- settle rice city
- have worker nearby start farm on rice
- switch Tassagrad to Heroic Epic
- start making winery on the wine near Xian
- move workboat unto fish
- move worker near Bananapolis unto forest
- heal and promote units in the ruins of Splitsville
- advance the full health units towards rice farm/barb city
- whip Granary in Mhasa
Things to decide
- what promotion do we give to that medic guy then (it has one left and should be promoted to heal sooner)?
- settle rice city
- have worker nearby start farm on rice
- switch Tassagrad to Heroic Epic
- start making winery on the wine near Xian
- move workboat unto fish
- move worker near Bananapolis unto forest
- heal and promote units in the ruins of Splitsville
- advance the full health units towards rice farm/barb city
- whip Granary in Mhasa
Things to decide
- what promotion do we give to that medic guy then (it has one left and should be promoted to heal sooner)?