The turnchat log with some irrelevant parts (e.g. talk about fixing Foresters' cIV assets) striped out.
[2007.05.30. 18:26:18] bT : [18:25:04] Impaler : I'll see if Maniac or others can be persuaded
Well, Maniac is mostly away
[2007.05.30. 18:26:24] bT : Lacero should come in I think
[2007.05.30. 18:26:41] bT : mart probably
[2007.05.30. 18:26:51] Impaler : yes both
[2007.05.30. 18:27:15] Impaler : looks like Horde has only had the turn 3 hours
[2007.05.30. 18:27:26] Impaler : so could be a while before we get it
[2007.05.30. 18:27:31] bT : I mean writing
[2007.05.30. 18:27:43] bT : as I said, they have something urgent
[2007.05.30. 18:27:50] bT : Paddy is waiting for 3 ppl to come online
[2007.05.30. 18:28:15] Impaler : probably an incoming SOD
[2007.05.30. 18:28:16] bT : btw, what are your thoughts, what could those +13 techs be?
[2007.05.30. 18:28:25] bT : both for Sara and Merc
[2007.05.30. 18:28:34] bT : I bet one is Alpha
[2007.05.30. 18:28:49] Impaler : how many points is it worth?
[2007.05.30. 18:29:30] bT : variable
[2007.05.30. 18:29:33] bT : I think
[2007.05.30. 18:29:59] bT : at least in my understaning you can only know power points for sure
[2007.05.30. 18:30:09] bT : and deduce which era tech that is
[2007.05.30. 18:30:17] bT : PJay already said this is era 2
[2007.05.30. 18:30:51] Impaler : so Ironworking, Alphabet are typical 3nd era techs at this time
[2007.05.30. 18:31:53] bT : IW, Alpha, Maths, Monarchy, MC are all era 2
[2007.05.30. 18:32:19] bT : costs respectively 286, 429, 357, 429, 643
[2007.05.30. 18:32:35] bT : they must have researched Alpha/Maths
[2007.05.30. 18:33:27] Impaler : how do you figure, is that the only combo thats apropriate for the power incresse?
[2007.05.30. 18:36:31] ForesterSOF : Could not get the assets out of the cab
[2007.05.30. 18:39:58] bT : well, then backup the saves and reinstall
[2007.05.30. 18:40:00] bT : it aint so hard
[2007.05.30. 18:40:05] bT : [18:33:27] Impaler : how do you figure, is that the only combo thats apropriate for the power incresse?
[2007.05.30. 18:40:06] bT : I think
[2007.05.30. 18:40:18] bT : lemme find facts
[2007.05.30. 18:40:28] bT : okay
[2007.05.30. 18:40:31] bT : first the logical part
[2007.05.30. 18:42:56] bT : wow, actually I might be wrong
[2007.05.30. 18:42:57] bT : ====== : 0263 : +013 : era-2 tech discovered : 13 tech : ? (? in 21 turns)
[2007.05.30. 18:43:05] bT : that's Sarantium
[2007.05.30. 18:43:19] Impaler : ok
[2007.05.30. 18:44:05] bT : 0800 BC : 0261 : +013 : era-2 tech discovered : 12 tech : ? (? in 20 turns).
[2007.05.30. 18:44:07] bT : mercs
[2007.05.30. 18:44:23] bT : you dont do IW in 20 turns
[2007.05.30. 18:44:35] bT : at least not if you're big team like those two
[2007.05.30. 18:44:44] bT : so I think that's straight out
[2007.05.30. 18:44:53] bT : Monarchy - who wants it this early?
[2007.05.30. 18:45:13] Impaler : yea too early for monarchy
[2007.05.30. 18:45:14] bT : Maths - also a bit unlikely seeing those turn amounts being spent as:
[2007.05.30. 18:45:22] bT : 357/20 = <20
[2007.05.30. 18:45:29] bT : I doubt those guys have <20 GNP
[2007.05.30. 18:45:38] bT : really really doubt it
[2007.05.30. 18:45:58] bT : unless they switched something in the middle, which also seems of little likelyness
[2007.05.30. 18:46:07] bT : so it's Alpha and MC I guess
[2007.05.30. 18:46:16] Impaler : so perhaps their aiming for cats as GS is
[2007.05.30. 18:46:37] bT : well, as I said the likelyness of it being Maths is also pretty low
[2007.05.30. 18:46:43] bT : as the avg GNP is 25 or something
[2007.05.30. 18:46:49] bT : and 25*20 = 500
[2007.05.30. 18:47:02] bT : plus the modifier for optional prereqs
[2007.05.30. 18:47:36] Impaler : well lets think whats the total GNP of our continent then we can calculate the average of the other continent
[2007.05.30. 18:47:47] bT : our conti is
[2007.05.30. 18:47:59] bT : 42 + 27 + 10 + hmm
[2007.05.30. 18:48:38] bT : strange
[2007.05.30. 18:48:48] bT :
[2007.05.30. 18:48:58] bT : well, right that's 50 turn one
[2007.05.30. 18:49:18] bT : so it's like 42+27 +10 +12
[2007.05.30. 18:49:31] Impaler : this is the most resent GNP?
