko-Nus were on their way.

          The Banana War Room:

          "We have two choices," said General Nugog, "We may stay in this city like cowards until our last defenders are killed or we can go meet them on the hill and keep our honor. I vote to fight."

          Fed then spoke up, "I'm not sure what to do. I'll let everyone else decide."

          "I vote to fight!" said EPW with great eagerness.

          "What do you say, Will?" asked Nugog.

          I stood up and said "Prepare my armor! I'm ready to fight for freedom and honor!"

          "That is 3 votes for fight and 1 abstain. With 6 people that is enough. We fight!" said Nugog

          I spoke up again, "EPW and I were raised in that jungle they are hiding in. There is some good news about and some bad news. The good news is that a Crossbow bolt can't fire very far in the jungle. The bad news is that if they hide in the trees, they could fire on our heads and would it takes awhile to climb those trees. There is some good news, most of the trees are very hard to climb so I don't think they will have many up there."

          EPW then spoke up, "Will you are forgetting something. We lived in a village of 500 people, the only village in that jungle. The village is built in the treetops. We also have tons of zip lines connecting trees all though out the forest. The best part is that all of it is invisible from the ground being disguised in the high treetops of the jungle. The Centaurians probably don't even know about it yet. Also, the men of our village, which have all retreated to this city, are well trained in combat. We could lead an expedition of 100 men into the jungle at night and stay in treetops dropping down to ambush the Centuarians."

          "Are you sure they won't know of your village and other infrastructure in the treetops?" asked Wide Ass.

          "The Centaurians aren't planning on defending so they won't have looked in trees for ways to defend their land," responded EPW.

          "It seems like a good plan to me," said Daddy-O. "Does anyone object to it?"

          General Nugog spoke up, "EPW and Will go gather you villagers. Discuss your plan with them. Once you have decided on a plan come back and we'll work it into the main battle plan.

          EPW and I left.

          "So how many troops does AC have?” asked Wise Ass.

          "A Cho-Ko-Nu unit is 5,000 men," said Fed. "They have 3 units, but they are weakened from the last wave. The Chuk Noris unit is at 60% strength, the Home Guard unit is at 63% strength, and the Chukini unit is at 92% strength. That means they have about 11,000 men. How many do have General?"

          "We have 7 units of Chariots. Some are weakened so it is more like 6.5. A full Chariot unit is 2,000 men so we have about 13,000 men. We have numbers on our side, but they have better trained troops with defenders advantage. I give us a 15% chance of winning."

          "A 15% chance of winning on attack is better than a 0% chance if we stay here." said Daddy-O.

          "Here is my plan." said Nugog. "I predict that the Chukini unit will be waiting at the edge of the jungle for us. We will surely lose many in a charge on them so we must move quickly on the charge. Once we get close to them, they will surely retreat into the jungle. This is where the advantage comes to us despite us having to dismount at the jungle's edge. The jungle is too thick to fire a crossbow bolt very far. If they stop, they will have little time to fire and reload.”

          “Wait, don’t they have a rapid reloading mechanism?” interrupted Daddy-O.

          “It doesn’t work like it should in the humid jungle. Back to the plan, they have little experience in close combat, so if we get close to them, they are dead. Another advantage we have is that they are in more armor so we should be able to run faster than them. Although I fear that they will try to lure us into a trap with the other 2 Cho-Ko-Nu units on our sides. We will need to lower their ability to retreat."

          "How will we do that?" asked Fed.

          Nugog went to get a map of the area northwest of Splitsville. He made a line representing the Chukini unit. At the bottom of the hill, he made a line shaped like an L. "That is us. We will go forward while curving to the right. This should give the impression of a right flank attack. As we get close, the chariots in the back will start curving out to the left. This should urge them to retreat to center which should lead them straight to wear Will and EPW will be waiting."

          Daddy-O looked amazed at Nugog's and then spoke up "Wow, but how do know only the Chukini unit will come out of the jungle?"

          "It is the closet and the strongest. Also, if we go out at night they will have little time to get the Home Guard and Chuk Noris units by the time of the next day." replied Nugog.

          "Let's wait tell Will and EPW to confirm the plan."

