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turn 78 : 950 BC

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  • turn 78 : 950 BC

    Just opened the turn:

    => our scout was not next to GS' border, but on the coast. bt, I thought you said you'd peek in GS' territory in the other thread?
    We can continue along the coast now, or go back to GS' border. Going back to the hill next to GS' culture means a 3-turn roundtrip for what could have been done in 1 turn.

    So, I have not yet moved the scout.

    => The axeman in Xian : should he move towards the settling spot (needs 3 turns to get there) ? Some people said to wait with that in the previous turn, because settler will be delayed due to wonders.

    So, I have not yet moved the axe in Xian.

    => Workers : iron mine was finished, 2 workers was enough to instabuild a road there. They are free to move to a forest-to-be-chopped-for-the-oracle next turn. Iron is connected.

    => Xian : forge finished, started baracks. Population stagnant at 3 pop

    => Being : still starving (-1 food / turn, we have 15 food in the granary) due to unhappiness. Oracle is at 33/150, with +19 hammers/turn. Completely on track with bt's scheme here:
    turn hammers remark
    0 0/150 switch to Oracle
    1 14/150 unhapiness expires
    2 33/150
    3 52/150
    4 71/150 whip
    => Tassagrad : continues to create our third worker. 28/60 done, +14/turn.

    So, to send this turn on, all we have to do is decide
    *) where to move our scout : Coast <=> GS territory
    *) do we move our axe north now or keep him in Xian for a while?

    My choices would be:
    scout => coast : Although I was in favour of scouting GS territory in the previous turn, I'm against zig-zagging with units and we have GS' territory in the screenshot they sent us (we just won't know if there's any special resources).
    axe => go north now : it's better to be early than to be late. If we get killed now, it's not so bad as when we are guarding a settler.
    Attached Files
    no sig

  • #2
    I managed 1 minute faster.

    => our scout was not next to GS' border, but on the coast. bt, I thought you said you'd peek in GS' territory in the other thread?
    Well I asked for opinions and I thought the majority wanted to continue along the coast.

    => The axeman in Xian : should he move towards the settling spot (needs 3 turns to get there) ? Some people said to wait with that in the previous turn, because settler will be delayed due to wonders.
    I moved it in the file I opened, so I guess we'll need to move it anyway. Nothing bad here really, clearing some fog before settler entering the scene can only be good.

    *) where to move our scout : Coast <=> GS territory
    *) do we move our axe north now or keep him in Xian for a while?
    Move the scout 2 times SW (I did this in my file, so I guess we need to be synchronous not to break the rules, besides it's faster exploration ).
    Move axe north, he can't be of any help at Xi'an.
    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


    • #3
      Foreign intelligence:

      Banana discovered polytheism : (143 in 7 turns) +7 points : 257 => 264
      Horde discovered a tech : +6 points : 176 => 182
      no sig


      • #4
        Banana discovered polytheism : (143 in 7 turns) +7 points : 257 => 264
        Gah, the dumbasses!
        They could've traded it and researched something more useful instead.
        They must be aiming for Monotheism now..
        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


        • #5
          Originally posted by binTravkin
          I managed 1 minute faster.
          Well, as you moved more units than I did, we have to continue with your save ofcourse. You did the moves I proposed too, so that's good

          Especially the land oversea you discovered near GS might be valuable. Is it worth going one tile north again next turn to reveal more of it? (I guess not, we probably won't see a thing anyway)

          I guess we can send the turn on already? Nothing else to do...
          no sig


          • #6
            Originally posted by binTravkin

            Gah, the dumbasses!
            They could've traded it and researched something more useful instead.
            They must be aiming for Monotheism now..
            Remember we are not allowed to trade it to them (we got it from GS) and GS can not trade it to them (they don't have alphabet yet). Banana doesn't know we have an agreement with GS to exchange alphabet<=>maths.
            no sig


            • #7
              Yes, we can.
              Last time I delayed the turn was because Impaler said he'd do some diplomacy about Maths, but we'll need to scramble anyway, so no need to delay.

              Going north is unlikely to reveal anything valuable, but the fact we see so many coast tiles over water might mean, there's continent over there.
              Even if there isn't, it raises the value of naval exploration in close future.
              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


              • #8
                Originally posted by binTravkin
                Yes, we can.
                Last time I delayed the turn was because Impaler said he'd do some diplomacy about Maths, but we'll need to scramble anyway, so no need to delay.
                So, uhm, will you send it on ?
                no sig