[2007.05.30. 18:49:35] bT : yeah
[2007.05.30. 18:49:58] bT : 22.75 avg we have
[2007.05.30. 18:50:09] bT : which means Banana and Vox is dragging us down
[2007.05.30. 18:50:44] Impaler : yea the average for us and GS is ~35
[2007.05.30. 18:50:58] bT : and I think they must be having no less than 25
[2007.05.30. 18:51:14] bT : okay, if that was more like 20 20 turns ago
[2007.05.30. 18:51:19] Impaler : Horde is weak to and probably lowers the other continents average
[2007.05.30. 18:51:44] bT : still, even Maths seems unlikely with these calculations
[2007.05.30. 18:51:59] Impaler : ok sounds reasonable
[2007.05.30. 18:51:59] bT : Alpha is there for sure - that's a tech I'd take and it's expensive
[2007.05.30. 18:52:23] bT : maybe one of them switched midway when got to know the other are doing alpha already
[2007.05.30. 18:52:32] bT : so one did alpha, the others math
[2007.05.30. 18:52:35] bT : that seems logical
[2007.05.30. 18:52:42] bT : them being philosophical (both)
[2007.05.30. 18:52:43] Impaler : why dont we see any incresse in our GNP from trade with Nanas?
[2007.05.30. 18:52:50] bT : next turn
[2007.05.30. 18:52:54] bT : I think
[2007.05.30. 18:53:10] Impaler : ok that should help close the gap for a bit
[2007.05.30. 18:54:44] Impaler : GS probably had a lot of cottages hit Village or town level when we see that surge
[2007.05.30. 18:55:28] Impaler : right when we were blowing out wonders they were GNP booming
[2007.05.30. 18:55:31] bT : not really
[2007.05.30. 18:55:36] bT : see those 2 great hops?
[2007.05.30. 18:55:40] bT : lately
[2007.05.30. 18:55:47] bT : those are silver mines
[2007.05.30. 18:55:53] bT : they have at least one I know of
[2007.05.30. 18:55:57] bT : we know of that is
[2007.05.30. 18:56:05] bT : they simply started working them
[2007.05.30. 18:56:11] Impaler : humm
[2007.05.30. 18:56:26] bT : silver mine is +6
[2007.05.30. 18:56:31] bT : or +7 if on river
[2007.05.30. 18:57:26] Impaler : their foods still high so I figured they were working lots of floodplain towns
[2007.05.30. 18:57:46] bT : yea, that + the mines
[2007.05.30. 18:59:12] bT : if we hadnt popped mc, we'd be dead meat in no time
[2007.05.30. 18:59:25] bT : with the terrain they have
[2007.05.30. 18:59:52] Impaler : yes well the RNG gave us our due
[2007.05.30. 21:27:29] PJayTycy : /just a note to tell I catched up with the chat
I have no real idea about the techs on the other continent
[2007.05.30. 21:46:32] bT : I checked Mercs intel
[2007.05.30. 21:46:34] bT : 2 era-2 techs
[2007.05.30. 21:46:44] bT : the first is quickie - 15 turns, so probably IW
[2007.05.30. 21:46:56] bT : the second is 20 turns, so alpha/mc I guess
[2007.05.30. 21:48:19] PJayTycy : so, you think they did IW between writing and alphabet
[2007.05.30. 21:48:30] bT : hm
[2007.05.30. 21:48:44] bT : I skipped the fact its writing
[2007.05.30. 21:48:52] bT : they might have made maths actually
[2007.05.30. 23:20:47] Impaler : looks like we got the turn has anyone opened it?
[2007.05.30. 23:21:48] bT : yes it's practically done
[2007.05.30. 23:21:53] bT : issues this turn was
[2007.05.30. 23:22:01] bT : where to move ax
[2007.05.30. 23:22:09] bT : that one guarding the road
[2007.05.30. 23:22:24] bT : I moved it back onto worker, if they do some scouting, it'll be concealed for now
[2007.05.30. 23:23:02] Impaler : yes on the worker is the point, defend the Peons!
[2007.05.30. 23:23:24] bT : left chuko at tassagrad fortified, the warrior up north near 4th site fortified, 2 units from Xian moving, scout moved according to the old plan (we should think how to continue movement though)
[2007.05.30. 23:24:00] Impaler : still in Open Borders with Nanas then?
[2007.05.30. 23:24:04] bT : yes
[2007.05.30. 23:24:11] bT : but they've built something this turn
[2007.05.30. 23:24:13] bT : a unit I guess
[2007.05.30. 23:24:18] bT : power up a little
[2007.05.30. 23:24:23] Impaler : how much?
