GS finished Monarhcy (can trade next turn), other than that, nothing special.
No announcement yet.
450 Bc
450 Bc
Last edited by binTravkin; September 9, 2007, 06:54.-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.Tags: None
Here's midturn.
I'm wondering if we should promote the chuck in the very south. It's 4.6/6, but in a forest over a river and having combat I so pretty invulnerable.Attached Files-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Sent it on. Promoted the southern chuck to shock, just to be sure axe can't get it. Realised afterwards, it would probably be better to promote it to combat II, as to fight chariots but anyways the chance any chariot can do anything good vs it is negligible (past river = +25%, in forest = 50%, 2 first strikes, Combat I, and 5.2/6 strength).-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
good, I have a screenshot of the battle area on my pc at home. I'll post it together with the skype turnchat log this evening (if it isn't posted yet by then).
What will we do with this southern chuck (Chuck Jeger) ?
-> Wait for reinforcements before entering banana territory...
-> Enter on his own and block/pillage some tiles...
Everything is running sig
I think we should enter through those forests.
We could also wait for one turn and heal it and enter in a stack of 3 (or of DOOM if you wish).
-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
By the way next turn we will be able to whip work boat in Hong Kong, which I think we should do as the overflow from it and the chop will go into granary finishing it up to 44/60.
Also, Mash is gonna produce Granary a couple of turns after chop there is done.
We should rename mash to something more chinese, along the lines of our other cities, or at least something funny along the lines of Tassagrad.-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
It is so renamed, but really, what does it mean?
I'd like something along the lines of 'victory' or somesuch-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Hmm, okay, well, sorry then.
But I still think that name is ugly-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Should we leave Bananapolis as it is (not rename) in honour of it's brave conversion to Yangism and staying in that faith even when the Banana elite started oppressing followers of the One True Yang?-- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
-- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Overview of the battlefield with our 5 attack chucks:
The skype turnchat :
[9/09/2007 3:13:06] Kataphraktoi : the turn is in i think
[9/09/2007 8:00:52] binTravkin : turn's in
[9/09/2007 10:52:43] |SafaN| : i'm here
[9/09/2007 10:58:05] binTravkin : check the turn
[9/09/2007 10:58:11] binTravkin : maybe you have some ideas I didn't
[9/09/2007 10:59:10] |SafaN| : there is nothing to react too
[9/09/2007 10:59:17] |SafaN| : so just troop movements
[9/09/2007 10:59:32] binTravkin : yup
[9/09/2007 10:59:47] binTravkin : How about moving the Bananpolis chuck south and axe north?
[9/09/2007 10:59:58] |SafaN| : just don't know if we leave bananapolis alone for a turn while the axe is moving north and the chuck south
[9/09/2007 11:00:00] |SafaN| : let me type :P
[9/09/2007 11:01:12] |SafaN| : i'm just scared they hoped on something like that and hid a chariot in the woods
[9/09/2007 11:01:35] binTravkin : it'd be easily detectable
[9/09/2007 11:01:51] binTravkin : LOS is quite enough for it
[9/09/2007 11:02:14] |SafaN| : for example they can have a chariot on the northern horse
[9/09/2007 11:02:49] binTravkin : horse?
[9/09/2007 11:02:52] binTravkin : or you mean cow
[9/09/2007 11:03:15] |SafaN| : cow yes
[9/09/2007 11:03:57] |SafaN| : buddism is cathing up on yangism
[9/09/2007 11:05:46] binTravkin : growth
[9/09/2007 11:05:57] binTravkin : we'll be ahead in very soon time
[9/09/2007 11:06:18] binTravkin : beijing + hong kong will grow like mad
[9/09/2007 11:06:40] |SafaN| : interesting we are 4th in pop and 1st or second for food, prod and gold each
[9/09/2007 11:07:17] |SafaN| : the voice is still voxian
[9/09/2007 11:07:36] binTravkin : yes, but that's gonna change as both Hong Kong and Beijing will be up to pop 8 in short time
[9/09/2007 11:08:19] |SafaN| : it tells us we have more improvements right?
[9/09/2007 11:08:45] binTravkin : what tells?
[9/09/2007 11:09:07] |SafaN| : well having less population that produce more
[9/09/2007 11:09:59] binTravkin : well, the actual pop is diferent
[9/09/2007 11:10:14] binTravkin : we have 4+3+3+1+1+1 actual pop
[9/09/2007 11:10:33] binTravkin : First the cities add a bit of production
[9/09/2007 11:10:46] binTravkin : and then, we mostly work bonus spots with that little pop
[9/09/2007 11:10:57] |SafaN| : oh ic
[9/09/2007 11:11:07] binTravkin : Sara was 7+3+2 I think
[9/09/2007 11:11:20] binTravkin : Mercs 3+4+3+4 or something like that
[9/09/2007 11:11:22] binTravkin : GS 5+4+5
[9/09/2007 11:12:20] binTravkin : we're 13 on actual pop
[9/09/2007 11:12:40] binTravkin : which is not much less than 14 for Mercs and GS
[9/09/2007 11:12:46] |SafaN| : true
[9/09/2007 11:14:05] binTravkin : I will send the turn on a bit later
[9/09/2007 11:14:13] binTravkin : with axe moving north, and everyone else south
[9/09/2007 11:15:18] |SafaN| : what you plan for the worker to do?