          Once we got back we discussed the plan some more and decided on the following. The soldiers with be given extra banana today at night we ride out and once we get halfway between the jungle, we will stop and lay all the banana peels eaten earlier in the day in a pile. They are then to set on fire. The fire should distract AC lookouts enough that they won't EPW, me, and our fellow troops heading to cave a slight distance from the jungle's edge. This cave leads into the jungle. We would then go into the trees and ride our zip lines until we get to the center of the spot were the Centaurians were expected to retreat. The next day as soon as sun rises, the army would set out. Nugog will command the center himself. Wise Ass will command the right flank and Fed will command left flank that will give the surprise flank attack. Daddy-O will stay to prepare a citizen defense of Splitsville. After our army enters the jungle, they come to meet up with EPW and me. We would try to reform the army for the coming counter-attack.

          That night we left as planned. The fire was so massive that our workers from the far reaches the land still controlled by the Banana reported seeing a strange glow in the sky southeastern sky. We snuck over to the cave. We worried some that the lookouts would see our shadows, but the fire ended being a sight no one would take their eyes off. When we got out of the cave there was no one around since anyone within about 50 yards from the edge of jungle was looking at the fire. We quickly climbed the trees. We had markings on each tree that could tell where we were, so it wasn't that hard to find where we were going.

          The next morning, the Chukini unit had come out of the jungle as expected. Once the army had gotten into formation, Nugog gave a speech.

          "We are here today gathered around the banner of the peeled banana to fight for freedom. As long you don't surrender you will have your freedom. If you surrender, you will tortured until you agree to denounce the Great Banana (whose true name shall no be spoken) and to worship Yang and some star in the sky in the sky. Now, repeat what I say. Morto Alpha Centauri!"

          A scream came from the army, "Morto Alpha Centauri!!!!!"

          "Morto Yang!"

          "Morto Yang!!!!!"

          "Vivu la Boneco!"

          "Vivu la Boneco!!!!!"

          "Vivu la Banano!"

          "Vivu la Banano!!!!!"

          "Louder this time. Vivu la Banano!!"

          "Vivu la Banano!!!!!!!!"



          Nugog turned his chariot around, "For Freedom!!!" He began charging.

          "For Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!"

          The army went forward continuing chant "Freedom! Freedom!" It was said the screams had been so loud that no person in Splitsville was left awake and some Centaurians tried retreat, but were shot by their commanders.

          Back in the jungle, we got to our spot just as we heard the loud screams from the beginning of the charge. We waited as we heard the chariots come closer. We couldn't tell at the time, but the chariots were suffering huge casualties. Almost half of them died before they entered the jungle. The battle went by as Nugog had expected. The left flank attack did manage to get some Cho-Ku-Nus before they could retreat. As both flanks squeezed in, the Centaurians were forced to retreat into the middle.

          Back in the jungle, one person who had gone to scout the area came back to our waiting spot.

          "Vol [Vol is my name in ancient bananan], the Chuk Noris unit is closer than we expected. They should be here in a few minutes. I ordered the 5 people on this tree to start going to nearby trees and start warning people. We started strapping on our harnesses to start dropping down. We have ropes connected to a person at each end. For each pair of people there was a rope with a weight on the end that would generally be tied to a tree. First one person would drop down. When he was in trouble or needed a break, he would tug on the rope and the other person would take the weight and jump down. The other person would go up and start pulling the weight up so he could use it when the other person needed to go up. All of this was developed for hunting animals, so it should serve well for ambushing Centaurians.

          EPW was farthest away from the Chuk Noris was coming from, so he would give orders when the Centaurians got under him. The Centaurians came under us in a hurried unorganized rush. The tension built up as the Centaurians passed under us.

          Suddenly a cry of "Freedom!!!!!" came from behind us. Then people all around started yelling "Freedom!!!!!" and jumping down. My partner went down first. From what I could see the Centaurians were so surprised by our surprise attack that they started firing their Crossbows in random places with none hitting anyone. We outnumbered everywhere (most people fighting 3-1 plus people aiming at them) but luckily all of us were well trained with and good knives. The half of us that were still in the trees started watching and giving warnings to people who had partners who appeared to be trouble.