[2007.05.30. 23:24:50] bT : well, some 3-4 points maybe
[2007.05.30. 23:24:57] bT : it's not an archer, the dont have archery
[2007.05.30. 23:25:14] Impaler : good, then its likley a Barracks or wall
[2007.05.30. 23:25:33] Impaler : or double warriors
[2007.05.30. 23:25:35] bT : wall aint so good actually +50% after all
[2007.05.30. 23:26:28] Impaler : only significant in their 3rd city, did our scout phisicaly see any buildings their before it moved?
[2007.05.30. 23:27:01] Impaler : the 1st and second will already have high enough culture that the wall will bost defences only slightly
[2007.05.30. 23:27:02] bT : humm
[2007.05.30. 23:27:10] bT : I'll open the start turn after I finish this
[2007.05.30. 23:27:13] bT : scores
[2007.05.30. 23:27:14] bT : Merc 267 -> 287
Vox 192 -> 243
GS 307 -> 313
Sara 263 -> 295
[2007.05.30. 23:27:41] Impaler : big jump for Vox their, Sarantium as well
[2007.05.30. 23:28:10] bT : Sara-merc is a trade apparently
[2007.05.30. 23:28:15] bT : but VOX ???
[2007.05.30. 23:29:17] Impaler : well their might be some delayed land score their but it would also seem likly that they got some thing else as well, any sighn that they got techs?
[2007.05.30. 23:29:44] Impaler : could be power from horse archer units as well
[2007.05.30. 23:29:55] Impaler : can you post updated graphs?
[2007.05.30. 23:31:24] bT : I can check now, I'll post 2moro, want to go sleep
[2007.05.30. 23:31:32] bT : 50 points is so huge
[2007.05.30. 23:31:41] bT : maybe they got next expansion for cap
[2007.05.30. 23:31:45] bT : +60%
[2007.05.30. 23:32:37] Impaler : land score is delayed remember, it might be combination of things across the board
[2007.05.30. 23:33:24] bT : but they dont seem to have any new tech
[2007.05.30. 23:33:27] bT : neither population
[2007.05.30. 23:33:30] Impaler : I'll look over the graphs but for now is their anything left to do before sending the turn?
[2007.05.30. 23:33:37] bT : no nre units
[2007.05.30. 23:33:45] bT : *new
[2007.05.30. 23:33:49] bT : no, I've done it
[2007.05.30. 23:34:15] Impaler : ok then give it the send off
[2007.05.30. 23:34:43] Impaler : throw down some graphs and hit the sack
[2007.05.30. 23:36:29] Impaler : do we have a turn thread yet? I'd post the screen shoots their if I were you or make one if we dont
[2007.05.30. 23:37:02] bT : we have, yes
[2007.05.30. 23:37:09] bT : I'll endturn save
[2007.05.30. 23:37:19] bT : screenshots and graphs 2moro eve
[2007.05.30. 23:38:29] bT : how do you like the latest comment of UnO
[2007.05.30. 23:38:30] bT : Unlike the AI, humans tend to sit and think: "Say, wasn't there a team banana in this game?" And invariably connect that to "I wonder how Alpha Centauri got so big"
[2007.05.30. 23:39:17] Impaler : whats he insinuating, tech trading between us, well that no big insight
[2007.05.30. 23:41:42] bT : no, i think he thinks there's a war
[2007.05.30. 23:41:59] bT : still, such guesses doesn't do any good to us
[2007.05.30. 23:42:07] bT : they work as warning of Bananas
[2007.05.30. 23:43:30] Impaler : well UnOrthodox is doing cross continental speculation and I think hes trying to allude to his own contient with members of our continent used alagoricaly
[2007.05.30. 23:44:02] Impaler : AC = Sarantium/Mec Banana = Horde
[2007.05.30. 23:44:28] bT : well, I dont and shouldnt care, such statements are simply messing in our politics
[2007.05.30. 23:44:44] bT : they can be very harmful
[2007.05.30. 23:44:54] bT :
[2007.05.30. 23:45:30] Impaler : I dont think it will be infuential in any way
[2007.05.30. 23:45:56] bT : it can give Bananas an idea, but well, there's nothing we can do about it anyway
[2007.05.30. 23:46:04] bT : forwarding the turn
[2007.05.30. 23:46:55] Impaler : cool, thats what a 3 hour turn around, your really driving down our average their BT
[2007.05.30. 23:47:26] Impaler : and it may make it seem less likley that were gearing up for war
[2007.05.30. 23:47:46] bT :
[2007.05.30. 23:47:55] bT : let's hope so
[2007.05.30. 23:48:19] bT : and let's hope Bananas aint building walls and aint getting Archery for as long as possible
[2007.05.30. 23:48:41] Impaler : 5 turns to war *giddy with antispation*
[2007.05.30. 23:49:02] Impaler : so we go up in GNP?
