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Turn Player
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Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him|"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years
I'm willing to give this a go.
Yes, I am highly skilled at print screen.
Although I'll be honest, whilst I want to give this a go, the real reason I joined was to get a bunch of bananas next to my avatar."You are one of the cheerleaders for this wasting of time and the wasting of lives. Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives.
Let's pretend to be shocked that a gamer might descend into deeper depression, as his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess."
- Jack Thompson
I must not be turn player because I couldn't make the game jump from my computer to the computer(s) it must go to (and english is just my 4th language).
About screenshots,I just made it once,under extensive instrutions from Alva and a little help of my grand daughter,so...better don't.
Beside that,I am willing to play any roll.
I have the patch 1.52.
Best regards,