          Someone from a nearby tree then shouted at me, "Vol! Look there!" He was pointing at someone who was aiming straight at my partner. I jumped down and pulled my partner out trouble just in time. As soon as I reached the ground, 3 crossbow bolts nearly hit me and 2 Centaurians came running at me with their small axes. In the seconds I got between fighting, I could bodies all around, but few of ours. After a few minutes of fighting, everything seemed to calm down.

          "What happened Vol?"

          "I don't know, I guess it was only a scout or just the lead. Either way, need get back in the trees, the retreating part of the Chukini unit should be here soon." The people in the trees started pulling us up then.

          Back in the main battle, Nugog was running at the front of the army chasing the Centaurians. Just as predicted, stopping to reload and fire meant death although many people were forced to stop and fire by their commanders.

          There were orders to drop only on my orders. I had decided to let the first people pass through and wait tell the thicker crowds started coming. Once I felt it was time, I gave a scream "Death!!!" Once we got to the bottom, we were to cut the rope to let our partner pull up. Our partner would then tie the rope to the tree to use to decline himself. We knew that these troops would have loaded crossbows so knew that it would come down to pure melee fighting. We knew that it would be best if we had everyone could fighting for this.

          Back in Splitsville, the citizens of Splitsville had gathered in the city square where Daddy-O was about to give a speech.

          "Our army has left the city to defend the honor of the Great Banana (whose true name shall not be spoken). If our civilization wants to die with honor then our army can't be the only to sacrifice our lives. We must defend Splitsville ourselves. The only problem is we have no weapons. What we do have is a city made of wood. If you are willing to have your house taken apart for the defense of this great city, stay in this square if you aren't willing, leave and make sure we don't take it done." No person left the square. Daddy-O began instructing everyone certain things that needed to be done while taking the house down.

          "There is table at each corner of this square. Go there and you will be assigned a house to start taking down." Good city planning was coming in handy now. Each house had a number so it was easy to find which house you were assigned.

          As the taking down of houses was beginning in Splits, close fighting tough fighting was occurring in the jungle. Slowly we started moving further up towards the rush of retreating troops. They did start to try and go around us, but that made it harder for them to escape the main army.

          Then in the distance, we saw our own army with Nugog in the lead. As they got to us they stopped and someone blew a horn. Several other horns then went off in the distance and the rest of the army stopped. "General, how many do have left?"

          "7 to 8 thousand," responded Nugog. EPW and I then went to instruct our troops on how to organize the army.

          Several hours later, we finally got the army organized (Nugog and I were in the center, Fed and EPW were at the left, and Wise Ass was on the right) but the Centuarians still hadn't showed. Nugog seemed confused that they hadn't shown up yet. "Where are they? Are they going around us like cowards? Didn't you say you defeated a lead of the Chuk Noris unit? I expected we wouldn't even have enough time to organize the army"

          "I don't think even the Centuarians would sink that low. I think they are trying come up with a strategy now that they know what ours is."

          We waited and waited then waited some more. It was probably 4 in the afternoon when we suddenly heard a noise we'd come to hate. It was the horn of the Centuarians. It is a lower note than you could possibly imagine. It is enough to make a chill go up any spine. Nugog then gave the command to charge only on his orders.

          They slowly came forward to in columns that are straight they can be in the jungle. When twice the distance needed to for the Centuarians to fire remained, Nugog yelled, "Charge!" Horns went off all around as we started running. When only about 15 seconds of running time the first order of "Fire!" came out, people all around fell to the ground. As I feared, they had come up with a to beat us. At each order of fire, the people in front were to run to the back of the army and everyone else would take 4 rapid steps back. It ended taking us about 2 minutes to reach them. By this time a very large portion of our army was dead. Going by orders, as troop density got low, troops were to start heading towards the center. It didn't take much time for people to start heading towards us.

          Next is the death of Nugog. There are probably many sentances that are hard to read so please tell me. The numbers for troops in a unit are found here:
          Last edited by Will9; October 10, 2007, 17:20.
          The video may avatar is from


          • #80

            There are a few gramaticals etc - I will try and find some time to tidy it up......
            I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


            • #81
              I want to read it, I really do, but it seems sooooooooo.... LONG, I will soon though
              GC Magazine|Gamecatcher