[2007.05.30. 23:49:48] Impaler : from that trade, it will be ashame to losse it again but its still what 36 commerce total in this window of peace
[2007.05.30. 23:50:22] bT : yes, we got +6 to GNP, but so did GS
[2007.05.30. 23:50:38] bT : we'll lose it only for a while
[2007.05.30. 23:51:13] Impaler : yes when the coastal working gets reved up we will shoot up in GNP
[2007.05.30. 23:51:48] bT : Banana 3rd city if we leave it intact will come productive in a few turns (2-4 likely), whereas we can quickly improve it and get set for production and commerce. Our 4th will be settled soon too
[2007.05.30. 23:52:02] Impaler : how soon do you think we can do that in Beijing? Id really like to see us exploit the collosus fully
[2007.05.30. 23:52:41] bT : as soon as lighthouse is done
[2007.05.30. 23:52:53] bT : depends on whether we want that sword or not
[2007.05.30. 23:52:55] Impaler : were still planning that fishing boat in Bejing to synch with new city right?
[2007.05.30. 23:53:01] bT : Im leaning towards not atm
[2007.05.30. 23:53:13] bT : the fishing boat was just produced
[2007.05.30. 23:53:22] bT : it will start its voyage next turn
[2007.05.30. 23:53:27] Impaler : excelent
[2007.05.30. 23:53:43] Impaler : I think its ~6 turns to reach the fish
[2007.05.30. 23:53:56] bT : a bit more - 8, but no biggie
[2007.05.30. 23:54:07] Impaler : plus any delay in exploring that desert island
[2007.05.30. 23:54:08] bT : I'll open the turn start and check Banana for structures
[2007.05.30. 23:54:16] bT : no, we better not delay
[2007.05.30. 23:54:27] bT : we can have some exploration without delay
[2007.05.30. 23:54:37] Impaler : you dont recall any structures in that city last turn do you?
[2007.05.30. 23:54:40] bT : it's coast over there and we can make a big zig-zag west
[2007.05.30. 23:54:50] bT : I'll check now
[2007.05.30. 23:55:12] Impaler : just to make sure that anything this turn is truly *new*
[0:01:22] bT : it appears that 3rd city has nothing new in it
[0:02:09] Impaler : good
[0:03:23] Impaler : well I think you should go get some rest BT, we can do a post send analysis and planning tommorrow, perhaps post an invite for everyone to get on Skype tomorrow morning for it
[0:04:54] bT : Ok, Provisoori said he'll open the turn 2moro morning
[0:05:08] bT : We're really getting it to move
[0:06:13] Impaler : yep and its good for our war plans, folks might not be as attentive or notice our buildup
[0:06:42] Impaler : and its good for the game overall, more speed, more activity etc etc
[0:06:49] bT : damn
[0:06:58] bT : that nugog guy joined Banana in the end
[0:07:12] Impaler : no big deal
[0:07:23] bT : we'll see
[0:07:44] Impaler : like I said new players wont cause much impact at this stage
[0:08:08] Impaler : by the way are you in favor of assimilating all the Banana players once we capture them?
[0:10:01] Impaler : I say the more the merrier, they have turn players that can prove usefull and though they may not be the best strategists the play style we use wont be draged down by having more members
[0:13:46] bT : Im a little concerned about security
[0:14:27] Impaler : well they would need to take an oath of loyalty
[0:14:28] bT : some of them might have anti AC feelings and spill some information on fertile grounds
[0:14:38] bT : hmm, well probably
[0:14:50] bT : fed and platy are welcome I'd say
[0:15:06] Impaler : I think we should present them with a one time choice, throw their lot in with us or join another team
[0:15:32] bT : yeah, once we eliminate them
[0:15:43] Impaler : the fact we will be very high on score will encourage them to join us
[0:15:54] Impaler : some might want to go to GS though
[0:16:16] Impaler : cant see anyone going to Vox just to get conquered all over again
[0:18:00] bT : Ok, Im now off, will be back on early 2moro
[0:18:10] Impaler : k
[0:18:18] bT : We migh not be getting the turn to Vox this week before weekend
[0:18:25] bT : but I hope emperor will help
[0:18:27] Impaler : oh one last thing should I talk to JM?
[0:18:39] bT : and stop GS until we arrive
[0:18:50] Impaler : offer friendly congrats on score hope he brags on some details?