[9/09/2007 11:15:25] binTravkin : chop near mash
[9/09/2007 11:15:38] |SafaN| : uhu
[9/09/2007 11:17:55] binTravkin : we will be 480 score at the endturn
[9/09/2007 11:18:02] binTravkin : do you have turn open yet?
[9/09/2007 11:18:09] |SafaN| : yes
[9/09/2007 11:18:16] binTravkin : check if bananas have archery
[9/09/2007 11:18:23] |SafaN| : no they have not
[9/09/2007 11:18:43] binTravkin : idiots
[9/09/2007 11:18:43] binTravkin : lol
[9/09/2007 11:32:08] binTravkin : I didn't finish the thought about score
[9/09/2007 11:32:19] binTravkin : I was meaning that we need 4 extra pop and we'll be 500
[9/09/2007 11:32:24] binTravkin : or that tech exchange with GS
[9/09/2007 11:32:31] binTravkin : while noone else is even 400
[9/09/2007 11:32:39] binTravkin : same as with 400
[9/09/2007 11:32:51] binTravkin : we were 406 while closest was 296 I think
[9/09/2007 11:35:24] |SafaN| : then we are doing worse right?
[9/09/2007 11:35:41] |SafaN| : we had 25% advantage at 400, and only 20% at 500?
[9/09/2007 11:36:18] binTravkin : lol
[9/09/2007 11:36:33] binTravkin : Currently we are 486 vs 367
[9/09/2007 11:37:07] binTravkin : 27.5% more
[9/09/2007 11:37:23] binTravkin : at the endturn it will be 30.8% more
[9/09/2007 11:41:12] binTravkin : from now on we can expect 1 pop per 1-2 turns
[9/09/2007 11:41:22] binTravkin : which is like 5 score/turn
[9/09/2007 11:41:34] binTravkin : if we add wonders/culture/tech
[9/09/2007 11:41:44] binTravkin : if we do tech exchange with GS, we have +12 instantly
[9/09/2007 11:42:24] binTravkin : Most of our score advantage is based on wonders though
[9/09/2007 12:05:13] binTravkin : we have GP in 10 turns counting from now, that is in 300BC
[9/09/2007 12:05:26] binTravkin : the most chance is it will be Merchant
[9/09/2007 12:05:41] binTravkin : because our GPP allocation now is 4/2/2 with 4 for mercant
[9/09/2007 12:34:10] binTravkin : wanna see end/mid turn?
[9/09/2007 12:55:48] binTravkin : lol, old stuff coming up
[9/09/2007 13:01:35] binTravkin : anyone else looking at the turn?
[9/09/2007 13:04:20] PJayTycy : not yet
[9/09/2007 13:04:42] PJayTycy : should I ?
[9/09/2007 13:05:03] binTravkin : if you wish
[9/09/2007 13:05:09] binTravkin : but nothing special this turn
[9/09/2007 13:05:16] PJayTycy : what do you mean with odd stuff
[9/09/2007 13:05:23] binTravkin : old stuff
[9/09/2007 13:05:36] binTravkin : like from 3:26 and 4:13 am
[9/09/2007 13:05:43] binTravkin : while the stuff I post is much later one
[9/09/2007 13:07:48] PJayTycy : ah yes, skype often does weird things with the chat history
[9/09/2007 13:10:30] PJayTycy : so, did you switch back to missionary in tassagrad ?
[9/09/2007 13:11:41] PJayTycy : and how did you move Chuck Rock ? Along the road towards Mash, or straight towards splitsville (?
[9/09/2007 13:19:29] PJayTycy : what did you do with the damaged units ?
[9/09/2007 13:19:29] PJayTycy : Chuck Noris has 4.6/6 and can have 1 promotion, or heal for a turn so the 3 chucks move in one stack
[9/09/2007 13:19:29] PJayTycy : Chuck Jeger has 3.7/6 and can have 2 promotions. He can't heal by waiting, as he's behind the others
[9/09/2007 13:26:26] PJayTycy : The watermill next to Being is done
[9/09/2007 13:27:36] PJayTycy : But our new citizen will work the 0-4-0 mine I guess ?
[9/09/2007 13:31:24] PJayTycy : will we mine the desert hill near Being for 0-3-0 tile? Or will we start working 0-production sea tiles instead ?
[9/09/2007 13:44:21] binTravkin : oh, sorry, was afk
[9/09/2007 13:45:35] binTravkin : 1.yes missionary switched
[9/09/2007 13:45:35] binTravkin : 2.chuck rock by the road, it needs to heal a turn in mash
[9/09/2007 13:45:35] binTravkin : 3.Chuck norris is in the south, I should post a midturn
[9/09/2007 13:45:35] binTravkin : citizen will work the mine when it's born, but after that it should switch to sea tile
[9/09/2007 13:45:35] binTravkin : 5.sea tiles instead or lift an engineer
[9/09/2007 13:52:49] binTravkin : I posted the midturn
[9/09/2007 14:05:32] PJayTycy : so we will have +18 production / turn from now on in Being
[9/09/2007 14:44:16] binTravkin : no as I said, it should work sea
[9/09/2007 14:44:21] binTravkin : until we get max citizens
[9/09/2007 14:44:33] binTravkin : then we go full hammers, working that mine + an engineer + windmill
[9/09/2007 14:45:00] binTravkin : that way we will boost research up to currency while allowing for growthno sig