[0:18:56] bT : yeah, why not
[0:19:06] bT : but dont give away too much
[0:19:14] bT : this is a critical time for us
[0:19:15] Impaler : certainly
[10:06:14] PJayTycy : catched up with the chat again
[10:06:44] PJayTycy : I won't be able to do score analysis this evening, their's friends coming to our home
[10:08:41] PJayTycy : however, Vox got +45 due to their land expansion 20 turns ago (from 37 land -> 61 land)
[10:08:54] PJayTycy : so that explains almost their complete score jump
Well, Maniac is mostly away
[2007.05.30. 18:26:24] bT : Lacero should come in I think
[2007.05.30. 18:26:41] bT : mart probably
[2007.05.30. 18:26:51] Impaler : yes both
[2007.05.30. 18:27:15] Impaler : looks like Horde has only had the turn 3 hours
[2007.05.30. 18:27:26] Impaler : so could be a while before we get it
[2007.05.30. 18:27:31] bT : I mean writing
[2007.05.30. 18:27:43] bT : as I said, they have something urgent
[2007.05.30. 18:27:50] bT : Paddy is waiting for 3 ppl to come online
[2007.05.30. 18:28:15] Impaler : probably an incoming SOD
[2007.05.30. 18:28:16] bT : btw, what are your thoughts, what could those +13 techs be?
[2007.05.30. 18:28:25] bT : both for Sara and Merc
[2007.05.30. 18:28:34] bT : I bet one is Alpha
[2007.05.30. 18:28:49] Impaler : how many points is it worth?
[2007.05.30. 18:29:30] bT : variable
[2007.05.30. 18:29:33] bT : I think
[2007.05.30. 18:29:59] bT : at least in my understaning you can only know power points for sure
[2007.05.30. 18:30:09] bT : and deduce which era tech that is
[2007.05.30. 18:30:17] bT : PJay already said this is era 2
[2007.05.30. 18:30:51] Impaler : so Ironworking, Alphabet are typical 3nd era techs at this time
[2007.05.30. 18:31:53] bT : IW, Alpha, Maths, Monarchy, MC are all era 2
[2007.05.30. 18:32:19] bT : costs respectively 286, 429, 357, 429, 643
[2007.05.30. 18:32:35] bT : they must have researched Alpha/Maths
[2007.05.30. 18:33:27] Impaler : how do you figure, is that the only combo thats apropriate for the power incresse?
[2007.05.30. 18:36:31] ForesterSOF : Could not get the assets out of the cab
[2007.05.30. 18:39:58] bT : well, then backup the saves and reinstall

[2007.05.30. 18:40:00] bT : it aint so hard
[2007.05.30. 18:40:05] bT : [18:33:27] Impaler : how do you figure, is that the only combo thats apropriate for the power incresse?
[2007.05.30. 18:40:06] bT : I think
[2007.05.30. 18:40:18] bT : lemme find facts
[2007.05.30. 18:40:28] bT : okay
[2007.05.30. 18:40:31] bT : first the logical part
[2007.05.30. 18:42:56] bT : wow, actually I might be wrong
[2007.05.30. 18:42:57] bT : ====== : 0263 : +013 : era-2 tech discovered : 13 tech : ? (? in 21 turns)
[2007.05.30. 18:43:05] bT : that's Sarantium
[2007.05.30. 18:43:19] Impaler : ok
[2007.05.30. 18:44:05] bT : 0800 BC : 0261 : +013 : era-2 tech discovered : 12 tech : ? (? in 20 turns).
[2007.05.30. 18:44:07] bT : mercs
[2007.05.30. 18:44:23] bT : you dont do IW in 20 turns
[2007.05.30. 18:44:35] bT : at least not if you're big team like those two
[2007.05.30. 18:44:44] bT : so I think that's straight out
[2007.05.30. 18:44:53] bT : Monarchy - who wants it this early?
[2007.05.30. 18:45:13] Impaler : yea too early for monarchy
[2007.05.30. 18:45:14] bT : Maths - also a bit unlikely seeing those turn amounts being spent as:
[2007.05.30. 18:45:22] bT : 357/20 = <20
[2007.05.30. 18:45:29] bT : I doubt those guys have <20 GNP
[2007.05.30. 18:45:38] bT : really really doubt it
[2007.05.30. 18:45:58] bT : unless they switched something in the middle, which also seems of little likelyness
[2007.05.30. 18:46:07] bT : so it's Alpha and MC I guess
[2007.05.30. 18:46:16] Impaler : so perhaps their aiming for cats as GS is
[2007.05.30. 18:46:37] bT : well, as I said the likelyness of it being Maths is also pretty low
[2007.05.30. 18:46:43] bT : as the avg GNP is 25 or something
[2007.05.30. 18:46:49] bT : and 25*20 = 500
[2007.05.30. 18:47:02] bT : plus the modifier for optional prereqs
[2007.05.30. 18:47:36] Impaler : well lets think whats the total GNP of our continent then we can calculate the average of the other continent
[2007.05.30. 18:47:47] bT : our conti is
[2007.05.30. 18:47:59] bT : 42 + 27 + 10 + hmm
[2007.05.30. 18:48:38] bT : strange
[2007.05.30. 18:48:48] bT :
[2007.05.30. 18:48:58] bT : well, right that's 50 turn one
[2007.05.30. 18:49:18] bT : so it's like 42+27 +10 +12
[2007.05.30. 18:49:31] Impaler : this is the most resent GNP?
[2007.05.30. 18:49:35] bT : yeah
[2007.05.30. 18:49:58] bT : 22.75 avg we have
[2007.05.30. 18:50:09] bT : which means Banana and Vox is dragging us down
[2007.05.30. 18:50:44] Impaler : yea the average for us and GS is ~35
[2007.05.30. 18:50:58] bT : and I think they must be having no less than 25
[2007.05.30. 18:51:14] bT : okay, if that was more like 20 20 turns ago
[2007.05.30. 18:51:19] Impaler : Horde is weak to and probably lowers the other continents average
[2007.05.30. 18:51:44] bT : still, even Maths seems unlikely with these calculations
[2007.05.30. 18:51:59] Impaler : ok sounds reasonable
[2007.05.30. 18:51:59] bT : Alpha is there for sure - that's a tech I'd take and it's expensive
[2007.05.30. 18:52:23] bT : maybe one of them switched midway when got to know the other are doing alpha already
[2007.05.30. 18:52:32] bT : so one did alpha, the others math
[2007.05.30. 18:52:35] bT : that seems logical
[2007.05.30. 18:52:42] bT : them being philosophical (both)
[2007.05.30. 18:52:43] Impaler : why dont we see any incresse in our GNP from trade with Nanas?
[2007.05.30. 18:52:50] bT : next turn
[2007.05.30. 18:52:54] bT : I think
[2007.05.30. 18:53:10] Impaler : ok that should help close the gap for a bit
[2007.05.30. 18:54:44] Impaler : GS probably had a lot of cottages hit Village or town level when we see that surge
[2007.05.30. 18:55:28] Impaler : right when we were blowing out wonders they were GNP booming
[2007.05.30. 18:55:31] bT : not really
[2007.05.30. 18:55:36] bT : see those 2 great hops?
[2007.05.30. 18:55:40] bT : lately
[2007.05.30. 18:55:47] bT : those are silver mines
[2007.05.30. 18:55:53] bT : they have at least one I know of
[2007.05.30. 18:55:57] bT : we know of that is
[2007.05.30. 18:56:05] bT : they simply started working them
[2007.05.30. 18:56:11] Impaler : humm
[2007.05.30. 18:56:26] bT : silver mine is +6
[2007.05.30. 18:56:31] bT : or +7 if on river
[2007.05.30. 18:57:26] Impaler : their foods still high so I figured they were working lots of floodplain towns
[2007.05.30. 18:57:46] bT : yea, that + the mines
[2007.05.30. 18:59:12] bT : if we hadnt popped mc, we'd be dead meat in no time
[2007.05.30. 18:59:25] bT : with the terrain they have
[2007.05.30. 18:59:52] Impaler : yes well the RNG gave us our due

[2007.05.30. 21:27:29] PJayTycy : /just a note to tell I catched up with the chat

[2007.05.30. 21:46:32] bT : I checked Mercs intel
[2007.05.30. 21:46:34] bT : 2 era-2 techs
[2007.05.30. 21:46:44] bT : the first is quickie - 15 turns, so probably IW
[2007.05.30. 21:46:56] bT : the second is 20 turns, so alpha/mc I guess
[2007.05.30. 21:48:19] PJayTycy : so, you think they did IW between writing and alphabet
[2007.05.30. 21:48:30] bT : hm
[2007.05.30. 21:48:44] bT : I skipped the fact its writing
[2007.05.30. 21:48:52] bT : they might have made maths actually
[2007.05.30. 23:20:47] Impaler : looks like we got the turn has anyone opened it?
[2007.05.30. 23:21:48] bT : yes it's practically done
[2007.05.30. 23:21:53] bT : issues this turn was
[2007.05.30. 23:22:01] bT : where to move ax
[2007.05.30. 23:22:09] bT : that one guarding the road
[2007.05.30. 23:22:24] bT : I moved it back onto worker, if they do some scouting, it'll be concealed for now
[2007.05.30. 23:23:02] Impaler : yes on the worker is the point, defend the Peons!
[2007.05.30. 23:23:24] bT : left chuko at tassagrad fortified, the warrior up north near 4th site fortified, 2 units from Xian moving, scout moved according to the old plan (we should think how to continue movement though)
[2007.05.30. 23:24:00] Impaler : still in Open Borders with Nanas then?
[2007.05.30. 23:24:04] bT : yes
[2007.05.30. 23:24:11] bT : but they've built something this turn
[2007.05.30. 23:24:13] bT : a unit I guess
[2007.05.30. 23:24:18] bT : power up a little
[2007.05.30. 23:24:23] Impaler : how much?
[2007.05.30. 23:24:50] bT : well, some 3-4 points maybe
[2007.05.30. 23:24:57] bT : it's not an archer, the dont have archery
[2007.05.30. 23:25:14] Impaler : good, then its likley a Barracks or wall
[2007.05.30. 23:25:33] Impaler : or double warriors
[2007.05.30. 23:25:35] bT : wall aint so good actually +50% after all

[2007.05.30. 23:26:28] Impaler : only significant in their 3rd city, did our scout phisicaly see any buildings their before it moved?
[2007.05.30. 23:27:01] Impaler : the 1st and second will already have high enough culture that the wall will bost defences only slightly
[2007.05.30. 23:27:02] bT : humm
[2007.05.30. 23:27:10] bT : I'll open the start turn after I finish this
[2007.05.30. 23:27:13] bT : scores
[2007.05.30. 23:27:14] bT : Merc 267 -> 287
Vox 192 -> 243
GS 307 -> 313
Sara 263 -> 295
[2007.05.30. 23:27:41] Impaler : big jump for Vox their, Sarantium as well
[2007.05.30. 23:28:10] bT : Sara-merc is a trade apparently
[2007.05.30. 23:28:15] bT : but VOX ???
[2007.05.30. 23:29:17] Impaler : well their might be some delayed land score their but it would also seem likly that they got some thing else as well, any sighn that they got techs?
[2007.05.30. 23:29:44] Impaler : could be power from horse archer units as well
[2007.05.30. 23:29:55] Impaler : can you post updated graphs?
[2007.05.30. 23:31:24] bT : I can check now, I'll post 2moro, want to go sleep
[2007.05.30. 23:31:32] bT : 50 points is so huge
[2007.05.30. 23:31:41] bT : maybe they got next expansion for cap
[2007.05.30. 23:31:45] bT : +60%
[2007.05.30. 23:32:37] Impaler : land score is delayed remember, it might be combination of things across the board
[2007.05.30. 23:33:24] bT : but they dont seem to have any new tech
[2007.05.30. 23:33:27] bT : neither population
[2007.05.30. 23:33:30] Impaler : I'll look over the graphs but for now is their anything left to do before sending the turn?
[2007.05.30. 23:33:37] bT : no nre units
[2007.05.30. 23:33:45] bT : *new
[2007.05.30. 23:33:49] bT : no, I've done it
[2007.05.30. 23:34:15] Impaler : ok then give it the send off
[2007.05.30. 23:34:43] Impaler : throw down some graphs and hit the sack

[2007.05.30. 23:36:29] Impaler : do we have a turn thread yet? I'd post the screen shoots their if I were you or make one if we dont
[2007.05.30. 23:37:02] bT : we have, yes
[2007.05.30. 23:37:09] bT : I'll endturn save
[2007.05.30. 23:37:19] bT : screenshots and graphs 2moro eve
[2007.05.30. 23:38:29] bT : how do you like the latest comment of UnO
[2007.05.30. 23:38:30] bT : Unlike the AI, humans tend to sit and think: "Say, wasn't there a team banana in this game?" And invariably connect that to "I wonder how Alpha Centauri got so big"
[2007.05.30. 23:39:17] Impaler : whats he insinuating, tech trading between us, well that no big insight
[2007.05.30. 23:41:42] bT : no, i think he thinks there's a war
[2007.05.30. 23:41:59] bT : still, such guesses doesn't do any good to us
[2007.05.30. 23:42:07] bT : they work as warning of Bananas
[2007.05.30. 23:43:30] Impaler : well UnOrthodox is doing cross continental speculation and I think hes trying to allude to his own contient with members of our continent used alagoricaly
[2007.05.30. 23:44:02] Impaler : AC = Sarantium/Mec Banana = Horde
[2007.05.30. 23:44:28] bT : well, I dont and shouldnt care, such statements are simply messing in our politics
[2007.05.30. 23:44:44] bT : they can be very harmful
[2007.05.30. 23:44:54] bT :

[2007.05.30. 23:45:30] Impaler : I dont think it will be infuential in any way
[2007.05.30. 23:45:56] bT : it can give Bananas an idea, but well, there's nothing we can do about it anyway
[2007.05.30. 23:46:04] bT : forwarding the turn
[2007.05.30. 23:46:55] Impaler : cool, thats what a 3 hour turn around, your really driving down our average their BT
[2007.05.30. 23:47:26] Impaler : and it may make it seem less likley that were gearing up for war
[2007.05.30. 23:47:46] bT :

[2007.05.30. 23:47:55] bT : let's hope so
[2007.05.30. 23:48:19] bT : and let's hope Bananas aint building walls and aint getting Archery for as long as possible

[2007.05.30. 23:48:41] Impaler : 5 turns to war *giddy with antispation*
[2007.05.30. 23:49:02] Impaler : so we go up in GNP?
[2007.05.30. 23:49:48] Impaler : from that trade, it will be ashame to losse it again but its still what 36 commerce total in this window of peace
[2007.05.30. 23:50:22] bT : yes, we got +6 to GNP, but so did GS
[2007.05.30. 23:50:38] bT : we'll lose it only for a while
[2007.05.30. 23:51:13] Impaler : yes when the coastal working gets reved up we will shoot up in GNP
[2007.05.30. 23:51:48] bT : Banana 3rd city if we leave it intact will come productive in a few turns (2-4 likely), whereas we can quickly improve it and get set for production and commerce. Our 4th will be settled soon too
[2007.05.30. 23:52:02] Impaler : how soon do you think we can do that in Beijing? Id really like to see us exploit the collosus fully
[2007.05.30. 23:52:41] bT : as soon as lighthouse is done
[2007.05.30. 23:52:53] bT : depends on whether we want that sword or not
[2007.05.30. 23:52:55] Impaler : were still planning that fishing boat in Bejing to synch with new city right?
[2007.05.30. 23:53:01] bT : Im leaning towards not atm
[2007.05.30. 23:53:13] bT : the fishing boat was just produced

[2007.05.30. 23:53:22] bT : it will start its voyage next turn
[2007.05.30. 23:53:27] Impaler : excelent
[2007.05.30. 23:53:43] Impaler : I think its ~6 turns to reach the fish
[2007.05.30. 23:53:56] bT : a bit more - 8, but no biggie
[2007.05.30. 23:54:07] Impaler : plus any delay in exploring that desert island
[2007.05.30. 23:54:08] bT : I'll open the turn start and check Banana for structures
[2007.05.30. 23:54:16] bT : no, we better not delay
[2007.05.30. 23:54:27] bT : we can have some exploration without delay
[2007.05.30. 23:54:37] Impaler : you dont recall any structures in that city last turn do you?
[2007.05.30. 23:54:40] bT : it's coast over there and we can make a big zig-zag west
[2007.05.30. 23:54:50] bT : I'll check now
[2007.05.30. 23:55:12] Impaler : just to make sure that anything this turn is truly *new*
[0:01:22] bT : it appears that 3rd city has nothing new in it
[0:02:09] Impaler : good
[0:03:23] Impaler : well I think you should go get some rest BT, we can do a post send analysis and planning tommorrow, perhaps post an invite for everyone to get on Skype tomorrow morning for it
[0:04:54] bT : Ok, Provisoori said he'll open the turn 2moro morning
[0:05:08] bT : We're really getting it to move

[0:06:13] Impaler : yep and its good for our war plans, folks might not be as attentive or notice our buildup
[0:06:42] Impaler : and its good for the game overall, more speed, more activity etc etc
[0:06:49] bT : damn
[0:06:58] bT : that nugog guy joined Banana in the end
[0:07:12] Impaler : no big deal
[0:07:23] bT : we'll see
[0:07:44] Impaler : like I said new players wont cause much impact at this stage
[0:08:08] Impaler : by the way are you in favor of assimilating all the Banana players once we capture them?
[0:10:01] Impaler : I say the more the merrier, they have turn players that can prove usefull and though they may not be the best strategists the play style we use wont be draged down by having more members
[0:13:46] bT : Im a little concerned about security
[0:14:27] Impaler : well they would need to take an oath of loyalty
[0:14:28] bT : some of them might have anti AC feelings and spill some information on fertile grounds
[0:14:38] bT : hmm, well probably

[0:14:50] bT : fed and platy are welcome I'd say
[0:15:06] Impaler : I think we should present them with a one time choice, throw their lot in with us or join another team
[0:15:32] bT : yeah, once we eliminate them

[0:15:43] Impaler : the fact we will be very high on score will encourage them to join us
[0:15:54] Impaler : some might want to go to GS though
[0:16:16] Impaler : cant see anyone going to Vox just to get conquered all over again
[0:18:00] bT : Ok, Im now off, will be back on early 2moro
[0:18:10] Impaler : k
[0:18:18] bT : We migh not be getting the turn to Vox this week before weekend
[0:18:25] bT : but I hope emperor will help
[0:18:27] Impaler : oh one last thing should I talk to JM?
[0:18:39] bT : and stop GS until we arrive
[0:18:50] Impaler : offer friendly congrats on score hope he brags on some details?
[0:18:56] bT : yeah, why not
[0:19:06] bT : but dont give away too much
[0:19:14] bT : this is a critical time for us
[0:19:15] Impaler : certainly
[10:06:14] PJayTycy : catched up with the chat again

[10:06:44] PJayTycy : I won't be able to do score analysis this evening, their's friends coming to our home
[10:08:41] PJayTycy : however, Vox got +45 due to their land expansion 20 turns ago (from 37 land -> 61 land)
[10:08:54] PJayTycy : so that explains almost their complete score jump